How to Schedule a Meeting with a Member of Congress
We ask that AMCHP conference attendees schedule their own appointments with members of Congress so that it fits into your travel schedule and meeting plans. While we have officially set aside time on afternoon of Tuesday, February 12th for visits and a Congressional reception, we encourage members to schedule visits during any free time you might have while in DC.
We respectfully request that if you are from MD, IA, AL, KY, NY, GA or CT you prioritize meetings with the members listed below because they are important to advancing AMCHP’s federal policy agenda.
These members include:
Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)Chair Appropriations Committee
Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA): Chair Labor HHS Approps. Subcommittee
Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL): Ranking Member Labor HHS Approps
Representative Harold Rogers (R-KY): Chair Appropriations Committee
Representative Nita Lowey (D-NY): Ranking Member Appropriations Cmte
Representative Jack Kingston (R-GA): Chair Labor HHS
Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-CT): Ranking Member Labor HHS
We also recommend scheduling your appointments as soon as possible.
Here are some simple steps for scheduling a visit:
1) Locate your Congressional Representatives
Click here: and type in your zip code. Then click on the info button and after that click on contact information to find the phone number of your representative.
2) Decide when to Visit.
Look at your schedule and determine when you might have some time during AMCHP’s Annual Meeting. You will need approximately 60 minutes to travel from the hotel to Capitol Hill and go through security. You can take the Washington area subway system or a taxi if you need to attend your meeting. We recommended that you schedule the meetings with your two Senators back-to-back due to the proximity of their offices. You should plan on appointments lasting 20-30 minutes, and leave about 20 minutes between appointments to allow travel from office to office.
3) Call for an Appointment.
Ask to speak to the official scheduler. Tell them who you are, where you are from and when you will be in town. You are much more likely to get a meeting if they know you are from their state! Let them know that you would like to meet with the Senator or Representative about the Title V Maternal & Child Health Block Grant.
If the scheduler requires the request in writing a sample form is below for your reference.
Please note that it is difficult for members of Congress to guarantee they can meet with you because of their busy schedules. Often, the appointment will be with a staff member that works on health issues. If the member of Congress is not available ask to meet with the Health Legislative Assistant.
4) Follow Up.
If you have not heard anything back in a week, try again. A word of advice: Be friendly – scheduling with a member of Congress is difficult work! Don’t be surprised if it takes a little while to agree on an exact appointment time because that is not unusual.
5) Important!
After you scheduled the appointments click on this link: and fill in the information about your upcoming appointment. This is critical to help us track hill visits and provide you with personalized information.
Finally, make sure you write down the date, time and location of your meeting!
If you have any questions, please call Carolyn Mullen or Brent Ewig 202-775-0436. Thank you for your assistance in this matter and we look forward to seeing you in Washington!
The Honorable [first and last name]
[room number and building name, i.e. 123 Hart] Office Building
Washington, DC [20510 for Senate / 20515 for House]
Attn: Scheduler
Dear [Senator/Representative last name],
I am the [your title] of the (insert your state). On Tuesday February 12th, I will be on Capitol Hill to meet with my Senators and Representatives. The purpose of our visits is to discuss maternal and child health issues in our state and the importance of the Title V Maternal and Child Health Services block grant.
I am writing to request an appointment with you anytime between [list times available] that day. Please feel free to call me at [your number] for further information and to schedule a time for our meeting. We look forward to seeing you soon.
[your name and title )