Student’s name: ________________________________
Parent’s signature: ______________________________
I Am the Cheese
Tuesday, November 20 Pgs. 12- 38
Monday, November 26 Pgs. 39-66
Wednesday, November 28 Pgs. 67-89
Friday, November 30 Pgs. 90-118
Tuesday, December 4 Pgs. 119-141
Thursday, December 6 Pgs. 142-163
Monday, December 10 Pgs. 164-192
Wednesday, December 12 Pgs. 193- 214 (Finish novel)
Friday, December 14 NOVEL TEST
Tuesday, December 18 PROJECT/ BOOKLET DUE DATE
*It is important that you keep up with the reading schedule, as there is the possibility of a QUIZ any day. Count on at least five quizzes over the course of the next three weeks and a final test on the novel.
Below are several activities. Choose five. The activities you complete should be bound neatly with a table of contents and any other text features you wish to include (dedication page, numbered pages, assignment number, glossary, index ……). You may choose one additional activity to complete for up to ten points of extra credit.
1 –Write at least five diary entries from Adam's point of view that would fit within the action of the book. Be sure to portray his emotional state at each chosen time. Mention other characters and how Adam feels about each one. Be sure to label each entry with a date and some indicator of where he is while he is writing.
2 – Write at least five diary entries from your life. Mention individuals who you interact with daily. How do you feel about each of them? Why? How do they influence your daily actions and life choices? Be sure you label each entry with a date.
3 - Prepare at least five daily reports from Mr. Grey or Brint, to his supervisors. Use headings and some technical jargon to make them appear authentic. Be sure they are dated. You may focus on both Adam and his parents. Do not merely summarize what has happened, but include the character's thoughts and recommendations for future actions.
4 - Create an illustrated timeline of Adam's "travels.” Include at least ten pictures and captions of major incidents. Pictures can be original drawings or cut from magazines. You may include maps if you wish. Monument is based on Leominster, Massachusetts. Rutterburg is completely fictional.
5 - Create an illustrated timeline of your life. Include at least ten pictures and captions of major incidents. Pictures can be original drawings or cut from magazines.
6 - Create a Venn diagram collage that illustrates a character in the novel and you. Choose pictures and words from magazines that compare physical and emotional characteristics of the novel character and you. Each section of the diagram should have at least five traits. Write a paragraph that explains your choices.
7 – Write a three-paragraph compare/contrast essay about you and an important person in your life or a character from the text. Among other aspects, discuss elements of trust in the relationship.
8 – Identify at least ten challenging vocabulary words that enhance the effectiveness of the text. Create a ‘dictionary’ for those ten words. Include all features that a ‘good’ dictionary would include (pronunciation, part of speech, definition, sample sentences).
9 – Choose ten vocabulary challenging words from the text. Create a vocabulary activity such as a word find, crossword puzzle or fill-in-the blank. Include an answer key.
10 - Answer the following essay question in at least three, well-constructed paragraphs: In what ways does Adam realize his dreams of becoming a writer? Refer specifically to his first person account of the bike trip. In the essay address dreams you have for yourself. Have you realized those dreams? If so, how did you make it/them happen? If not, what are you doing to make your dream(s) happen?
11 – Research the author, Robert Cormier, write a three-paragraph essay about how his life influenced how and what he wrote in I Am the Cheese.
12– If you wrote a book what would it be about? Why? Write a three-paragraph essay that examines the choices you would make as a writer. Would you include anything about yourself. If so, what and why? If not, why?
13 – Think about something meaningful in your life. This item can be a keepsake, memorabilia, photograph or a food item. Write two paragraphs about this item and the meaning behind it. Take a picture of the item and place it somewhere on the page.
14 – Create a visual that explores this text and a connection you make to the text, be it a character, setting or theme. Write a one-paragraph explanation.
15- Recreate one scene from the text as a poem, newspaper article or comic strip. Use the proper format. Write one paragraph explaining your work and why you chose that particular scene.
16 – While reading, collect data of any kind (how many times a certain word is used, the colors that are referenced, different settings, use of numbers . . . ). Compile this data in the form of a pie graph or chart. Write one paragraph explaining the data collection and presentation.
17- Create a flyer about this novel that a book publisher might send to teachers to encourage them to choose it for their classroom reading. In deciding what to include on your flyer, you must consider what would persuade the teacher to select the book. For example, references to content, style, relevance to today’s world, etc. The flyer must be neat, attractive, and attention-getting. Accuracy and spelling counts of course.
18- Create a one page collage about the novel. Find pictures, words, etc. to reflect characters, symbols, theme, and plot. You must reflect ALL of these items. Write a paragraph on the back of your collage explaining the content of your collage and how it relates to these literary elements.
DUE DATE: December 18
DUE DATE: December 18
___/35 Each activity fulfills the individual requirements (total of five activities included).
___/25 The project is creative/clever/appealing. It shows insight into the novel and
(when applicable) a connection to you.
___/25 The project is well-edited. Contains correct spelling and grammar.
___/15 Project is in order( organized), NEAT, includes a TOC, and is neatly typed, 12 pt. font, double-spaced. Rubric is in front of project.
FINAL GRADE: _____________