The angelsmm
Holy Angels Byzantine Catholic Church

2235 Galahad Road

San Diego, California 92123-3931

Father Brian Escobedo, Pastor

Rectory/Office: 858-277-2511 Social Hall: 858-268-3458


Parish Website:

Facebook: Holy Angels Byzantine Catholic Church


Sunday, 31 January (Sunday of Meat Fare) (1 Cor 8:8-9:2; Mt 25:31-46)

9 AM Divine Liturgy (People of the Parish)

Eternal Lamp – (Wally Sivula)

Monday, 1 February

7 PM Great Vespers with Litija – Blessing of Candles

Tuesday, 2 February (Encounter of Our Lord with the holy Simeon & Anna)

(Solemn Holy Day)

7:45 AM Festal Matins

9 AM Divine Liturgy (Wally Sivula) – Blessing of Candles

Wednesday, 3 February

7 PM Funeral & Divine Liturgy for Lillian Danscuk

Saturday, 6 February

9 AM Divine Liturgy (Wally Sivula)

5 PM Great Vespers

Sunday, 7 February (Sunday of Cheese Fare) (Rom 13:11-14:4; Mt 6:14-21)

9 AM Divine Liturgy & Forgiveness to start the Great Fast

(Eternal Lamp – Wally Sivula)

Preparation for Holy Mysteries: Baptisms require Pre-Jordan; Marriages require Pre-Cana. All requesting mysteries must be parishioners of Holy Angels for at least six months.

Liturgy, Panachida and Eternal Lamp Intentions: Give to Fr. Brian to schedule.

Weekday Evening Confessions: Normally the First Wednesday of the month from 7-8. Confessions also available before services, or just drop-in/call.

O Lord, Bless the Worship and Stewardship of your faithful servants:

24 January – Attendance : 72; Adult Tithes: $1,752.00; Youth: $6.00; Theophany: $40.00; Total: $1,798.00.

Vocation Icon: This Week (31 Jan): (Huber)

Next Week (7 Feb): (Chase)

Please sign up to host the vocation icon. We need 2016 signups.

Presentation of Our Lord and Blessing of Candles: This solemn holy day is celebrated by Great Vespers (Monday 2/1 at 7pm) and Festal Matins/Divine Liturgy (Tuesday (2/2 at 7:45am & 9am). Candles will be blessed at both services. A common term for this feast day in the West is “Candlemas Day”.

Forgiveness Vespers for the Great Fast: Normally celebrated on Sunday evening will be celebrated after the Divine Liturgy on the 7th. We will resume the normal Forgiveness Vespers on Sunday Evening next year (2017).

Funeral for Lillian Danscuk : Wednesday, February 3rd. Viewing begins at 6pm and the Funeral Divine Liturgy at 7pm. After the Liturgy in the hall we will have the “mercy meal” provided by the parish. Call Janet Greenwell if you can help provide food (619-251-3007).

The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts: During the Great Fast will be at St. John the Baptizer Ukrainian Catholic Church (La Mesa) on Wednesdays and at Holy Angels on Fridays. Our Presanctified \Lliturgy will begin at 6pm followed by Soup & Bread in the Social Hall. During the meal time Fr. Brian will give a short presentation on some aspect of the Liturgy or other Byzantine topic of interest.

Sunday Night Vespers during the Great Fast: Scheduled every other week at Holy Angels. A calendar of all Great Fast services will be included in next week’s bulletin.

Sick Calls/Anointings/Hospital Visits: Visits may be requested by the parishioner or family. Parishioners anointed prior to surgery or hospitalization or surgery after Sunday Divine Liturgy or as needed.

Life Line Screening: At Holy Angels, Tuesday, February 16th. See posters in the church for health screenings available. Sign up at 888-653-6450 and get a $10 discount.

Thank you to all who helped set up and provided food for our Meatfare potluck!