Day 2 Exit Slip

How might the convict past of the Australians effect their values of today?


Day 3 Exit Slip

Of all the areas and tourist attractions in New South Wales and Queensland, which do you find most interesting and why?

Most Interesting - ____________________________________________________________________

Why? - ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Day 4 Exit Slip

Write a conversation, song, or poem (at least 6 sentences) in Australian Slang, and then translate it into American English.




Day 6 Exit Slip

Do you think the England should have been sending criminals to other countries to empty their prisons? Why or Why not? (at least 2 sentences)


Day 8 Exit Slip – Pick a Place

Choose a place in Australia that you would like to visit. It can be one that we learned about or one that you know about. Do some research on that place and write 3 paragraphs, at least 5 sentences each about that place. You must cite 2 sources.


Day 10 Exit Slip

Answer 10 of the 12 questions

World Odysseys: New Zealand

1. Who were New Zealand’s first immigrants? _________________________

2. New Zealand lies to the ___________of Australia.

3. Auckland is built on over ________ volcanoes.

4. What English explored discovered New Zealand? ____________________________

5. What is New Zealand’s most active volcano? ___________________________

6. What is the largest lake in New Zealand? _____________________________

7. Who do the Maori believe was the first man to be born? ____________________

8. Kiwi birds sleep _________ hours a day.

9. The kiwi fruit was first called a Chinese ____________________________.

10. What is the population of New Zealand? ___________________________

11. How many different types of sheep have been bred in New Zealand? ____________

12. How many main islands are there in New Zealand? _____________

Day 11 Exit Slip

A. Research one city in New Zealand and what there is to do in and around that city. OR

B. Research one aspect of Maori culture OR

C. Research one aspect of New Zealand history

Be prepared to present (verbal) about a 1-minute summary of what you researched. For those who would prefer not to present in front of the class you may write two paragraphs (at least 5 sentences each) about this. If writing 2 paragraphs, please write them here. You will not have class time to do this. If presenting orally you may want to write your notes here.


Day 12 Exit Slip

Compare and Contrast high islands and low islands.


Day 13 Exit Slip

After watching the video on Fiji and the effects of Global Warming there, write 2 paragraphs about how you see or do not see Global Warming there affecting your life here.




Day 15 Exit Slip

It takes many qualities as a person to be able to work in Antarctica, list some of these qualities and based on this list explain why you would or would not be a good candidate to work in Antarctica. List at least 3 qualities and write at least 5 sentences to answer this question.



