Held on TUESDAY 6th JUNE 2017 at 7.30pm in Kilsby Village Hall.

PRESENT:Councillor R Dunn, (Chairman), K Adams,B Almond, M Chandler (arrived 20.30),

B Gent, J Fisher, R Page, C Smedley, S Stainton, R Thompson. Clerk.
District Councillor C Lomax.

Page 140 / ACTION
1.1 / Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor L Rochford (Ill)
PCSOs Duncan Cumming and Les Conopo sent apologies.
County Councillor M Longley sent apologies.
2.1.1 / Councillor Almond reported that the wall of Kilsby House, Rugby Road had been mended very badly and residents have complained that it is an eyesore.
2.1.2 / It was reported that residents at Stephenson’s Court would like to know why there are plans to extend the car park.
2.1.3 / A request was received to relocate one of the Dog Poo bins to the Smarts Estate end of the Recreation ground.
2.2 / Police Report –A crime report was read. Advice was given on keeping cars locked on drives and windows secured.
Security equipment can be obtained from
2.3 a
d / District Councillor C Lomax provided a report. – Attached.
She reported that she was not aware of the plans for Stephenson’s Court.
It was reported that Daventry District Council has a 6.3 year land supply.
It was reported that the dip in the A361 surface has been repaired.
The first leg of the Womans Cycle Tour will depart from Daventry on 7th June at 11am.
The Clerk expressed disappointment at the amateurish cut out bicycles positioned in Daventry as advertising.
2.4 / County Councillor Longley was unable to attend the meeting but proved a written report.
He reported that he has allocated £500 to the Parish Council from his fund.
He reported that should the Parish Council wish to have yellow lines removed from Watling Street he would provide his support.
3 / DECLARATIONS of INTEREST on the Agenda
3.1 / There were nodisclosable PecuniaryInterests.
3.2 / No written requests for dispensation of DPI has been received.
4.1 / The Minutes of 2nd May2017 were signed and approved as a correct record following correction to 12.4 to read “Provide” and 21.2 to read “for Brown Bins”
5 / MATTERS ARISING not otherwise on the Agenda for information only
5.1 / Ref 12.1.1. of previous minutes – The Ash Tree on Main Road opposite Rugby Road junction does not have a Tree Preservation Order.
5.2 / Councillor Rochford and Councillor Smedley attended the Funding Fair on 6 June.
6.1 / New Planning Applications
6.1.1 / DA/2017/0003 Discharge of requirement 13 in relation to the Construction Environmental Management Plan for the delivery of traffic calming measures in Kilsby.
For information only. The Clerk was asked to ascertain when the Weight limit signing will be installed on the Ridgeway.
6.2 / A decision from Daventry District Council Planning Department is awaited on the following:-
6.2.1 / DA/2017/0302 Provision of additional Car Parking Spaces, Stephensons Court.
6.2.2 / DA/2016/1008 Land to rear of Refueling Station DIRFT. Construction of HGV sales, service and MOT centre.
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6.3 / Decisions
6.3.1 / DA/2017/0313 Highgate House, 5 Rugby Road. Removal of tree subject to TPO 129 APPROVED.
6.3.2 / DA/2017/0268 Land to the Rear of Hall Close. REFUSED
6.3.3 / DA/2017/0299 Hunt House, 33 Main Road. REFUSED
6.3.4 / DA/2017/0300 Hunt House, 33 Main Road. REFUSED
6.3.5 / DA/2017/0067 Land at The Limes, 3 Main Road, Kilsby (Amended) APPROVED
6.4 / Neighbourhood Plan Annual Review.
Councillor Fisher reported that the Neighbourhood Plan states that it should be annually reviewed however there is no legal requirement to update a Neighbourhood Plan.
Cllr Fisher presented a report to the meeting detailing updates to the 8 Action Points listed in the Neighbourhood Plan.
It was agreed that if the Neighbourhood Plan is not being given sufficient weight by Daventry District Council then the experience of other villages will be sought.
It was noted that this was discussed at the Town and Parish Council meeting.
It was resolved to carry out an Annual review and publish it in the Kilsby Kronickle.
6.5 / Daventry District Council Consultation on the Housing Allocations Scheme and Housing SPD
The Parish Council did not wish to comment on the consultation.
7.1 / Financial Position at 31 May 2017- £71,475.69
7.2 / Monies received 1 Apr 17 to 31 May 2017 - 50% Precept = £ 22955 ; £47.50 KK Advertising; £ 185 Cemetery fees. Rents to be obtained for Cemetery field grazing and Roundabout Ads.
7.3 / It was resolved to approve the Annual Governance statement.
7.4 / It was resolved to approve the Annual Return.
Accounts will be made available to parishioners from 13 June, and the Annual Return will be submitted to the External Auditors by 10th July 2017.
7.5 / Report on Internal Audit carried out on 22 May 2017 was discussed. It was resolved to pay for the A0 Cemetery Plan to be professionally copies on a bi-annual basis. Copy to be lodged with the Clerk.
7.6 / The Asset Register to 31 March was approved.
A full asset review to be carried out by Cllrs Gent and Page to determine the location of all street furniture. Detail to be included on the 2017/18 Asset Register.
7.7 / Annual Insurance Cover to include Vehicle Activated sign and Solar Panel. Additional planters and seat to be added.
7.8 / To note that VAT has been reclaimed for year end 31 March 2017
7.9 / Councillor Page had checked the payments against invoices and reported that all was in order. It was resolved that all bank payments were approved as listed.
Payee / Chq No. / Details / £ / Power to pay
NEST Pension / D/D / Pension 1 to 30 June 17 / 15.70 / LGA(1972) s112
Catherine Camp / BP0228 / Clerks Salary JUNE 2017 / 677.32 / LGA(1972) s112
HMR & C / BP0229 / Tax and NI / 214.64 / LGA(1972) s112
Catherine Camp / BP0230 / Phone Bill / 28.85 / LGA(1972)s111
Stephen Hartwell / BP0231 / Mowing Inv 552 / 282.00 / Open Spaces Act 1906
Stephen Hartwell / BP0232 / Mowing Inv 558 / 630.00 / Open Spaces Act 1906
Stephen Hartwell / BP0233 / Mowing Inv 565 / 210.00 / Open Spaces Act 1906
Stephen Hartwell / BP0234 / Mowing Inv 567 / 726.00 / Open Spaces Act 1906
Stephen Hartwell / BP0235 / Mowing Inv 573 / 114.00 / Open Spaces Act 1906
Catherine Camp / BP0236 / Clerks Expenses / 25.15 / LGA (1972) s111
U Bounce / BP0237 / Youth Club Equipment / 100.00 / LG(MP)A 1976 s19
Steers Printing / BP0238 / KK Newsletter printing / 394.00 / LGA(1972) s142
Police&CrimeComm’n / BP0239 / PCSO Funding / 1703.00 / LG Ratings Act 1997
Zurich Municipal / BP0240 / Insurance Premium / 362.16 / LGA(1972) s140
Claire Griffin / 300093 / Youth Club Salary / 300.00 / LG(MP)A 1976 s 19(1)
Page 142 / ACTION
8.1 / It was reported that Councillor Rochford arranged a meeting with the Community Shop Committee. A further meeting will be held on Tues 13 June. The Clerk was asked to attend and take minutes.
Cllr Rochford attended the Funding Fair and “NGate” may be able to provide funding.
Contact with the Plunkett Foundation has been re-established. Two possible sites for a shop are now being investigated. Creaton is also trying to establish a Community Shop so they plan to visit Creaton and the successful community shop at Guilsborough.
Councillor Smedley reported that “Big Potential” can provide funding to help with Business Plans. Burleigh Gate Community Shop should be looked at as an example.
Concern was expressed that it is now one year since the shop closed and we are no further forward.
9 / S106 FUNDING from A361 Development
9.1 / The Clerk read the protocol for obtaining funds allocated to Kilsby from Daventry.
It was resolved to forwardall details to Councillors including the sums available, and ask Councillors to liaise with Community Groups to put together bids for the funding.
To be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting with a further meeting held in August if required.
10.1 / To note that the Landowner is not prepared to allow kissing gates at either end of EW7.
10.2 / “Clean Green Co-ordinator Project” – DDC wishes to work with parishes to keep them clean. Councillor Stainton agreed to act as volunteer co-ordinator.
10.3 / A request to ask NCC Highways to remove double yellow lines from Watling Street.
Following a previous survey of residents it had been agreed that the yellow lines should remain in place to prevent HGV parking. The illuminated sign at the end of Watling Street is still not it situ. The Clerk was asked to chase this up.
10.4 / To note that base line noise monitoring of DIRFT III is being carried out on north side of Kilsby. Sites at Danetree Farm, and Rugby Road, Kilsby were suggested.
10.5 / Parish and Town Council Meeting – Thurs 15 June 6.30pm DDC – Cllr Smedley to attend.
10.6 / To note that vegetation will be cut back around the 30mph signs on A5.
10.7 / The Clerk was asked to write requesting that cars are not parked on Chapel St verge.
10.8 / Speedwatch Training will take place at Caroline Chisholm School on 22 July. More volunteers are required to attend. The equipment will be available from 29 July to 9 Sept.
10.9 / Heritage Boards. – Wording has been completed and was handed to the Clerk on a Memory stick. Heritage Lottery funding is the most likely to help. It was agreed that Councillor Smedley should contact the History Society to get them involved and help secure funding.
10.10 / Lloyd Sears of Avant has agreed to a meeting with Cllr Dunn and Clerk on 21 June.
10.11 / A letter to be sent to Kilsby House asking if the repairs to the wall can be tidied up.
10.12 / It was resolved to relocate the Dog Bin from the old entrance to the park on rugby Road to the Smarts Estate end of the park. Clerk to liaise with David George Rec trustees.
10.13 / It was agreed that the VAS on Rugby Road is detecting vehicles as they pass the village gateway features. Concern was raised that the Solar Panel will be obscured by a tree.
The Clerk to liaise with Cllr Thompson to find a solution.
11.1 / Copy of letter from Sergeant Sam Dobbs with details of plans for community policing.
The Clerk was asked to arrange a follow up meeting with Sergeant Dobbs.
11.2 / Request from an 8 year old for a Trampoline in Kilsby Recreation Ground. The Clerk to provide costings to David George and send a response.
11.3 / To note that a query about access to “The Thatched Cottage” Rugby Rd has been referred to NCC.
11.4 / Love Daventry Newsletter with details of “Womans Tour” cycle ride on 7th June.
11.5 / Meeting with Police Commissioner. Dates had been supplied as follows:-
12 July at 1900hrs, Greenwell Room, Wootton Hall, 7th Sepand 10th October.
Councillor Richard Thompson agreed to attend.
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12.1 / The Clerk reported that the website is ready to launch. The link to view it to be forwarded to all Councillors for comment prior to launch. Launch to take place as soon as possible.
Councillor K Adams agreed to keep it updated. Instruction manual to be forwarded.
13.1 / Cllr Adams to attend “New Councillor Training” Wed 5 July 6.30-9pm NCALC Litchborough
14.1 / Community Shop – To receive an update from Cllr Rochford following her meeting.
14.2 / s 106 Funding
14.3 / Speedwatch

Meeting closed at 21.35Next Parish Council meeting will take place on TUES4thJULY17.

PLEASE NOTE: Whilst every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of these minutes they are still

subject to confirmation at the next meeting of the Parish Council and as such cannot be construed as the

official record of this Meeting until signed by the Chairman.

SIGNED………………………………………………………………………. DATE : ……………………………………