North Carolina Career-Technical Education

Teaching Preparation Portfolio

This form should be completed and additional requested material attached. The form should be submitted to appropriate administrators for approval as required by the LEA.

General Course Information
Copy from the Standard Course of Study and paste into the gray area at right. / State course code: / 7242
State course title: / Health Science II
Recommended maximum enrollment: / 20
Recommended hours of instruction: / 135
Course Description
Copy course description from the Standard Course of Study and paste into the gray area. (Area will expand to needed size.) Insert explanations of enhanced course expectations and locally-established requirements. / This course is designed to help students expand their understanding of financing and trends of
health care agencies, fundamentals of wellness, legal and ethical issues, concepts of teamwork,
and effective communication. Students will learn health care skills, including current CPR and
first aid training. English language arts and science are reinforced in this course. Work-based
learning strategies appropriate for this course include internship, mentorship, service learning,
and job shadowing. Apprenticeship and cooperative education are not available for this course.
Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) competitive events, community service, and
leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace
readiness skills through authentic experiences.
Course Goals and Objectives / Enhanced course blueprint on file with honors documents.
Concepts / See RBT unpacked content in curriculum guide.
Generalizations / The purpose of Health Science II is to promote students to gain understanding of Healthcare Foundation Standards, Safety, Infection Control and Emergency Procedures.
·  Understand Health Care Foundation Standards related to effective communication, healthcare agencies finances and trends, legal/ethical issues, teamwork skills, and wellness fundamentals (HSE II: 1.01-1.06)
·  Understand Safety and Infection Control Procedures understand safety and infection control procedures (HSE II: 2.01-2.02)
·  Understand Health Science Standards understand diagnostic and therapeutic services, health informatics, support services, biotechnology research and development (HSE II: 3.01-3.04)
·  Apply Procedures to Provide Basic Emergency Care Apply procedures to provide CPR, and First Aid. Students may become certified in CPR (HSE II: 4.01-4.02
·  Procedures to Complete Clinical Internship upon eligibility students may participate in a Clinical Internship/Mentor Shadowing Experience (HSE II: 4.03)
List generalizations, then discuss briefly how they will be used in the course.
Essential Questions / Essential Questions
List essential questions, then discuss briefly how they will be used in the course. / HSE 1.00: 1) What are the issue facing care providers in various facilities and how are they responding?
2) What roles do government and/or non-profit agencies play in providing access to information about healthcare? 3) What insurance plan offers the most comprehensive coverage at the lowest cost?
HSE 2.00:1) How does the injury of a staff member impact patient care? 2) How can a healthcare facility insure patient safety? 3) What are some specific ways patients/staff may be injured in the healthcare setting? 4) What are the responsibilities of healthcare providers to prevent the spread of disease? 5) How is disease spread?
HSE 3.00: 1) Why is rapid and accurate access of health information necessary? 2) What is the best method of maintaining patient records? 3) How does hypoxia impact body function and behavior? 4) How can a healthcare worker insure the accuracy of his/her diagnostic skills?
HSE 4.00: 1) Why is “assessment” of the situation the primary step in emergency response? 2) How is “rapid-response” accomplished in our community?
Issues Particular to the Course
List issues particular to this course and discuss how you plan to deal with them / ·  Students must have access to the internet out side of the classroom setting
·  Students must abide by HIPPA/Privacy Act laws, keeping all information regarding patients confidential
·  Students must have reliable transportation to the clinical setting. Driving Permission form must remain in the students file.
·  Dress Code policy will be followed for all students going out for Job Shadow experiences
·  TB screening will be performed on all students participating in the Job Shadowing experience North Carolina GS 131E-113
·  To enroll in Nursing Fundamentals the student must successfully complete HS 1 and HS II, and be in good academic standing.
·  Application process required to proceed to Nursing Fundamentals, drug screening and background check may be required as well.
Expectations of Performance
Explain how expectations of performance differ in the honors course from the standard course / In addition to mastering the course objectives for Health Science Education II the Honors HSE II student is required to keep an ongoing portfolio.
The Honors Portfolio must include the following:
Student reflection and high quality entries from the following topics:
Understand healthcare foundation standards (ex: effective communication in healthcare, ethical issues, concepts of teamwork)
Safety and Infection Control Procedures
Understanding Biotechnology Research and Development
The Application and Essentials of Basic Emergency Care, CPR, and First Aid
Provide selected assignments and explain how they differ in the honors course and the standard course / See attached copies
Timetables and Deadlines / See attached course syllabus
Pacing Guide / See attached
Explain how students will be assessed in the course and attach selected assessments and rubrics. / ·  Elements Testing (Pre-assessment, mid semester test, Final Exam (25%)
·  Observations by teacher and peers
·  Performance Based Skills
System for Grading / See attached syllabus
Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Technologies
List materials, equipment, and technologies needed for the course.


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