Vocabulary for Unit 7
Define the following vocabulary terms
Chapter 27
- De jure segregation
- De facto segregation
- Thrugood Marshall
- Brown v. Board of Education
- Earl Warren
- Civil Rigths Act of 1957
- Rosa Parks
- Montgomery bus boycott
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Sit-in
- Freedom ride
- James Meredith
- Medgar Evers
- March on Washington
- Filibuster
- Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Freedom Summer
- Fannie Lou Hamer
- Voting Rights Act
- Twenty-fourth Amendment
- Kerner Commission
- Malcolm X
- Nation of Islam
- Black power
- Black Panthers
Chapter 28
- John F. Kennedy
- Fidel Castro
- Bay of Pigs invasion
- Cuban missile crisis
- Nikita Khrushchev
- Berlin Wall
- New Frontier
- Equal Pay Act
- Deficit spending
- War of Poverty
- Great Society
- Medicare
- Medicaid
Chapter 29
- Ho Chi Minh
- Domino theory
- Vietcong
- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
- William Westmoreland
- Napalm
- Dove
- Draftee
- “credibility gap”
- Tet Offensive
- Eugene McCarthy
- Vietnamization
- Paris Peace Accords
- War Powers Act
- Henry Kissinger
- Realpolitik
- Zhou Enlai
- Détente
Chapter 30
- Generation gap
- Beatles
- Commune
- Timothy Leary
- Feminism
- Betty Friedan
- Gloria Steinem
- Phyllis Schlafly
- Cesar Chavez
- Migrant farm worker
- Chicano movement
- Japanese American Citizens League
- Rachel Carson
- Earth Day
- Clean Air Act
- Clean Water Act
- Endangered Species Act
Chapter 31
- Silent majority
- Stagflation
- Affirmative action
- Watergate
- Executive privilege
- Gerald Ford
- Pardon
- Jimmy Carter
- Christian fundamentalist
- Amnesty
- Televangelist
- Human rights
- Boat people
- Sanctions
- Developing world
- Camp David Accords
- Ayatollah Khomeini
Chapter 32
- Liberal
- Conservative
- New Right
- Unfunded mandate
- Moral Majority
- Ronald Reagan
- Supply-side economics
- Deregulation
- Budget deficit
- National debt
- Savings and Loan crisis
- Strategic defense initiative
- Mikhail Gorbachev
- Glasnost
- Perestroika
- Manuel Noriega
- Tiananmen Square
- Apartheid
- Nelson Mandela
- Divest
- Saddam Husssein
- Operation Desert Storm
Chapter 33
- Personal computer
- Biotechnology
- Satellite
- Internet
- Globalization
- Multinational corporation
- Service economy
- H. Ross Perot
- Family Medical Leave Act
- Brady Bill
- Newt Gingrich
- Contract with America
- Kenneth Starr
- Impeachment
- EU
- Ethnic cleansing
- Al Qaeda
- No Child Left Behind Act
- Taliban
- Patriot Act
- Department of Homeland Security
- Tea Party Movement
- Immigration Act of 1990
- Bilingual education
- Immigration and Control Act of 1986
- Affirmative action
- Violence Against Women Act
- Privatize