Executive Board Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2016
Commission Room – City Hall
Members Present
Jennifer Opp, Blaine Lemer, Buster Langowski, Leanne Stiefel, Derek Czywczynski
Members Absent
D. Krause, Nancy Wolf, Ken Miller, James Sayler
Call Meeting to Order
J. Opp called the meeting to order at 5:06 p.m.
D. Czywczynski moved to approve minutes of 05/10/2015 meeting, second by L. Stiefel; motion carried.
Review of Financial Reports
Treasurer’s Report - As of 6/14/2016 the HCD Sales Tax Fund had a balance of $79,985.67; the General Fund had a balance of $16,083.24 minus payment of the pending bills in the amount of $10,084.45. The Hazen Renaissance Fund had a balance of $18,496.61. The total dollars available in HCD Fund Balance is $85,984.46 (excluding the RZ Fund).
Deposits received:
Hazen Chamber $ 15.00 (Annual Meeting)
WRT $ 274.26 (Dividend Check)
Fastenal $2,271.00 (June Rent)
J F Hair $ 700.00 (June Rent
Checks to be approved:
MDU $ 18.77 (Electric @ Pioneer Home)
RR Electric $ 138.00 (Electric @ Commerce Center & 4 J Gun Pro)
DiAnne Wiege $ 45.00 (cleaning @ Commerce Center)
West Dakota Lumber $ 60.42 (4 J Gun Pro Supplies)
Buster Langowski $ 161.00 (Cell Allowance & Mileage to Bismarck)
Weber Appraisal $4,000.00 (Commerce Center Appraisal)
BHG, Inc. $ 111.06 (RZ Public Meeting Ad)
BobKat Contracting $5,550.00 (Work on 4 J Gun Pro Project)
NEW Total: $10,084.45
L. Stiefel moved to pay the bills as presented, second by B. Lemer to pay the bills; MC
Action and Discussion Items
Executive Director Reports
● Commerce Center Appraisal – The appraisal has been received. The draft of the appraisal was reviewed. Buster will follow up with Steve Frovarp to clarify square foot land area included in the valuation.
● Ren. Zone 2-Block Expansion was approved by the Department of Commerce. Buster filled out the form for Renaissance Zone Tractor Supply and sent it to their tax person today. Will have the local RZ board meet, and make recommendations. Hope to present at the 7/5/2016 meeting of the City Commission.
● 4 J Gun Pro Update – Reviewed the costs and remaining bills to be paid for this build out. It will probably be another about $7,500 to be paid.
● Out of Office for EDND Summer Conference – Buster will be attending this meeting 6/21-6/23/2016
Goals – Primary Sector
1. Hotel – The Market Study Rep. visted; he interviewed several people from Hazen. Steve Frovarp gave him a tour of Hazen. He met at the Plant with officials. He called today, he said that he had tried to visit with Jude Reilly from ICI, but Jude was non-committal due to their hotel in Stanton. He plans to write the report based on Mercer County. He hoped to have the report by the end of the month or early July.
2. Pioneer Home – Need approval to sign commitment with Williams Builders for the Off Book piece with the Hazen Pioneer Apartment which was previously agreed and we had said we would honor. The additional is actually about $27,910 rather than $80,000 we thought it would be.
B. Lemer moved to approve signing of the contract with them, second by D. Czywczynski; motion carried. Jennifer Opp signed the Contract.
Being no further business, L. Stiefel moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:34 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Leanne Stiefel
Future Mtg. Dates: 7/12, 8/9, 9/13, 10/12 (Wednesday), 11/9, 12/14
HCD Mission: To further the economic development of the City of Hazen and the surrounding business/trade area, by promoting, encouraging and assisting in the development in new enterprise, or the expansion or continuation of those presently existing, in order to benefit the citizens of such area, through the enlargement of business activity, the expansion of available goods and services, and increasing employment opportunities.