Do not change the title here. You must change it in the file properties. See the note on the last page for instructions.

HITS Quick Take Plus (HITS QT+) DSR4440 and OM2000 Configuration Document

This document is being generated for the initial deployments of the ARRIS DSR4440 Integrated Receiver Decoder into the HITS QT+ System architecture in order to support the HITS, DVB-S2, QSD1-6, Linear SD Services transition in 2016. The DSR4440 is fully compatible with the pre-transition modulation parameters with the appropriate transponder and service/map settings. The DSR4440 can be installed and configured upon receipt of the unit. When the HITS uplink modulation transitions to the new parameters, the DSR4440 configuration can be altered to the details included in this document.

Integration into an existing system

·  The DSR4440 Operator Guide can be downloaded from the DSR’s own internal webpage with information listed below. The Operator Guide can also be obtained from ARRIS Digital CM, or a simple Internet search for DSR4440 manual (or DSR4440 operator guide).

o  Please refer to installation details listed therein

·  Substitute current HITS QSD1 uplink parameters into the configuration methodology listed below

o  Transponder 1, or 1430 MHz, 19.5:3/4:Combined; VCT ID 214, Channel Number 195 (or MPEG Svc 51)

·  Cabling: the DSR4440 Phoenix connector is different than previous HITS QT+ DVRs. The Cable Modifications section details modifying the existing cable for use in the new configuration.

·  The Out of Band Modulator (OM) configuration is unchanged as a function of the HITS Linear SD Services transition. When the DSR cable connection is modified for use on the DSR4440, the DSR4440 can be connected to the OM.

DSR 4440 Configuration

Reference document: no. 365-095-26359 DSR4440 – DSR4460 Commercial Integrated Receiver / Decoder (IRD) Operator Guide is downloaded from the DSR itself. The DSR’s main page has a link named UserGuide. Please refer to the Operator Guide for remote configuration through a PC browser.

This particular document will deal exclusively with the IRD’s front panel. Relate the information contained in this document to the IRD’s WebUI if the DSR will be configured remotely.

The unit’s default IP address is, the default subnet mask is, and the default gateway is It is a good idea to change the unit’s IP address once the unit is powered on.

Browser: when the login dialog box appears, leave both fields blank and select OK.

Front Panel Menu Structure Overview

Get a feel for the button response. Press arrow keys ← or → to note that the cursor moves in a wraparound fashion. Exiting the menu left or right will bring you back in from the other side.

While on any Main Menu item, pressing [ENTER] will cause the cursor to enter that menu’s Menu Group which is a vertical menu structure. Press arrows ↑ or ↓ to moves the selections to the next Menu Group item. Here also, the cursor moves in a wraparound fashion. Vertical movement past the first or last item will cause the cursor to reenter the menu structure from the bottom or top, respectively.

The Menu Group items are in UPPERCASE. This is the entry and exit point of any of the vertical menu structures. When the cursor is next to the UPPERCASE menu group item, pressing [ENTER] will cause the cursor to go back to the Main Menu level. Pressing [ENTER] again causes the selection to go back to where the cursor exited the vertical menu structure. The user interface will retain the position from where you exited the Menu Group vertical submenu.

The lower left corner displays a symbolic representation of the valid key presses. It changes in real-time depending on where the cursor sits. E means, arrow buttons: up, down, left, right or [ENTER] are valid selections; E means, arrow buttons: up, down or [ENTER] are valid; E means, arrow buttons: left, right, or [ENTER] are valid. An invalid key press does nothing to the cursor (no movement).

E / → Install / → Channel / → IP / → Status / → Diag
Figure 1 Main Menu

Factory Reset

Present in top level menu Install: press ← or → to select Install / press [ENTER]

1 Press arrow ↑ or ↓ to select RESET

A.  Press ← or → to select Reset Type / press [ENTER]

B.  Press arrow ↑ or ↓ to change No to Factory Defaults / press [ENTER]

·  Note: After initialization, ALARM LED (red) will be lit.

Summary Setup

Advanced users can reference the following table to expedite the data entry.

·  AMC 18 Transponders of focus: QSD 2, TP1, 1430 Vert and QSD 3/4, TP5, 1350 Vert

Install > MANUAL TUNE > Mode / Xpnder: / 5 / Pgs. 20 -24
----Alternate Entry Mode / ----
Install >MANUAL TUNE > Mode / LFreq: / 1350 MHz
Install > MODULATION / Mode / DVBS2
Install > MODULATION / Symbol / 30.0 (this value is in Msps)
Install > PORT / ID = <RF connected to 0 or 1>
Mode = Auto
VCT / 971 / Pgs. 39 -41
VCN / 471
----Alternate Entry Mode / ----
MPEG SELECT – Program / 71
Alarm Trigger (in the Install Menu Group) / No Auth (1) / Pg. 52
(1) No Auth for Alarm is recommended / No Auth is the more useful alarm (No Signal will cause No Auth, but this Alarm must occur if the signal is present but the Authorization state is not present)
Table 1 Summary of Settings

Signal Input Setup

1.  After initialization the menu will default to the Main Menu.

2.  The cursor will be next to Install / Press [ENTER]

3.  Press arrow ↑ or ↓ to select MANUAL TUNE

A.  Press arrow ← or → to select Input / press [ENTER]

B.  Press arrow ↑ or ↓ to select Port 0 / press [ENTER] (whichever Port has the RF connection)

C.  Press arrow ← or → to select Mode / press [ENTER]

D.  Press arrow ↑ or ↓ to select LFreq / press [ENTER]

1.  Xpndr alternate entry mode, press arrow ↑ or ↓ to select Xpndr / press [Enter]
Note: The LFreq column on the far right becomes a status

MANUAL TUNE / →Input / →Mode / →LFreq
E / Port 0 / LFreq / 1350.00
Figure 2 LFreq Entry Mode Causes ‘Xpndr’ to Disappear
MANUAL TUNE / →Input / →Mode / →Xpndr / LFreq
E / Port 0 / Xpndr / 05 / 1350.00
Figure 3 Alternate Entry For ‘Xpnder’ Mode – LFreq becomes a Status

E.  If using LFreq entry: Press arrow ← or → to select LFreq column / press [Enter]

F.  Press arrow ← or → to select digit places; Press arrow ↑ or ↓ to select digit values. Set 1350.00 [Enter]

1.  If using Xpndr alternate entry mode,
press arrow ← or → to select Xpndr column / press [ENTER]

2.  If using Xpndr alternate entry mode,
press arrow ↑ or ↓ to roll through the digit values. Set 5. [ENTER]

G.  Press arrow ← or → to select MANUAL TUNE / press [ENTER]

H.  Press arrow ↑ or ↓ to select MODULATION
Press arrow ← or → to select Mode, set to DVBS2 press [Enter]

I.  Press arrow ← or → to select Symbol, set to 30.0 press [ENTER]

J.  The SIGNAL LED on the front panel should now be GREEN

Virtual Channel or MPEG Information Setup

1.  From the Main Menu, press arrow ← or → to select Channel / press [ENTER]

A.  Viewing the CHANNEL Menu Group, press arrow ← or → to select VCT / press [ENTER]
If the entry mode will be VCT and Channel, please skip 1-4 below. Go down to section B.

1.  MPEG SELECT alternate entry mode – when viewing the CHANNEL Menu Group, press arrow ↓ to change Menu Group to MPEG SELECT.

2.  Press arrow ← or → to select Program. Press [Enter]

3.  Press arrow ← or → to select digit places; Press arrow ↑ or ↓ to change values. Set 71 / press [ENTER]

4.  Press arrow ← or → to select MPEG SELECT, press [ENTER] –there is now no need to discreetly set the VCT and Channel. Go to section Alarm Configuration Setup

B.  Press arrow ← or → to select digit places; Press arrow ↑ or ↓ to change values. Set 971 / press [ENTER]

C.  Press arrow → to select Channel (not CHANNEL on the far left) / press [ENTER]

D.  Press arrow ← or → to select digit places; Press arrow ↑ or ↓ to change values. Set 471 / press [ENTER]

E.  The AUTHORIZED LED on the front panel should now be GREEN

Alarm Configuration Setup

1.  From the Main Menu, press arrow ← or → to select Install / press [ENTER]

A.  Viewing the Install Menu Group, press arrow ↑ or ↓ to change to ALARM

B.  Press arrow ← or → to select Trigger, press [Enter]

C.  Press arrow ↑ or ↓ to change to No Auth, press [Enter]

D.  Press arrow ← or → to select ALARM, press [Enter] to return to the Main Menu.

·  No Auth is the more useful alarm trigger. No Signal will always cause a No Auth condition, but the reverse is not true.

OM2000 Configuration

The OM2000 is only configured by way of the OM’s corresponding version Element Manager. The Element Manager is downloaded from the OM2000’s internal webserver. The IP address is present on the front panel. Connect a PC to download the Element Manager if needed.

·  Older OM2000 Element Managers could show a Motorola logo (branding). While OM2000 firmware versions have advanced for other reasons, and subsequently have modified the branding, older firmware OM2000s are being supported in HITS QT Plus (as of the date of this document).

Physical Interface Configuration

Figure 4 Element Manager – Configuration Drop-Down

1.  With the Configuration drop-down menu, show in

2.  Figure 4, select Physical Interface Configuration –shown in Figure 5

A.  Port 5: RS530
(This is the Isochronous Interface)

B.  Serial Mode = Sync Slave

C.  Data Rate = 1500000

D.  Port 6: RF Modulator

E.  Modulation Mode = Operate (CW Test can be used to simplify power adjustments)

F.  RF Freq (MHz) = 75.25
(this value is in units of MHz)

Figure 5 Element Manager – Physical Interface Configuration

Figure 5 also shows an RF Modulator Output Level setting. This is not a specific value. The value displayed is an integer representation of a power level from 30 dBmV to 50dBmV. It is not a direct unit of power level. 1 = 30 dBmV, 40 = 50 dBmV; each number = .5 dBmV change

The OM Output Level is determined by the individual needs of the downlink. An initial setting of the Modulation Mode: “CW Test” (Continuous Wave: unmodulated carrier) can simplify power measurements. ARRIS and SCTE 40 recommend measurements using the analog service picture carriers as references (-10 dBc & -8 ± 5 dBc, respectively) –or the 64 QAM services (0 dBc & 0 ± 2 dBc, respectively).

Logical Ports Configuration

Logical Port assignments are the method by which signals are interconnected and routed through the OM 2000. When a Logical Port is configured as an Input, the routing is completed with a PID Map Table entry (detailed in the next section).

Select Logical Ports Configuration with the Configuration drop-down menu. As seen in Figure 6, Logical (Log) Port assignments Index 1 to 16 get Physical Interfaces assigned. Notice that the Modulator physical port on Log Port Index 1, an output, has no PID Map Table selectable. PID Map Tables are used to interconnect an input to an output. Log Ports 2 and 3, inputs, have a selectable PID Map Table.

Figure 6 Element Manager – Logical Port Configuration

Logical Port Settings

1.  Logical Ports are designated as follows:

A.  Log Port Index 01

B.  Physical Interface = 6:Modulator

C.  Operation Mode = Output

D.  Log Port State = Unlocked (if not already set)

E.  Log Port Index 02

F.  Physical Interface = 7:PID Gen

G.  Operation Mode = Input

H.  Log Port State = Unlocked (if not already set)

I.  Log Port Index 03

J.  Physical Interface = 5:RS530

K.  Operation Mode = Input

L.  Log Port State = Unlocked (if not already set)

2.  Select the [Apply] soft-button.

A note regarding Log Port Index 4 – 16: The default out-of-the-box states of these ports are blank (no text entry). Any change to them must then be accompanied by the setting “Note Used” –if they are to remain undefined. They will never again be able to be set to blank. The Not Used setting can be either 4:Not Used or 8:Not Used as show in Figure 6.

PID Map Tables

The PID Map Table is the method for assigning a Logical Port input to a destination. It also has the ability to selectively remap, or filter, PIDs in the transport stream(s). The PID remap/filter feature is unused a QT Plus headend configuration.

As shown in Figure 6, the PID Map Table number corresponds to the (Logical) Log Port Index 02 or 03 (Table 02 or Table 03). Selecting the Table 02 soft-button opens its PID Map Table, as shown in Figure 7. The two PID Map Tables, 02 and 03, only differ in the window title block in the upper-left corner. The user settings in the table body will be identical.

Note that the rows in the PID Map Table are labeled as Index 1 – 16. In this window, the Index is nothing more than a row designation. It is the Table itself (Table 02, Table 03), that is the key to the Logical Port connection. The columns that are labeled (Destination) Destin Port 1, 2, or 3 are the three possible destination ports to which any Logical Port input can assigned.