With Nathaniel Whitmore, Herbalist

Hawthorn & the Rose Family

HAWTHORN This tonic for the heart is a gentle, nutritive remedy used to normalize heart function, reduce stress, and address cholesterol and circulation. Decoction, syrup, tincture.

ROSE Rose petals benefit the heart and nervous system. Rose hips nourish the vessels. Both parts are good as infusion.

CHERRY Black Cherry has a benefit on the vessels. Fruit or concentrate.

STRAWBERRIES Seasonal Strawberries provide heart-healthy nutrition and are balanced fruits. Leaves are astringent like Raspberry leaves.

ALMONDS Good source of healthy fats to benefit cholesterol levels.

Motherwort & the Mints

MOTHERWORT (Leonurus cardiaca) This cardiovascular herb has a scientific name that reflects its medicinal use. Its common name reflects its use for female health and for stress. Motherwort moves blood, reduces tension and stress, and addresses a wide variety of cardiovascular concerns. It is best as tincture.

SKULLCAP This purple-flowered mint is used for cardiovascular problems induced by stress and tension. Skullcap is an all-purpose nervine best as tincture.

LEMON BALM This pleasant, aromatic mint is used to calm the nerves and heart. Use fresh herb if possible to make an infusion.

PEPPERMINT This common herb can be used as infusion to reduce tension.

RED SAGE ROOT (Dan Shen / Salvia miltiorrhiza) This is a top herb in Chinese medicine for most cardiovascular problems. It is used to move blood and nourish the heart.

BUGLEWEED (Lycopus) This wetland plant is used to calm the heart.

Medicinal Mushrooms

REISHI (Ling Zhi / Ganoderma) This highly revered, whole-body tonic is used to normalize the heart.

WOOD EAR This edible mushroom is used to promote circulation. Cook into soup.

SHIITAKE This common and delicious edible is used to promote heart health and reduce cholesterol.

OYSTER MUSHROOM This wild and cultivated edible benefits cholesterol. Cook or take as supplement.

Bupleurum & The Bitter Herbs

BUPLEURUM This widely used Chinese herb regulates the liver and is useful in many cardiovascular issues. It is a common ingredient in classic Chinese formulas.

DANDELION This herb reduces inflammation and cholesterol. For its bitter properties it is best as tincture of fresh root. Leaf infusion is used as a diuretic.

HOPS This aromatic bitter benefits digestion, the liver, and reduces stress.

BONESET A cure-all of some Native tribes, this bitter herb moves and thins blood.

ARTICHOKE The bitter leaves of this not-so-common vegetable are found in “digestive bitter” formulas. The vegetable portion is wholesome too.

Licorice & The Legumes

LICORICE This medicinal root is used for low blood pressure.

MIMOSA This herb is used as tincture or “tea” to benefit the nerves and promote well-being.

KUDZU This root can be prepared as “tea” or its starch used in cooking. It has many health benefits, including cardiovascular.

BEANS These foods although common worldwide are often neglected in modern diets. Beans, however, are considered one of the healthiest food groups for the heart. Try Black Beans, Kidney Beans, Adzuki Beans, Lentils, and Mung Beans.