Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation

Job Description

Position: Executive Assistant to the Chair

Employment: Full-time, Hourly. Salary commensurate with experience.

Required Qualifications, Skills, and Experience:

· Bachelor’s degree.

· Currently lives in the Washington D.C. area.

· Strong communication skills and ability to write well across a variety of formats, including social media.

· Strong organizational and time management skills.

· Demonstrated interest in history, including a personal interest in the WWII Japanese American experience.

· Ability to relate well to the Japanese American community and engage people of all backgrounds.

· Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and demonstrate grace under pressure.

· Ability to be flexible with work schedule and have a willingness to travel.

· Willingness to perform administrative and hands-on logistical duties.

· Proficient in Microsoft Office, Gmail, and the internet with the ability to troubleshoot technological/computer issues.

Preferred Qualifications:

· Bachelor’s degree in History, American Studies, Asian American Studies, Japanese, English, Journalism, Political Science.

· A direct connection or affiliation to Heart Mountain or other confinement sites.

Tasks and Duties:

· Support the Chair in her role of promoting, collaborating, fundraising, and advocating on behalf of the mission and goals of the Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation.

o Act as the point person for external communications with the Chair and provide scheduling, logistical, planning, follow-up, and writing support for meetings and conference calls.

o Act as the photographer and social media point person for the Chair during events.

· Support the Board in fulfilling its governance functions.

o In consultation with the Executive Director, assist in compiling and distributing board meeting schedules and agenda packets.

o Provide board members with logistical support for participation in and travel to/ from board meetings and events.

o Provide scheduling, logistical, planning, follow-up, and writing support for board meetings and related events, including drafting a summary of the Chair’s initiatives, outreach activities and future events and a list of action items resulting from each board meeting.

· In consultation with the Chair, coordinate scheduling, logistics, planning, communications, and follow-up for major Foundation meetings and events outside of Cody/Powell.

· Draft articles for the Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation’s newsletter “Kokoro Kara,” and special publications as assigned by the Chair.

· Draft and deploy content for the social media accounts of the Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation at the direction of the Chair.

o Cover events that the Chair attends or participates in.

o Foster connections between the national interests and activities of the Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation and the local interests and activities of the Heart Mountain Interpretive Learning Center.

o Discuss the effectiveness of social media content with the Chair.

· Help document and organize materials for capturing the history of the Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation and its work, including special projects as assigned by the Chair.


Submit a cover letter about your desire and fitness for the Executive Assistant to the Chair position and resume to .

The Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation is an “At Will” employer. Employment, compensation and or benefits can be terminated, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at the option of either the HMWF or the employee.