Herefordshire College of Technology

Centre 24150

BTEC Nationals in Information Technology Assessment Front Sheet

Candidate Number:
Assessor: Len Shand
Course: Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Information Technology
Unit: 6 - Software Design and Development
Title: Assignment 3 – Good design!
Internal Verification of assignment: Terry Prosser
Date: 2011/04/11
Outcome and Principal Objective(s):
P6 use appropriate tools to design a solution to a defined requirement.
M2 justify the choice of data types and software structures used in a design solution.
D2 develop algorithms to represent a design solution.
Overall Achievement (Fail/Pass/Merit/Distinction):
Task / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Outcome / P6 / P6 / M2 / D2
Grade / Witness Statement
Assessor's Comments:
Issue Date: 2013/04/15
Due Date / Submitted date / Grade / Assessor / Verifier
1 May 24 2013
Date assessment completed:

Grading Criteria

Assessment and grading criteria
To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to: / To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to: / To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to:
P1 describe the application and limits of procedural, object oriented and event driven programming paradigms / M1 explain the importance of the quality of code / D1 discuss the factors that can improve the readability of code
P2 describe the factors influencing the choice of programming language / M2 justify the choice of data types and software structures used in a design solution. / D2 develop algorithms to represent a design solution.
P3 explain sequence, selection and iteration as used in computer programming
P4 outline the benefits of having a variety of data types
available to the programmer
P5 explain the role of software design principles and software structures in the IT Systems Development Life Cycle
P6 use appropriate tools to design a solution to a defined requirement.


You are employed at a small software development company in Hereford. You have been training as a programmer and the senior developer has asked you to design a program for a local painter and decorator firm.

He has given you the following document from the decorator:

We are a local painting and decorating firm in Hereford and require a program to estimate the cost of painting a single room. The decorator needs to enter the height of the room (assume all walls are the same height i.e. no sloping ceilings). The height must be between 2.4m and 6m. The length of all four walls must be entered (minimum 1m and maximum 25m). The program then needs to calculate the total area of the wall(s) to be painted. Assume at least one window to be present in the room (minimum height 0.9m, maximum height1.5m, minimum length 0.9m and maximum length 2m).

The program should allow for a choice of three paints:

·  Luxury quality which costs £1.75 per square metre

·  Standard quality which costs £1.00 per square metre

·  Economy quality which costs £0.80 per square metre

The decorator should also be able to choose an undercoat if required, which costs an additional £0.45 per square metre.

The program must display an itemised bill with a total. It must have a proper invoice number. It should look like an invoice that can be handed to a customer.

The company details are:

Hereford Painters and Decorators

45 High Street



VAT Number: 123456789A

Tel: 01432 123456


a)  Design the program.

a.  Hint: you need to draw out your design. You can do this on paper or use an electronic package such as paint, photoshop, etc. You MAY NOT use the visual studio IDE to do this task.

b)  Now develop the program. This will be assessed by witness statement and the following will need to be demonstrated:

·  A well designed interface

·  Choice of paint quality

·  Window area calculation

·  Working calculation to determine the area to be painted

·  Bill including total and invoice number


Task 2

Use at least two design tools (structure diagram, DFD diagram or ERD diagram) to identify the different procedures in your program.

Show your storyboard for your design. Explain why it is different to your final layout (actual program).


Task 3

Write a justification of the data types you have chosen. Do this for:

a)  the variables you have defined in your design

b)  the way you have structured the system, for example by splitting it into a number of different procedures .

(Hint: Here you will need to explain WHY you chose the data types you did, WHAT the alternatives were and WHY you did not consider them suitable. In some cases this will be obvious i.e. a text input box.) M2

Task 4

Develop an algorithm using pseudo-code to describe how the calculation should be done to estimate the cost of decorating for any given size of room, choice of paint and undercoat.

(Hint: You should annotate the algorithms you produce to explain how they work and how they meet the requirements of the system) D2

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