HSPVA AP Biology Final Project 2017
The final project is a required assignment for all AP Biology students. The project grade will be used as your final exam grade and is worth 25% of your semester grade. Your final project is due on your scheduled final exam day (3rd period: Wednesday, May 24th; 9th period: Tuesday, May 23rd) and will include a presentation to the class.
I. Write a letter to a future AP Biology student that outlines advice for success in the course.
Next year each AP Biology student will read a letter of advice written by one of you! Write an informative, helpful, realistic letter to one of my future students. Include advice for getting the most out of class, understanding the material, and preparing for quizzes, tests, and the AP Biology exam.
4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0-Letter is at least 300 words
-Letter contains at least ten detailed pieces of advice
-Letter covers all components of AP Biology
-There are no grammar or spelling errors / -Letter is at least 200 words
-Letter contains at least eight detailed pieces of advice
-Letter covers many components of AP Biology
- There are few grammar and/or spelling errors / -Letter is at least 150 words
-Letter contains at least five detailed pieces of advice
-Letter covers some components of AP Biology
- There are some grammar and/or spelling errors / -Letter is at least 100 words
-Letter contains at least three detailed pieces of advice
-Letter covers few components of AP Biology
- There are many grammar and/or spelling errors / -Letter is less than 100 words
-Letter contains two or fewer detailed pieces of advice
-Letter covers one or two components of AP Biology
- There are considerable grammar and/or spelling errors
II. Select ONE of the following options:
- Watch and write questions for EIGHT AP Biology Bozeman Biology Videos.
These questions will be used next year to help students learn content and to connect the content to the larger big picture.
4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0- At least 14 questions have been written for each Bozeman Biology video
-Questions have been written for 8 Bozeman Biology videos
-At least seven questions are high level critical thinking questions
-At least three questions incorporate one of AP Biology’s Big Ideas
-There are no grammar or spelling errors / - At least 11 questions have been written for each Bozeman Biology video
-Questions have been written for 6 Bozeman Biology videos
-At least five questions are high level critical thinking questions
-At least three questions incorporate one of AP Biology’s Big Ideas
-There are few grammar or spelling errors / - At least 7 questions have been written for each Bozeman Biology video
-Questions have been written for 4 Bozeman Biology videos
-At least four questions are high level critical thinking questions
-At least two questions incorporate one of AP Biology’s Big Ideas
-There are some grammar or spelling errors / - At least 4 questions have been written for each Bozeman Biology video
-Questions have been written for 2 Bozeman Biology videos
-At least two questions are high level critical thinking questions
-At least one question incorporate one of AP Biology’s Big Ideas
-There are many grammar or spelling errors / - Less than 3 questions have been written for each Bozeman Biology video
-Questions have been written for fewer than 2 Bozeman Biology videos
-Less than two questions are high level critical thinking questions
-Zero questions incorporate one of AP Biology’s Big Ideas
-There are considerable grammar or spelling errors
- Watch and write questions for ONE or more videos or podcasts over AP Biology content (at least 2 hours).
Some ideas: Inside Nature’s Giants (National Geographic) any of them!, Any of the HMI’s videos; RadioLab; BluePlanet; TED talks; Invisibilia; Science Friday; etc…
4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0- At least 84 questions have been written for the video
-At least 42 questions are high level critical thinking questions
-At least 18 questions incorporate one of AP Biology’s Big Ideas
-There are no grammar or spelling errors / - At least 63 questions have been written for the video
-At least 32 questions are high level critical thinking questions
-At least 14 questions incorporate one of AP Biology’s Big Ideas
-There are few grammar or spelling errors / - At least 42 questions have been written for the video
-At least 21 questions are high level critical thinking questions
-At least 9 questions incorporate one of AP Biology’s Big Ideas
-There are some grammar or spelling errors / - At least 21 questions have been written for the video
-At least 11 questions are high level critical thinking questions
-At least 5 questions incorporate one of AP Biology’s Big Ideas
-There are many grammar or spelling errors / - Less than 21 questions have been written for the video
-Less than 11 questions are high level critical thinking questions
-Less than 5 questions incorporate one of AP Biology’s Big Ideas
-There are considerable grammar or spelling errors
- Select a Biology related topic, research the topic, make a PowerPoint/Prezi/Research Paper on the topic. Include at least EIGHT sources and a bibliography.
4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
-A minimum of ten PPT slides or 5 typed pages
-Topic is relevant, interesting, and well researched
-All AP Biology Big Ideas are Incorporated into report
-8 sources were used and bibliography present
-There are no grammar or spelling errors / -eight PPT slides or 4 typed pages
-Topic is relevant and adequately researched
-3 AP Biology Big Ideas are Incorporated into report
-6 sources were used and bibliography present
-There are no grammar or spelling errors / - five PPT slides or 2 ½ typed pages
-Topic is interesting and researched
-2 AP Biology Big Ideas are Incorporated into report
-4 sources were used and bibliography present
-There are no grammar or spelling errors / -three PPT slides or 1 ½ typed pages
-Topic is poorly researched
-1 AP Biology Big Idea is Incorporated into report
-2 sources were used and bibliography present
-There are no grammar or spelling errors / -Less than three PPT slides or 1 ½ typed pages
-Topic is not researched
-No AP Biology Big Ideas are Incorporated into report
-less than 2 sources were used and bibliography is not present
-There are no grammar or spelling errors
BIG IDEA 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life.
BIG IDEA 2: Biological systems utilize energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce, and to maintain homeostasis.
BIG IDEA 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes.
BIG IDEA 4: Biological systems interact, and these interactions possess complex properties.