HSC ICT Programme – Commissioning Agreement with BSO ITS 2014 -15

HSC ICT Programme

Commissioning Agreement with BSO ITS

2014 -15

May 2014 – Initial Draft

The purpose of this document is to describe the scope of work required by the BSO ITS to support the HSC ICT Programme. A distinction is made between routine services which are covered by the SLA and developmental work which is the main focus of this commissioning document.

Document History

Version / Date / Description
1.0 / Initial Draft


1 / General
2 / Regional ICT Infrastructure
3 / Regional Projects
4 / BSO Steady State Systems
5 / BSO Support to other HSC Organisations
6 / Other - for BSO Consideration
7 / Other HSCB Areas of Work – for Noting
App A / Capital and Revenue Budgets


1. Funding is made available from the HSC ICT Programme on the understanding that it is covered by an appraisal/business case, which is compiled on a commensurate effort basis under the principles of the Northern Ireland Guide to Expenditure Appraisal & Evaluation. Capital funding will not be released to the BSO without evidence of an approved business case. Such appraisals/business cases must comply with all relevant DHSSPS Circulars including :

- HSC(F) 61/2012 – Economic Appraisal Requirements

- HSC(F) 19/2012 – Economic Appraisal Requirements

- HSC(F) 50/2011 – PPP/PFI

- FD(DFP) 12/2011 – Strategic Outline Cases

- HSC(F) 25/2012 – Guidance on the Use of Professional Services including Consultants

- HSC(F) 48/2012 – Assessment of Large Scale, Complex or Innovative External Consultancy Assignments

- HSC (F) 57/2012 – External Consultancy – Gateway Reviews and Feasibility Studies.

- FD(DFP) 14/11- Appraising Mutually Dependent Expenditures Together

- HSC (F) 24-2013 – Post Project Evaluations: Dissemination of Lessons Learned

- HSC(F) 34-2013 – Guidance on Completion of Revised Revenue Business Case Templates and PPEs

2. The revised budget for 2014/15 is (See Appendix A and B for Details):

Core BSO ITS Funding Revenue

HSC ICT Programme Revenue

HSC ICT Programme Capital

This budget profile may be amended during the year by agreement with the HSCB.

3. All capital business cases must be completed and approved by 15/12/14. Funds budgeted but without business case cover by 15/12/14 will be considered available for slippage.

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HSC ICT Programme – Commissioning Agreement with BSO ITS 2014 -15

1. General

1.1 Service Level Agreement

Objective: 1.1.1 / To continue to provide ICT services in accordance with the prevailing Service Level Agreement with each supported organisation.
Timescale: / On-going. Customer Review meetings to be held quarterly
Specific Budgetary
Notes : / Monitoring and reporting to be undertaken via Quarterly Customer Forum meetings supported by fault/problem/incident reports against targets.
End of Year Status:

1.2 eHealth & Care Strategy

Objective: 1.2.1 / BSO to support the HSCB in the development of an eHealth & Care Strategy and in particular to consider the impact of moving to the proposed Public Sector Data Centres and any ‘Once in a Lifetime’ opportunities that this might present.
Specific Budgetary
Supplements / N/A
Notes :
End of Year Status:

1.3 Gartner Review

Objective: 1.3.1 / To liaise with the HSCB and wider HSC on the impact of changes to the organisation and operation of BSO ITS arising from the Gartner Review
Timescale: / To be completed during 2014-15
Specific Budgetary
Supplements / N/A
Notes : / AD HSCB ICT to sit as a member of the Project Board
3rd copy to be complete in 14/15
Work on “showback” to be defined here
End of Year Status: / third-copy carried forward to 14/15

1.4 Financial Management

Objective: 1.4.1 / To provide the HSCB with such financial information as may reasonably be requested to enable it to set budgets and monitor expenditure in relation to the work of BSO ITS – including prompt response to specific queries.
Timescale: / Ongoing annual cycle
BSO to inform HSCB of its plans by end of February
Starting Budgets to be set by the end of April
Revenue to be invoiced monthly within 1 month of each month end
(starting after the first quarter)
Final analysis of expenditure by PID after YE adjustments to be provided to the HSCB by Mid- April – to inform budget setting.
Specific Budgetary
Supplements / £96k Revenue is provided annually to fund financial analysis support including staff and systems to be applied as determined by the BSO
Notes : / HSCB meet BSO ITS monthly to review progress and expenditure, with quarterly meetings with DoF BSO.
31/3/15 end of year budget figures agreed and spend managed up to 31/3/15
End of Year Status:

Resource Management

Objective: 1.4.1 / To develop and use Project Vision to deliver a Resource Management solution for BSO ITS
Timescale: / This is to begin in 2014/15 following the re-structuring of BSO ITS. Pat Davis and Robert Thompson to take the lead in the project and work closely with all heads of the new ITS structures.
The target is for a number (if not all) of the new structures to be up and running the new resource management solution by the end of 2014/15.
Aim is to provide “Showback” on use of resources for operational services, input into projects and larger projects. Proposal is to use the Gartner functional IT areas mapped to service catalogue and commissioning plan
Specific Budgetary
Supplements / There will be additional licencing costs for “Resource Users” on PV. A final price is to be negotiated.
Notes : / None
End of Year Status:

1.5 Procurement and Legal Support

Objective: 1.5.1 / To review the options for the provision of procurement and legal support to the HSC ICT Programme.
Timescale: / On-going
Specific Budgetary
Supplements / TBC
Notes : / .
Need specifc list of what needs support
PAS extensions
HCN replacement
Network procurement
PAS replacement?
HSC Portal
End of Year Status: / Completed for legal in 13/14 procurement carried to 14/15

1.6 Impact of BSTP

Objective: 1.6.1 / To monitor the implications of the BSTP implementation and advise the HSCB of implications for the Programme activity and financial plan
Timescale: / On-going
Specific Budgetary
Supplements / TBC
Notes : / Monitor implications for software licensing and revenue savings that could come back into the HSC ICT Programme
- Unidata )
- FPPS Replacement System
End of Year Status:

1.7 ICT Controls Assurance Review

Objective: 1.7.1 / To update the current Controls Assurance Standard for ICT
Timescale: / Funding for consultancy to undertake the review TBC
Specific Budgetary
Supplements / Funding for consultancy to undertake the review TBC
Notes : / 23/9 This exercise has been requested by Chris Matthews at DHSSPS – copy of mandate requested. Trusts to be involved in workshops. Interface with the Information Governance Standards and Policies needs to be explored in the review.
End of Year Status: / With HSCB for progression as policy/procedure issue
Need update on BC status

1.8 Student Placement Evaluation

Objective: 1.7.1 / To evaluate both effectiveness and value for money of recruiting ICT Placement Students
Timescale: / Before end of current in-take’s contract expiry (i.e. August 2014)
Specific Budgetary
Supplements / No budgetary supplements required
Notes : / This will be carried out by way of questionnaire to individual students and formal feed-back from relevant line managers
End of Year Status: / n/a

2. Regional ICT Infrastructure

2.1 Regional Data Centres

Objective: 2.1.1 / To develop an options analysis for migrating to the proposed Public Sector Data Centres in 2014-15
Timescale: / SOC to HSC Programme Board 14th June 2013
OBC to DHSSPS 15th December 2013
Specific Budgetary
Supplements / The analysis is to include a financial plan for the maintenance and decommissioning of the existing data centres during the transition period.
Current Cost est. £6m capital in 14/15.
Factor in NIPACS Technology Refresh
Next meeting of PB is PM 4th June 2014. Programme director appointed and expect update on planning.
Notes :
End of Year Status: / Completed as per 13/13 commissioning plan. OBC approved and in next stage for 14/15
Objective: 2.1.2 / Plans for Current Data Centres and funding requirements in 14/15
Timescale: / See technical strategy document which details approach and costs
Specific Budgetary
Notes : / UPS management of AirCon units.
Replace XIV Gen2 storage with XIV Gen 3.
Technical strategy to be forwarded to ME
Objective: 2.1.3 / To review and regularise the licensing of data storage systems
Specific Budgetary
Notes :
End of Year Status:
Objective: 2.1.4 / To monitor and reduce as necessary UNIDATA licenses
Timescale: / On-going
Specific Budgetary
Notes : / ref implementation of new BSTP systems
31/3/14 Max concurrent licensing for Unidata is being reduced from 1200 in FY 13/14 to 500 in FY 14/15.
End of Year Status: / Completed for 13/14 carried forward to 14/15
Objective: 2.1.5 / PER/PPE for VTL project (and VTL expansion)
Specific Budgetary
Notes : / 02/6/14 PPE being developed by CB
Objective: 2.1.6 / Complete PER and PPE for UPS and Aircon business Cases
Timescale: / December 2013
Specific Budgetary
Supplements / Supplements
Notes : / 31/3/14 PPE underway
02/6/14 needs status update
End of Year Status: / carried forward to 14/15
Objective: 2.1.7 / Implement Disaster Recovery Backup Solution – 3rd Data Node
Timescale: / December 2013
Specific Budgetary
Supplements / Capital est £300k Revenue £63k
Notes : / Revenue costs to be discussed and funding source agreed.
23/9 OBC nearing completion – Paper to be submitted to HSCB SMT for endorsement
31/3/14 OBC completed, solution implemented. Copy of data underway at present
02/6/14 replication to 3rd node is 50 % complete based on node numbers
End of Year Status: / carried forward to 14/15
Objective: 2.1.8 / Vacation of Foyle Villa and alternative DR arrangements
Specific Budgetary
Notes : / Boucher site is now operational for DR purposes
End of Year Status: / Completed
Objective: 2.1.9 / Develop BC for ‘Free Air Cooling
Timescale: / December 2013
Specific Budgetary
Supplements / TBC
Notes : / 23/9 Free Air Cooling does not now appear feasible. BSO ITS reviewing alternative measures to improve resilience of the current data centres.
31/3/14 see Data Centre interim technical Strategy
End of Year Status: / carried forward to 14/15
delete 2.1.9
Objective: 2.1.10 / To develop an options analysis for Disaster Recovery utilising the 3rd Data Node
Specific Budgetary
Notes : / Revenue costs to be discussed and funding source agreed.
Options to be presented to BSO SMT and HSCB
Proposed costs
£40000 for network development to accommodate mobile site
£30000 for power work to accommodate mobile site
End of Year Status:
Objective: 2.1.11 / Implement power metering and facilities management within Regional Data Centres
Timescale: / December 2014
Specific Budgetary
Notes : / ABB Decathlon system in place now, configuration of estates facilities is ongoing to allow remote control and power metering within facility
End of Year Status:

2.2 IT Security

Objective: 2.2.1 / To support the HSCB in its review of the ICT security implications of mobile working and its impact on the HSC ICT Security Policy and Firewalls
Specific Budgetary
Supplements / £50k capital for MDM software
Notes : / 25/6 MH paper developed on ICT security risks and mitigations associated with development of mobile working– needs to be signed off by each organisation SMT (starting with HSCB). MDM software to be procured regionally and then subject to penetration testing (will also need an acceptable use policy). New OS devices used for mobile working will need consideration of AV implications e.g. Android, Apple.
23/9 Regional Airwatch Licenses has been procured. Penetration testing to be arranged
31/3/14 Airwatch operational. Support of operational service needs to be agreed
End of Year Status: / Completed as per commissioning plan for 13/14 and new stage carried forward to 14/15
Objective: 2.2.2 / To develop a proposal for the establishment of an HSC ICT Security sandbox to enable the safe testing of security issues.
Timescale: / Business Case to be developed by 15th December 2013
Specific Budgetary
Supplements / Est £50k Capital
Notes : / 31/3/14 Has not progressed due to other commitments.
End of Year Status: / carried forward to 14/15
Objective: 2.2.3 / Implement Penetration Testing Recommendations
Timescale: / Estimated completion of High Priority by Sep-14.
Specific Budgetary
Notes :
Objective: 2.2.4 / Implement Firewall Upgrades
Timescale: / Estimated completion by Aug-14.
Specific Budgetary
Notes :
Objective: 2.2.5 / Remote Access rollout
Timescale: / Estimated completion by Sep-14.
Specific Budgetary
Notes : / Continued rollout of Bomgar to 3rd party remote support personnel.
Objective: 2.2.6 / Upgrade non-corporate device Remote Access
Timescale: / Estimated completion by Dec-14.
Specific Budgetary
Notes : / Replace F5 service with Big IP.
Migrate Pharmacy and other FPS users to new service.

On going requirements for multiple security solutions to support a growing and diverse number of mobile applications

1: Airwatch

2: F5 VDI support for SHSCT

3: VMware support for SEHSCT

4: Support for specific applications in SEHSCT

5: Ipad Support

6: Project to look at replacement of blackberries for RPA2 organizations to include stakeholder, PALS and finance. Options include new BB, Windows phones, Iphones, android phones.

2.3 Regional Data Communications Network

Objective: 2.3.1 / To review the BSO managed DNS infrastructure and make recommendations which will facilitate federated working and pan-HSC wifi usage
Timescale: / Review to be completed by 30/9/13
Specific Budgetary
Supplements / N/A
Notes : / Will inform the review of mobile ICT security
25/6 NB – HSC wide Unified communications strategy required.
31/3/14 other options for DNS issue suggested. HSCB leading project to look at AD federation.
2/6/14 needs status update
End of Year Status: / carried forward to 14/15
Objective: 2.3.2 / To exploit the opportunities offered by the upgrade (in 12/13) of the network backbone routers to enable VOIP telephony.
- ensure all organisations are aware of the upgrade and potential benefits