Meeting Called to Order
Wendy Boyer, HWS Board Chair, called the meeting to order at 8:06 a.m.
Roll Call
Roll was called by Amy Christensen and a quorum was established.
Members Present:
Ernie Abariotes / Jesse DePriest / Angela Jones / Anita PetersonSteven Abolafia / Deb Dixon / Denny Knittle / Jean Petsch
Rod Anderson / Mona Dowding / Jessica McCormick / Chris Rodgers
Susan Billups-Rabick / Mike Eastman / Frank McGree / Bob Schulze
Wendy Boyer / Nancy Flearl / Terry McMullen / Brian Turner
Bobby Brumfield / Allan Hale / Kurt Meisinger / Tom Warren
Brenda Carlisle / Jim Hanson, Jr. / Bill Owen / Rachel Woodring
Liz Cook / Randy Thelen / Matt Parsons / Bill Zavadil
Members Absent:
Ovell Barbee / Paula Hazlewood / Rafael Maldonado / Clifford ScottMarty Bilek / Ron Joyce / Othello Meadows / Jim Walsh
Angela Caldwell / Joe LeGrand / Mark Ondracek
Cuba Dabney / Evangeline Levinson / Matt Ray
Deb Dinsmoor / Stephanie Mahony / Denise Robertson
Staff & Guests Present:
Justin Dougherty and Regina Bell – Goodwill Industries
Scott Focht and Angela Galloway – OPPD
Tiffany Lassek – Charles Drew Health Care
Connie Eichhorn- Metropolitan Community College
Jennifer Thielen – NCF –Project Everlast
Jane Prine – Impact One
Sarah Johnson and Jamie Berglund – Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce
Erin Porterfield, Shirley Carlson, Michael Phillips, and Donna Knerr- HWS
Notice of Publication
Adequate legal notice of this meeting was posted in the Omaha World Herald. Let the record reflect that the notice was published in accordance with the open meeting law requirements and published in the Greater Omaha area. A copy of the Nebraska Open Meeting Act is available at this meeting and can also be obtained from the Board staff.
No one indicated a conflict of interest pertaining to the items on the agenda. A request for public comment cards was made. No public comment cards were submitted.
Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda consisted of the following:
- Approval of professional services cost to support the RFP process for WIOA Adult/DLW, Youth, and One Stop. Cost is above $5000 and below $20,000
- Approval of the Eligible Training Provider requests
· Kaplan University Omaha Campus
Motion was made by Bill Owen and seconded by Jim Hanson, Jr., to approve the Consent Agenda. A roll call vote was taken. The motion carried with no abstentions and no dissension.
Members For:
Ernie Abariotes / Jesse DePriest / Angela Jones / Anita PetersonSteven Abolafia / Deb Dixon / Denny Knittle / Jean Petsch
Rod Anderson / Mona Dowding / Jessica McCormick / Chris Rodgers
Susan Billups-Rabick / Mike Eastman / Frank McGree / Bob Schulze
Wendy Boyer / Nancy Flearl / Terry McMullen / Brian Turner
Bobby Brumfield / Allan Hale / Kurt Meisinger / Tom Warren
Brenda Carlisle / Jim Hanson, Jr. / Bill Owen / Rachel Woodring
Liz Cook / Randy Thelen / Matt Parsons / Bill Zavadil
Welcome and Opening Comments
Wendy Boyer welcomed everyone to the Board Strategic Planning session, and gave a little history on the early years of Heartland Workforce Solutions. Wendy also mentioned that with the signing of the new WIOA law that it is a good time to look at where we have been, and where we will be going.
Erin Porterfield also welcomed members and guests to this session. Erin thanked Bill Owen for hosting us at Metropolitan Community College’s Fort Campus, Liz Cook (First National Bank) for providing coffee and breakfast, and Jessica McCormick (NMC, Inc.), Denny Knittle (Job Corps), and Anita Peterson (Bank of the West), for co-sponsoring lunch.
Bill Owen welcomed everyone to the Fort Campus and gave a brief history of the campus.
Strategic Planning session
Erin Porterfield introduced Scott Focht and Angela Galloway from Omaha Public Power District who will be leading the strategic planning session.
Scott Focht went over the day’s agenda along with the objectives for the strategic session, giving members an idea of the framework to be done and the timeline in which it should be completed. The board members broke in to five pre-determined groups with assigned leads. The groups were: Mission, Values, SWOT, Vision, and Goals & Metrics, and each group were given some guiding questions for a ninety minute discussion. After an hour debrief and feedback session, the board members chose a strategic focus group to take part in for a forty-five minute discussion. Each group came back together for debrief and feedback and presented the ideas that their group had come up with. Scott Focht wrapped up with giving some next steps for the Board to focus on.
Erin thanked the board members, Scott Focht, and Angela Galloway for their time, energy, and participation in HWS’s Strategic Planning session!
Meeting adjourned at 12:56
Next Board & Executive Committee Meetings
HWS Board Meeting / HWS Executive Committee MeetingThursday, October 23, 2014, 8:00 a.m. / Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 8:00 a.m.
Heartland Workforce Solutions-AJC
Community Room / Heartland Workforce Solutions - AJC
Sarpy Room
Ames Avenue, Omaha, NE 68104 / 5752 Ames Ave. Omaha, NE 68104