Tourism Advisory Commission
Park & Recreation Conference Room
March 22, 2016
Members Present: Bill Samisch, Welby Stamps, Liz Rozanski, Watty Brooks Hall, Polly Shipley, Shannon Byers, Susan Eads, Amber Lombardo, Tamara Swain,John Stamps, KanetteKeough-Rodgers, and Sheila Moody (staff).
Members Absent:Laura Todd, Ashley Carver, Marty Marbry, Missy Marshall
Call to Order:Meeting was called to order by Bill Samischat 4:00PM. The agenda and minutes were provided. The minutes were corrected as it was noted that John Stamps was omitted as being present. Motion to approve made by KanetteKeough-Rodgers with a second by Watty Brooks Hall. Motion carried.
Member Reports:
Alderman John Stamps reported that the BMA is holding work sessions regarding the budget. He commented on the variety of developments currently underway and the ongoing discussions regarding the density of the Town’s footprint. Information was provided regarding the Town’s current water report and the exceptional quality of the region’s water.
John Duncan, Director of Economic Development, provided a report. He reiterated Alderman Stamp’s comments regarding the region’s water quality and emphasized that water quality is an economic driver that can be leveraged to market the Town to potential commercial developers. Additional comments were made regarding the ongoing development of new restaurants in the Square and at Carriage Crossing. Efforts are being made to recruit new dining establishments for other areas in Town. On the light industrial side, information was provided regarding CCL’s expansion and Kroger’s planned 2017 renovation. Possible new developments were also mentioned for acreage near CCL and near Legacy Billiards. Construction is concluding on Helena Chemical and it was noted that Helena will occupy the entire building with Boyle constructing an additional building for potential retail establishments on adjacent land. The Orgill headquarter construction is set to begin in as early as six weeks as their sewer work has been approved.
Tourism Report:
Sheila Moody, Special Events/Tourism Coordinator reported on upcoming community events including the Incarnation Catholic Church Spring Festival (April 15-17), Fair on the Square (May 2-3), and the Fourth of July Town Celebration/Fireworks (July 4). She provided the new Town Greenbelt Trails Guide.
Old Business:
Chair Bill Samisch presented the current Vision Statement for the Commission and asked for input on edits. Proposed language is as follows:
Recruit additional hospitality and entertainment venues; encourage events that attract visitors from throughout the region. Secure funding that will be dedicated to developing Collierville as a destination and marketing the Town to potential visitors.
The statement will be revisited at the next meeting.
New Business:
Bill Samisch presented information on the development of a new Women’s Premier Soccer league. Sponsored by Collierville Soccer Association (CSA), the league will play 8 games at Houston High School fields and the team will feature local talent.
Susan Eads reported on BrewFest. This concept, successful at other Poag properties, seeks to host a beer tasting event, complete with food trucks, to raise funds for a local nonprofit. LeBonheur Children’s Hospital was named as the potential recipient of monies raised. September 24 from 12-4:00 PM is the scheduled date/time and the event will be held in the parking area behind Macy’s,adjacent to the hotel. Permits are being sought from the Town for the event. Ticket price is set at $30 and may be purchased online via the Chamber of Commerce.
Amber Lombardo presented the Main Street Collierville (MSC) report and shared the following highlights. Information was given on the upcoming 25th anniversary of MSC, the April 10 Bridal Showcase, the April 15th rollout of the new Town Square promotional video at Webz, the Spring Town/Square Sidewalk sale (April 8-10), the 2016 Christmas ornament featuring McGinnis Oil, promotions in At Home magazine, and the Historic Collierville license plates.
KanetteKeough-Rodgers provided additional information on the Spring Sidewalk Sale and relayed that Intercom Radio will provide donated promotional time for the event.
Discussion ensued regarding a potential request for funding of a position dedicated to tourism. Requests have been made in previous budget cycles and consensus was reached that a request would be drafted for the current cycle. A motion was made by Amber Lombardo to draft a letter of support and present it to the BMA from this commission. Polly Shipley seconded the motion. The motion carried. A subcommittee consisting of Amber Lombardo, KanetteKeough-Rodgers, and Polly Shipley was established to draft the letter.
Public Comments:
There were no public comments.
Bill adjourned the meeting at 5:35 PM.
Next Tourism Advisory Commission Meeting is May 24, 2016 at 4:00 PM in the Community Center Conference room.
Respectfully Submitted,
Liz Rozanski, Secretary