INSTRUCTOR: Lynette Gill
Home Phone: 727-527-1472; cell: 727-643-6334
Office Phone: 727-341-4209 (or -4360)
Office Location: SP-EI106
Dean: Dr. Jonathan Steele
Office Location: CL; Office Number CR154C
Academic Chair: Nancy Smith
Office Location: SP; Office Number: HS118
This course is designed to enable you to improve your ability to play the piano, whether you are returning to piano study, continuing your study, or are learning to play the piano for the first time.
You will build and expand your music reading ability, technique, musicianship, and repertoire, as well as learn basic concepts of keyboard harmonization, sight reading and transposition.
You will work specifically to achieve the level of proficiency delineated in the Music Handbook and further expanded in this syllabus.
You will have an increased level of enjoyment and satisfaction in playing the piano.
You and I will develop an individualized Plan of Study during the first 2-3 weeks of lessons that will be used in addition to the Piano Proficiency Requirements as the basis for your practice and preparation for each lesson.
The Plan of Study is individualized for each student, based on previous study and ability to play the piano.
The entire list of requirements for Piano Proficiency is available under ASSIGNMENTS.
Keyboard Musician by Frances Clark; Summy Burchard Inc., ISBN 0-87487-103-4
This book may be used as a primary textbook or in combination with other literature.
Additional books may be recommended.
Course dates: 08/22/2011-12/15/2011
Last day to drop, receive refund and/or change to audit: 08/26/2011
Last day to withdraw with grade of W: 10/27/2011
Refer to college policy (included in addendum).
Two absences are allowed in this class. The third absence will result in a 14-point deduction. Four or more absences by the end of 10/27/2011 will result in a grade of WF. Four or more absences during the entire session will result in a grade of F.
If you are more than 10 minutes late to a lesson, you will be considered absent, unless you have contacted me about the delay.
Lessons may be rescheduled on occasion, for absences due to illness or emergency; however, because of time limitations, I cannot guarantee availability for that.
Student evaluations will include the following:
Lesson evaluation – 14 points possible, per lesson, based on progress and practice time. These points can be earned only by attending lessons. The first lesson of the session will not be evaluated for points.
168 points possible
(The 12 best weekly scores will be used to calculate grade.)
Play for jury exam at the end of the session.
32 points possible toward grade
Receiving a passing grade from the jury is mandatory to pass this course.
Grading Scale:
186-200 = A
171-185 = B
156-170 = C
141-155 = D
Piano Proficiency Requirements *
MVK 1211 - First Semester Jury:
1. 5-note scales, all major and minor keys, hands together, similar and contrary motion.
2. All major and minor triads, root position and inversions.
3. All major and minor arpeggiated triads, root position, hand over hand ascending four octaves.
4. I -V-I chord progressions, root position, in all major & minor keys.
5. Harmonize and transpose to any key with I and V chords.
6. Play two pieces, one of them by memory.
7. Sightread.
MVK1211 – Second Semester Jury:
1. One- and four-octave scales, six major and six minor (harmonic & melodic) keys, hands alone .
2. Major and minor triad arpeggios, one-octave, all positions (root and inversions), hands separately in six major and six minor keys.
3. I -IV-V-I chord progressions, in keys listed above.
4. Harmonize and transpose with I, IV, and V chords in keys listed above.
5. Play two pieces, one of them for memory.
6. Sightread.
MVK 2211 – Third Semester Jury:
1. One- & four-octave scales, remaining six major & six minor (harm. & melodic) keys, hands alone.
2. Major and minor triad arpeggios, one-octave, all positions, hands separately in six major and six minor keys.
3. I–IV–V–I chord progressions, in keys listed above.
4. Harmonize and transpose with I, IV, and V chords in keys listed above..
5. Play two pieces, one of them for memory.
6. Sightread.
MVK 2211 – Fourth Semester – Piano Exit Exam
1. All major & minor (harm. & mel.) scales, 2 octaves, hands together.
2. Triad arpeggios in all major & minor keys, four octaves, hands separately.
3. Chromatic scale, one octave, hands alone
4. I – IV – I 6/4 – V – V7 – I chord progression in all major & minor keys.
5. Harmonize and transpose in any key, using the chords listed in #4.
6. Play two pieces, one of them for memory.
7. Sightread.
There may be slight differences between this list and what is currently in the handbook. To my knowledge, this list includes all the requirements that are in the Handbook.
Specific assignments will be given at each lesson. I request that you have a notebook available for writing weekly instructions. You will complete these assignments by practicing the piano daily. The assignments will include all material listed under the Piano Proficiency Requirements and may include additional supplementary material.
Suggested schedule:
1 credit hour – minimum of 3 hours practice, per week
2 credit hours—minimum of 5 hours practice, per week
Following is an approximate 10-week plan for each semester, with an additional two weeks for review and reinforcement. This only includes the technique section of study (scales, triads, arpeggios, chord progressions.) This plan may be customized for individual students. The piano pieces, harmonization, transposition, and sightreading will be regularly incorporated in the weekly lessons.
For requirements listed as “all major and minor keys...”, the schedule for preparing those technique skills will be 2 to 3 keys per week.
Week 1: C, G, D major
Week 2: A, E, B major (C-flat major)
Week 3: F, B-flat major
Week 4: E-flat, A-flat major
Week 5: D-flat (C-sharp major), G-flat major (F-sharp major)
Week 6: a, d, g minor
Week 7: c, f, b-flat (a-sharp) minor
Week 8: e-flat (d-sharp), e minor
Week 9: b, f-sharp, minor
Week 10: c-sharp, g-sharp minor (a-flat minor)
For requirements listed as “6 major and 6 minor keys...”, the schedule for preparing those technique skills will be 1 or 2 keys per week during successive semesters.
One session
Week 1: C major, a minor
Week 2: G major, e minor
Week 3: D major
Week 4: b minor
Week 5: A major
Week 6: f-sharp minor
Week 7: E major
Week 8: c-sharp minor
Week 9: B major (C-flat major)
Week 10: g-sharp minor (a-flat minor)
Next session
Week 1: F major, d minor
Week 2: B-flat major, g minor
Week 3: E-flat major
Week 4: c minor
Week 5: A-flat major
Week 6: f minor
Week 7: D-flat major (C-sharp major)
Week 8: b-flat minor (a-sharp minor)
Week 9: G-flat major (F-sharp major)
Week 10: e flat minor (d-sharp minor)
SYLLABUS ADDENDUMIn the event thattopics listedin this addendum also appear in your syllabus, please note that you should rely on the addendum informationas this information is the most current.
Students CANNOT add a course following the 1st day the class meets prior to the second class meeting. Students CAN drop a course through Friday of the first week of classes and be eligible for a refund. Except by appeal to an associate provost, students may not change from credit to audit status after the end of the first week of classes. Online classes may be added through the standard drop/add period for that course.
State policy specifies that students may not repeat courses for which a grade of “C” or higher has been earned except by appeal to an associate provost. Students may repeat a course one time without penalty. On the third attempt, students will pay the full cost of instruction. In addition to any required lab or special fees, the full cost of instruction rate for 2011-2012 is $352.29 per credit hour. In addition, on the third attempt students may NOT receive a grade of “I,” “W,” or “X,” but must receive the letter grade earned. The grade on the final last attempt with the exception of a “W” grade will be the grade that will be calculated into the overall grade point average. (Developmental courses do not average into the grade point average).
Faculty will publish their own participation/attendance policies in their syllabi. Instructors will verify that students are in attendance during the first two weeks of class. Students classified as “No Show” for both of the first two weeks will be administratively withdrawn from any class which they are not attending. The student’s financial aid will be adjusted based on their updated enrollment status. If a student is administratively withdrawn from a class because they were a “No-Show” during the first two weeks of class, financial aid will not pay for the class and the student will be responsible for paying for that class.
Students who are not actively participating in class as defined in an instructor's syllabus will be reported to the Administration during the week following the last date to withdraw with a “W” (as posted in the academic calendar on the college’s web site). A grade of “WF” will be assigned to students who are not actively participating during the week following the last day to withdraw with a W grade.
Students will be able to withdraw themselves at any time during the term. However, requests submitted after the last date to withdraw with a “W” (see academic calendar) will result in a “WF.” Students and instructors will automatically receive an email notification through their SPC email address whenever a withdrawal occurs.
Withdrawing after the “Last Date to Withdraw with a Grade of ‘W’” can have serious consequences. If the student withdraws from a class after the deadline posted in the academic calendar, the student will receive a final grade of ‘WF,' which has the same impact on the student's GPA as a final grade of “F.” A “WF” grade also could impact the student's financial aid, requiring repayment of financial assistance. Students should consult with an academic advisor or financial assistance counselor prior to withdrawing from a class.
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The U.S. Department of Education requires students who completely withdraw prior to the 60% point of the term and who receive Federal financial aid i.e., Federal Pell Grant, Federal Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), Federal Stafford Loan, and/or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant SEOG--to repay a portion of their financial aid.
Students considering a withdrawal from all classes before the published withdrawal date should consult a financial assistance counselor to understand their options and the consequences of the total withdrawal. For further information regarding this policy and other financial assistance policies we encourage you to visit our website at:
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College Level Academic Skills
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A Dual Enrollment, Early Admissions, or Early College student may not withdraw from any college course without permission from the Early College/Dual Enrollment office. Withdrawal from a course may jeopardize the student's graduation from high school. The Dual Enrollment office can be reached at 727 712-5281 (TS), 727 791-5970 (CL) or 727 394-6000 (SE).
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It is your responsibility to be familiar with St. Petersburg College’s Academic Honesty policies and the consequences of violations. There is no tolerance for any form of academic dishonesty. Discipline can range from a zero on a specific assignment to expulsion from the class with a grade of “F” and the possibility of expulsion from the college. Note that copying/pasting published information without citing your sources, whether the information is from your textbook or the Internet is plagiarism and violates this policy. Even if you slightly change the words from an outside source, the ideas are someone else's so you still have to cite your sources. Cheating, plagiarism, bribery, misrepresentation, conspiracy, and fabrication are defined in Board Rule 6Hx23-4.461.
Student Affairs: Academic Honesty Guidelines, Classroom Behavior.
Copyrighted material within this course, or posted on this course website, is used in compliance with United States Copyright Law. Under that law you may use the material for educational purposes related to the learning outcomes of this course. You may not further download, copy, alter, or distribute the material unless in accordance with copyright law or with permission of the copyright holder. For more information on copyright visit
All electronic devices including computers, cell phones, beepers, pagers, and related devices are to be silenced and/or turned off unless they are required for academic purposes. Any use of these devices (including texting) for non-academic purposes is a violation of College Policy and subject to disciplinary action.
Students may be required to have discussions of class assignments and share papers and other class materials with instructors and classmates via chat rooms and other mechanisms. Due to the potential piracy of students’ materials, the College is not responsible for student work posted on the Internet (outside of the college’s Learning Management System, currently ANGEL).
Each student's behavior in the classroom or online is expected to contribute to a positive learning/teaching environment, respecting the rights of others and their opportunity to learn. No student has the right to interfere with the teaching/learning process, including the posting of inappropriate materials on chatroom or Web page sites.