August 12, 2014

Hon. Wantwaz Davis

Flint City Councilman

1101 S. Saginaw Street

Flint, Michigan 48502

Attorney General’s Office

G. Mennen Williams Building, 7th Floor
525 W. Ottawa St.
P.O. Box 30212
Lansing, MI 48909

I am an elected official in the City of Flint, Michigan, i.e., 5th Ward City Councilman. I have a civic and responsible duty to serve and protect. However, there have been issues concerning the Genesee County Animal Shelter at, G-4351 west Pasadena Street, Flint, Michigan 48504. These conditions are reprehensive and appalling. Rumors have circulated that most of the animals are being put to rest, while only a few are being sold; these issues were alarming to me. I felt compelled to take a view of the institution and noticed they do not have adequate staffing nor volunteers, to attend the needs of the helpless animals.

However, on August 11, 2014, right before the closing, I had the opportunity to take a walk through. I was taken aback by the substandard conditions the animals were placed under. The stenches in the cages were deplorable; the cages and animals were not properly cleaned. There was neither adequate water nor food in their trays; there was food scattered on the floor and huge amount of feces in the cages. The Aura in their faces gave me the impression they were treated unfair, in an undignified manner. The rumors were plausible, that could’ve attributed to their illness and debilitated conditions, which has caused a significant problem, which needs the Attorney General’s intervention.

In conclusion, I am requesting for someone in your office to conduct a thorough investigation on the aforementioned animal shelter, and for this official complaint to be perceived as a serious matter, wherefore, the animals would be afforded the rights and dignity of any other species.

Sincerely, Councilman Wantwaz Davis.