Day 3
We’re going to use some simple Money Attraction Affirmations that will help you condition your mind for success.
Here are some sample affirmations:
· I am saving for my future
· I am paying myself first.
· I am giving myself the respect I deserve.
· I am creating my own financial destiny.
· I am living within my means.
Choose the one you like the best, or make up your own. Say your affirmation to yourself many times a day. Say it while you are waiting at a red light. Focus on it while you are waiting in line at the supermarket. Write it on an index card and tape it to your bathroom mirror or carry it in your purse. Put a sign on your desk at work. Write it in your Super Saver Notebook. Tell your friends to remind you of your Money Attraction Affirmation.
Say it enough times and you will believe it. Remember, if you believe it, you can achieve it.
Day 4
By now we hope you are feeling what Money Attraction Affirmations can do for you. Say your Money Attraction Affirmation to yourself right now. Say it out loud (unless you are in the middle of a meeting). Be proud.
(By the way, this isn’t silly and it isn’t voodoo. We don’t think that just saying a few words is, all by itself, going to change your life. Money Club Makeovers work because we combine words with action. We help you condition your mind and make real changes in your financial life. So if you haven’t chosen an affirmation because it feels too “touchy-feely”, choose one right now and say it to yourself anyway. You’ll be amazed at the results.)
Now, get out your Super Saver Notebook.
Turn to a blank page. Label it “My Wish List.” For 15 minutes, write your answer to this question:
“What are you saving for?”
Why the heck are you doing this? Do you crave the security of having money in the bank for a rainy day? Do you want to go back to school? To start a business? To become a not-so-starving artist? To educate your kids? Not be a bag lady when you retire? Have a better quality of life?
You’ll need some heavy mental ammunition for those moments when it’s hard to stick to the plan. So, get it down there on paper, in black and white. What do you really want? What motivates you?
Now stop writing and look at what you wrote. Really absorb it. Believe in it. You can do this. You can achieve your goals. This is your future. Success will be yours if you have the courage to say, “This is what I want, and I can do it.”
Throughout the centuries there were men and women who took first steps, down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision
— Ayn Rand