High School Resource Social Studies


Topic: Quarters: 1 & 2
·  6.W.1.2. (Analysis) Explain the development of the River Valley Civilizations based on their geographic
·  6.W.2.2. (Comprehension) Identify the cultural contributions of the River Valley civilizations.
·  7.G.1.1. Students are able to select appropriate resources, data services, and geographic tools to interpret
·  7.G.1.2. Students are able to apply location, direction, size, and/or shape to maps.
·  7.G.1.3. Students are able to identify characteristics of various locations, places. And regions.
·  7.G.2.3. Students are able to describe the impact of the natural environment on settlement patterns.
Reading Standards
·  8.R.4.1 Students can compare and contrast literature from different time periods and cultures dealing with similar themes and conflicts.
Writing Standards
·  8.W.1.3 Students can compose text using information from multiple sources to support a topic.
·  Library Standards
·  8.L.2.1 Students are able to use various strategies to analyze and evaluate information (students will 1. develop criteria to evaluate information, 2. compare information from various sources to verify accuracy, 3. check reliability and validity of media sources.
Technology Standards
·  8.CT.3.1 Develop a repertoire of strategies to apply new technologies to tasks.
·  7.LVS.1.3 Students can create clear and organized descriptive, informative, and narrative presentations.
·  8.LVS.1.1 Student can analyze audio/visual aids in presentations.
Essential Skills:
·  Define location, place and region from geographic representation tools and technology
·  Identify meaning by using word parts and context clues
·  Identify word meaning using prior knowledge or context clues
·  Use individual comprehension strategies to construct meaning
·  Apply some fluency strategies to gain meaning from text
Target Skills:
·  Use geographic tools to interpret information
·  Apply location, direction, size, and/or shape to maps
·  Identify characteristics of various locations, places, and regions
·  Identify relationships among the natural environment, the movement of peoples, and the development of societies
Lessons / Materials / Assessments
Chapter 1 Geography
Chapter 2 Global Issues
Chapter 3 The United States
Chapter 4 Canada
Chapter 5 Mexico
Chapter 13 North Africa
Chapter16 The Middle East / AGS World Geography and Cultures Textbook
AGS Teacher Resource Library (CD-ROM)
World Geography and Cultures The Great
Review Game (CD-ROM)
Steck Vaughn Maps, Globes, Graphs
Level E & F
AGS Graphic Organizer Transparencies
Walch Publishing Daily Warm-Ups Geography / Unit Mastery Tests
Unit Review: student workbook
Formative/Summative Assessments
·  Ticket Out
·  Windshield Wiper (5,4,3,2,1 hand check for concept being foggy or clear
·  Daily assignments
·  Writing exercises
·  Cooperative learning exercises
·  Projects/reports/demonstrations
·  Quizzes
·  Tests
·  Self-assessment
Target Skills:
·  Use geographic tools to interpret information
·  Apply location, direction, size, and/or shape to maps
·  Identify characteristics of various locations, places, and regions
·  Identify relationships among the natural environment, the movement of peoples, and the development of societies
Lessons / Materials / Assessments
At teacher’s discretion (based on classroom interest) / AGS World Geography and Cultures Textbook
AGS Teacher Resource Library (CD-ROM)
World Geography and Cultures The Great
Review Game (CD-ROM)
Steck Vaughn Maps, Globes, Graphs
Level E & F
AGS Graphic Organizer Transparencies
Walch Publishing Daily Warm-Ups Geography / Unit Mastery Tests
Unit Review: student workbook
Formative/Summative Assessments
·  Ticket Out
·  Windshield Wiper (5,4,3,2,1 hand check for concept being foggy or clear
·  Daily assignments
·  Writing exercises
·  Cooperative learning exercises
·  Projects/reports/demonstrations
·  Quizzes
·  Tests
·  Self-assessment