National 4-H Week
Club Display
Clubs that participated in the Window Display Contest during National 4-H Week 2007 were eligible to receive premium money. The displays are rated with a blue award worth $15, red award worth $10, or white award worth $5.
Congratulations and thanks to the following clubs for promoting Henderson County 4-H with their public displays during National 4-H Week!
Stronghurst Hustlers – Blue Award
Terre Haute Superstars – Blue Award
Trailriders – Blue Award
Club Banner Display Awards
Each club may exhibit a fabric banner no larger than 30" x 36". The club name must be part of the banner's design. The club is responsible for the display of the banner. Each club receives a one time only $15 premium for the first time their banner is displayed. Clubs who have previously received this $15 may be eligible for a $2 premium for each time their banner is displayed at a 4-H activity (maximum of 5 events -- $10 per year). Activities or events include the Henderson County 4-H General Project Show, National 4-H Week Celebration, Henderson County Achievement Program, Henderson County 4-H Barbecue, or an event sponsored by the club (monthly meetings not included). The club must submit to the County Extension Office a list of events where the banner was displayed when records are due in August of each year.
Stronghurst Hustlers - $4.00 (four events)
Terre Haute Superstars - $2.00 (two events)
Barbecue Ticket Sales Prizes
Top Ticket Sales
34 tickets – Mary Brokaw – Stronghurst Hustlers – $15
18 tickets – Sarah Ruiz – Media Achievers - $5
18 tickets – Catlyn Nichols – Stronghurst Hustlers - $5
18 tickets – Curtis Nichols – Stronghurst Hustlers - $5
“10 Tickets Sold” Drawing Winner:
Caleb Dowell – Stronghurst Hustlers - $15
Top club sales by ratio of member enrollment:
Small Club: Media Achievers – *12.6/member - $15
Large Club: Stronghurst Hustlers – 5.3/member - $15
*Media Achievers beat the old record of 8.5 tickets per member, which was set by the Media Achievers in 2000.
Club Scrapbook Award
Clubs may maintain a yearly scrapbook and enter it for competition. Scrapbooks are due with other award applications in August of each year.
Participating Clubs
Bald Bluff Blue Ribbons
Stronghurst Hustlers
Best Scrapbook Award
Stronghurst Hustlers
Fair Book Cover Design Contest Winners
Members had the opportunity to design and submit original drawings to be considered for the Henderson County fair book cover and inserts.
Front cover winner
Mary Brokaw – Stronghurst Hustlers
Club Reporter Award
These club reporters sent their club reports to the Extension Office. The reporter who submits the most reports is awarded “Top Reporter”.
Contributing Club Reporters:
Jacob Dance – Media Achievers
Jennifer Livermore – Raritan Explorers
Kim Turner – Stronghurst Hustlers
Samantha Scott – Terre Haute Superstars
Dakotah Ferguson – Trailriders
Top Reporter
Cori Sargent – Bald Bluff Blue Ribbons
Secretary Book Award
These secretaries turned in secretary books for judging:
Hillary Campbell – Bald Bluff Blue Ribbons
Mary Brokaw – Stronghurst Hustlers
Jessica Horton – Terre Haute Superstars
Best Secretary Book
Hillary Campbell – Bald Bluff Blue Ribbons
Treasurer Book Award
These treasurers turned in treasurer books for judging:
Jasmine Padilla – Bald Bluff Blue Ribbons
Janelle Turner – Stronghurst Hustlers
Jamie Stevenson – Terre Haute Superstars
Faith Schleich – Trailriders
Best Treasurer Book
Janelle Turner – Stronghurst Hustlers
Club Progress Award
Clubs who have turned in a list of club goal and a program plan to the Extension Office by Dec. 15 are eligible to receive the Progress Award Patch. During subsequent years, clubs can receive a Blue Award Year Patch that indicates the year they are receiving the award.
Receiving the 2008 Blue Award Year Patch
Bald Bluff Blue Ribbons
Happy Rock Clovers
Media Achievers
Raritan Explorers
Stronghurst Hustlers
Terre Haute Superstars
Award of Excellence
An Award of Excellence Patch is presented to 4-H clubs for the first year in which they complete eleven of the fourteen standards listed on the Illinois 4-H Standards of Excellence for 4-H Groups, and submit those by September 11. During subsequent years, the club can receive a Blue Award Year Patch that indicates the year they are receiving the award.
Receiving the 2008 Blue Award Year Patch
Bald Bluff Blue Ribbons
Stronghurst Hustlers
Terre Haute Superstars
Illinois 4-H Club/Group
State Award Winners
Clubs may choose to compete for state recognition by completing the Illinois 4-H Club/Group Report documenting the club activities in one of the curriculum areas listed below. This application is always due early in August. A club may enter competition in more than one category, but must complete a different application form in each category. Three state awards may be chosen in each of the membership categories based upon numbers: 15 or fewer members, 16-30 members, over 30 members. Reports must receive a minimum of 50% of eligible points in order to be recognized as a State 4-H Award Winner. Application may be made in one of eight focus areas. Winners receive a State 4-H Award Certificate, the State 4-H Award Patch for the category in which the club was named a winner, and $50 from the Illinois 4-H Foundation.
Award Focus: Agriculture
Henderson County
Younger Member Award
Young members apply for County Awards by filling out the Henderson County 4-H Award Application for 8–11 year olds (ages are as of September 1, 2007). Applicants are eligible to win awards as designated by the county.
Ashleigh Brown – Bald Bluff Blue Ribbons
Sydney Bigger – Stronghurst Hustlers
William Kane – Bald Bluff Blue Ribbons
Best Young Member Application
Ashleigh Brown – Bald Bluff Blue Ribbons
I Dare You Award
The American Youth Foundation awards the I Dare You Award in recognition of personal integrity, balanced living and potential for leadership. The award was first offered in 1941 by William H. Danforth, a successful businessman who dared young people to achieve their highest potential and to influence others through lives of leadership and service. The belief then as it is today is that each individual can make a difference. The I Dare You Leadership Award recognizes those who, with a little encouragement, are ready to see themselves as leaders – young adults who are ready to take the dare.
Rachel Keane – Stronghurst Hustlers
Electricity Achievement
The Illinois Electric Council will provide one plaque to each county to recognize one 4-H member for outstanding achievements in electricity. Member must have submitted a 4-H IEC Electricity Award Application (available from the Extension Office), and constructed and exhibited an electricity project at the fair. 4-H members can receive this award only once and must be selected by the awards judges.
Jessica Horton – Terre Haute Superstars
C.E. Neff Award
A state representative from Henderson County, the late C.E. Neff actively supported the Henderson County
4-H program. Awarded by the Henderson County 4-H Federation for outstanding leadership in 4-H, school, and community activities, applicants must be at least 14 years of age and enrolled the past year in 4-H. The winner will receive a medallion which they will keep, and their name will be engraved on a plaque to be displayed at the Extension Office.
Rachel Keane – Stronghurst Hustlers
Illinois 4-H Awards
Members age 12 and older by September 1, 2007, are eligible to apply for a County Medal Award by completing the Illinois 4-H Award application which focuses on the member’s whole career in the 4-H program. Members 15 and older who receive the award may go on to State competition. All members may apply in as many of the following award areas as they would like, but may win an Award Medal only once in each of the award areas.
This year we had no first time applicants.
County Blue Award
Certificate Winners
Members who apply for and win in an Illinois 4-H Award area in which they have previously received a County Medal receive the County Blue Award.
Mary Brokaw – Stronghurst Hustlers
Animal Science
Henderson County Homemakers Extension Scholarship
Henderson County Home and Community Education awards $25 scholarships to the qualified winners of the following award application areas:
Animal Science
Mechanics & Technology
Food, Nutrition, & Health
Personal Development
Mary Brokaw – Stronghurst Hustlers
Animal Science
Ralph Turner Memorial
High Point Award
This award, established by the Trailriders 4-H Club, honors the late Ralph Turner, a life-long resident of the Monmouth area. Turner bought and sold horses for a living and he supported youth and their horses in the 4-H arena. Given to the high point member of each of two age categories, the winners’ names are engraved on a plaque to be displayed at the Henderson County Extension Office.
Dakotah Ferguson – 12 & under winner
Faith Schleich – 13 & over winner
Project Achievement
Ages 8-11
Service Achievement Awards
Ages 12-14
Leadership Achievement
Ages 15-18
Henderson County
Junior Leaders
Junior Leaders are older 4-H members with the experience needed to help other members and their club leaders. Junior Leaders are appointed by each club’s organizational leaders.
First Year Junior Leaders
Mary Brokaw
Macy Davis
Kendall Durkee
Nathan Harden
Gretchen Higgins
Samantha Leary
Ellen Olson
Sophie Peterson
Faith Schleich
Janelle Turner
Kimberly Turner
Second Year Junior Leaders
Taylor Cupps
Jacob Giertz
Tiffany Mohr
Third Year Junior Leaders
Jonathan Arnold
Hillary Campbell
Abby Corzatt
Nikki Durkee
Julianna Gillam
Jessica Horton
Rachele Jack
Rachel Keane
Anthony Leary
John Livermore
Mallory Nelson
Gretchen Schrock
Jamie Stevenson
Sarah Ziegler
Fourth Year Junior Leaders
Trey Brokaw
Luci Lox
Morgan Mohr
Kayla Rothzen
Miriam Rutzen
Henderson County
Adult 4-H Leaders
1st Year Bronze Clover Award
Courtney Fox
2 Years
Jennifer Baxter
Michelle Raes
3 Years
Justin Mohr
6 Years
Jody Bigger
7 Years
Brenda Brokaw
Russ Campbell
9 Years
Lisa Lox
10 Years Gold Clover Award
Amanda Horton-Mohr
12 Years
Sara Nimrick
13 Years
Dan Horton
Melinda Horton
15 Years Pearl Clover Award
Lisa Corzatt
Shari Campbell
17 Years
Sally Waddell
18 Years
Jill Leary
32 Years
Catherine Burg
To Jennifer Baxter and the Media Achievers for hosting this year’s
Achievement Program & New 4-H Year Fall Kick-off.
To those who made donations to make this event happen: Susan Higgins,
Shari Campbell, Pat & Brenda Brokaw, Stronghurst Hustlers.
To all members, parents, leaders, and volunteers who supported the
Henderson County 4-H Program by attending this event.
To the Henderson County Fair Association for allowing 4-H to use the
Fairgrounds for this event, BBQ, and other teaching and
fundraising events throughout the year.
Henderson County 4-H
Club Enrollment 2007-2008
Members Leaders
Bald Bluff Blue Ribbons……...………. 21 4
Happy Rock Clovers………… ………. 11 1
Media Achievers…. ………… ………. 5 1
Raritan Explorers……………..………. 15 1
Stronghurst Hustlers………….……… 30 4
Terre Haute Superstars…………….. 7 4
Trailriders……………………………… 11 2
Total……………………………………. 100 17
2006-2007……………………………….129 20
2005-2006……………………………….123 22
2004-2005……………………………….139 23
2003-2004……………………………….143 25
2002-2003……………………………….139 24
2001-2002……………………………….115 21
2000-2001……………………………….116 17