Updated 06.24.11

Health Index – Best Practices

This document is a compilation of best practices from the Health Index responses. Although there were many great answers, we attempted to provide answers from different sizes of Community Tennis Associations.


What is the general geographic footprint of your CTA? Has it changed?

The Fredericksburg Tennis Association:

Primarily: Gillespie County

Secondarily: Kerr, Mason, Llano, Blanco, and Kimbell counties.

Concho Valley Tennis Association

CVTA is San Angelo, plus area communities within 90-mile radius: Mertzon, Christoval, Eldorado, Sonora, Big Lake, Grape Creek, Sterling City, Robert Lee, Miles, Ballinger, Wall, Eden, and Brady.


1. What is your CTA’s mission statement?

Amarillo Area Tennis Association

AATA is a non-profit volunteer organization established to promote, coordinate, and enhance the quality of tennis in the Amarillo area.

Dallas Tennis Association

DTA’s mission statement is to promote and develop the growth of tennis in the great DTA area.

2. When was the last time your CTA board reviewed and updated its bylaws to ensure they are relevant and that your CTA is in compliance with them?

January, 2009 Added Conflict of Interest Policy

2010 Reviewed annually

3. Does your CTA have paid employees? Please describe their role, the weekly number of hours worked and amount of payment.

Corpus Christi Tennis Association:

Executive Secretary - CCTA

· Takes minutes at each Board meeting.

· Furnishes a set of minutes to each director prior to the subsequent meeting.

· Notifies each officer and director by telephone prior to each meeting unless the director declines such notification.

· Updates Board roster and distributes to all Board members each time there is a change of director or an information change on an existing director.

· A CCTA membership roster shall be made available to each CCTA member at the annual meeting. Every other year a membership roster shall be mailed to every CCTA member. Board of Directors shall approve the mailing expense prior to distribution.

· Shall pay all bills subject to prior approval by President, event chairman or Board vote.

· A financial statement and set of prior meetings minutes shall be provided to each director prior to each Board meeting.

· A tournament preliminary financial statement shall be furnished all directors at the Board meeting immediately following the tournament. A final report shall be furnished within 60 days.

· Membership files shall be kept by the Executive Secretary. Renewal notices shall b mailed on a timely basis.

· The annual luncheon fees due from each Board member shall be collected by the Executive Secretary.

· Shall make reservations for monthly meeting and pay bill after the luncheon.

· Tournament entry and other fees shall be collected and deposited in a timely manner

· Shall be available to assist officers, committee chairman, and tournament directors with correspondence and secretarial assistance as needed

· All CCTA mail with exception of entry fees shall be submitted to President on a weekly basis or as agreed upon by the President

· Shall be available for annual audit and will file quarterly IRS reports

· Shall submit sanction fees and entry information to USTA Texas for the USTA Texas year book

· Shall send out billing invoices for ads and sponsorships on a monthly basis and continue to send reminders monthly until money is collected

· Shall publish and distribute a SMASH quarterly

· Tournament Directors duties now conducted by Executive Secretary:

o Prints and sends out entry forms

o Receives and processes USTA Texas entries

o Coordinates seeding and draws

o Does scheduling

o Runs tournament desk

o Sends final result to paper and USTA Texas office. USTA Texas requires full draw results immediately following tournament

o Keeping signs up out front for tournament dates

o Entry forms for tournaments

o Contact coaches for courts

o Negotiate with hotels for sponsorship

o Furnish info to webmaster

Capital Area Tennis Association:

Executive Director CATA:

Full-Time Salary $___

The ED is hired by the board of directors.


· Reports to BOD and Supervises Volunteer Staff and Paid Staff

· Advise the board and carry out tasks assigned by the board.

1- Participating at board meetings and on board committees.

2- Spearhead the strategic planning process.

· Personnel management (recruiting, hiring, training, evaluation and termination of volunteer and paid staff).

1- Oversee evaluation design and implementation

2- Conducting regular employee evaluations

· Oversee daily operations, project planning, and special events, working closely with Director of Marketing/Sponsorships/Training.

· Program development and supervision, including but not limited to Leagues, Junior and Tournaments.

1- Fulfill or assign the role of Leagues Commissioner

1a. Supervise Leagues Scheduler

1b. Supervise League Flight Coordinators

2- Fulfill or assign the role of Junior Events Commissioner

2a. Supervise Junior Tour Coordinator

2b. Supervise Junior Tournament Coordinator(s)

3- Fulfill or assign the role of Adult tournament commissioner

3a. Supervise Adult Tournament Consultant(s)

· Together with the treasurer and director of Marketing/sponsorships/training, develop and manage the annual budget for board approval, including necessary revisions.

· Manage fiscal accountability of major gifts (donations, sponsorships) campaigns with assistance of the treasurer and director of marketing/sponsorships/training

· Manage fiscal accountability of direct fundraising activities including grant research, writing, management and reporting, special events planning and implementation, developing individual giving program via point-of-sale.

· Develop network of support within the tennis community.

· Attend CATA and USTA training workshops as required.

Director of Leagues/Marketing/Sponsorships/Leagues $_____

· Reports to: Executive Director

· Supervises: Occasional Volunteers and staff as assigned

· Director of Leagues/Marketing/Sponsorships/Leagues is hired by the Executive Director.

· Advise the board and carry out tasks assigned by the board and Executive Director

· Participating at board meetings and on board committees as directed

· Spearhead the marketing/sponsorship/league focus of the strategic planning process.

· Together with the ED and Treasurer, develop and manage marketing budget for board approval, including necessary revisions.

· All marketing activities including but not limited to:

1- Coordinate with USTA Texas promotional campaigns

2- Coordinate with USTA National promotional campaigns

3- Coordinate with local area tennis programs special events promotional campaigns

a. Advertising CATA-sponsored event campaigns and target placement or promotional pieces

b. Direct mail campaigns

c. Website maintenance

d. General correspondence and printed promotional material

· Compose, edit, produce and coordinate internal and external communications and promotional pieces

· Direct fundraising activities, including grant research and writing, management and reporting; special events planning and implementation; and developing individual giving program via point-of-sale contributions

· Coordinate solicitation of grants, corporate and in-kind donations

· Research and identify prospective new corporate and individual funding sources

· Assist Executive Director with planning, coordinating and follow-up on special events

· Attend CATA and USTA training workshops as required

Administrative Assistant to leagues:

Part-time (30 hrs/week) $___ /hr

Special Projects and webmaster:

Part-time (35 hrs/week) $___/hr

Junior Team Tennis Coordinator and Assistant to Executive Director

Part-time (0-15 hrs/week) $___/hr

4. Please list your CTA’s board position titles and length of terms.

South Plains Tennis Association

President: 1 year term with maximum of 2 consecutive terms

Vice President: 1 year term with maximum of 2 consecutive terms

Secretary: 1 year term with maximum of 2 consecutive terms

Treasurer: 1 year term with maximum of 2 consecutive terms

4 Elected Board Members: 2 year terms with 2 positions to expire on even years

And 2 positions to expire on odd years

2 Appointed Board Members: 1 year terms

Past President: serves until president becomes Past President

Corpus Christi Tennis Association:


· Presides over Board meetings

· Sets agenda for Board meetings

· Represents the CCTA as spokesperson and negotiator

· Appoints all committee chairpersons

· Calls and presides over executive committee meetings


· Presides over meetings in President’s absence

· Coordinates and oversees all tournament committees.

· Appoints co-tournament directors for each tournament from the Board of Directors

1st Vice President (Junior Development)

· Assembles and chairs a committee to submit junior development annual budget and program recommendations to the Board of Directors.

· Junior Development budget and program recommendations are submitted to the Board in November of each year and voted upon in December.

· Implements and coordinates programs approved by the Board.

2nd Vice President (Public Relations)

· Promotes news media coverage of CCTA tournaments and special events

· Coordinates all press release information with tournament director

· Appoints a public relations coordinator for each tournament to file results with the newspaper

3rd Vice President (Membership)

· Promotes membership in CCTA


· Records Board meeting minutes in absence of Executive Secretary.

· Chairs a committee for the formation of the budget for coming year. The committee shall include President, President-Elect, and 1st Vice President. Proposed budget is submitted in November and voted on at December meeting.


· Each Board member shall be expected to attend monthly CCTA Board meetings. If a director misses two consecutive meetings they will be asked if they wish to remain on the Board. If a director misses three consecutive meetings the director can be removed by the President.

· Each director must serve on a tournament committee each year.

· Each tournament will have two Board members acting as co-tournament directors to assist in the organization and running of the tournament.

· Each direct is expected to participate in the organization and running of the yearly benefit tournament ‘Double Up’.

Co-Tournament Directors Responsibilities

· Personally conduct player registration or:

o Obtain additional persons to conduct registration

o Provide any training or supervision needed regarding registration

· Secure sites and enlist Site Directors

· Conduct a site directors meeting

· Convey Site Director and Registration information to the next Tournament Co-Chairman

· Enlist Board members or interested people for posting scores at tournament and assist in the keeping of the score books.


· The referee serves as a member o the tournament play committee, along with head umpire and tournament director

· Assists the tournament play committee with the seeding and the draw

· The referee exercises general supervision over all aspects of play, including, but not limited to, the conduct and actions of players, parents coaches, umpires, ball persons, groundskeepers, and administrative crew

· The referee should use his best judgment in all situations not covered by the rules

· The referee decides any point of law an umpire is unable to decide, or which is referred to him as an appeal by a player. The referee’s decision in such a case is final.

· The referee is responsible for suspending or postponing play when weather, light, surface conditions or other circumstances justify so doing.

· The referee may default a player for cause, and rule on appeals from players defaulted by an umpire

5. Please list your methods for recruiting volunteers in addition, describe how you match them with jobs that are of interest to them.

Southeast Texas Tennis Association:

WE use our website, email, Facebook, and phone calls to recruit volunteers. We have developed an interest indicator which is given to each volunteer (attached). We also recruit during our events – Wooden Racquet Classic, Labor Day tournament and Gumbo Cook-off. Also, due to the growing tennis community, recruiting efforts must be at an all time high. We must act quickly and efficiently in order to gain new members for the 2011 year. One group that must be targeted is the college student. Many students enjoy the beautiful facilities at Lamar University but do not participate in local leagues or serve as volunteers. Our recruitment coordinator has distributed flyers at the university. He is also capitalizing on the new USTA rule that allows 18year old high school students the opportunity to participate in league play. He has contacted the local high schools and established communication to enable these vibrant young adults to work with our own youthful recruitment coordinator. His enthusiasm and love for our community should really help our recruiting efforts.

Fredericksburg Tennis Association

One of our bigger challenges is to find members willing to serve on the board. Recruitment is based on desire to be on the board, recommendation by others and skill set. Leadership is a primary quality we look for in potential board members, particularly officers. Ability to devote time and commitment is another. Normally, we ask members to take on specific responsibilities that map to their skill set or passion. Most members tell us what they prefer to do. We also ask non-board members for certain duties and responsibilities. One does not have to be a board member to contribute their time and resources.

6. Has your CTA explored local/state opportunities to expand your volunteer base by working with other non-profit organizations with similar goals? If so, please explain.

Houston Tennis Association:

We work with Special Olympics, Harris Country of Department of Education, Serve Up a Cure, Houston Parks and Recreation Department, School Districts, Houston Ladies Tennis Association (HLTA), West Houston Ladies Tennis Association (WHLTA), Jack Rabbit League, Houston Tennis Club (HTC), Local Clubs and other organizations

Laredo Tennis Association:

We are working with Laredo Boys and Girls Club of Laredo, Laredo Country Club Women’s Tennis Group

Laredo Parks and Rec Dept, United ISD Athletic Dept, Texas A&M International Tennis on Campus Club, Laredo Crushers (NJTL), Webb County Sheriff Department

Southeast Texas Tennis Association:

This year we are collaborating with Girls Haven. We have assembled a Gumbo cook off team and are competing in their annual fundraiser. Our participation not only helps the non profit but is an excellent way to market our organization to a large segment of the population not exposed to tennis.

Fredericksburg Tennis Association

Locally we have allied ourselves with other organizations whose primary mission relates to youth development and/or fitness of one sort or another. For example, the local soccer and swimming organizations have joined with other groups like ourselves to canvass the community leaders for improved facilities. FTA has been interviewed by the local hospital Wellness Center as part of a needs analysis for a new facility related to improving health and well being. FTA is a dues paying member of the local Chamber of Commerce. We have also partnered with the City of Fredericksburg as part of an effort to improve tennis facilities. Perhaps our biggest contribution to the community related to a shared fund raising effort with HEB Grocery to build the HEB Tennis Center for FISD. Through the efforts of FTA and HEB eight tennis courts were constructed on school property. We continue to provide funding for miscellaneous items for the local school system. We provide annual college scholarships to graduating seniors on the tennis team and financial assistance to youth tennis camps. We also have a close working relationship with local FISD Community Education via the clinics we offer through them during the summer. We also work jointly with Baron’s Creek Club, a local private swim and tennis club, especially in the area of youth tennis. Furthermore we’ve worked closely with both Mason and Wimberley Tennis Associations with respect to inter-club play.