Guinea Women Entrepreneurs and Crossing Over Baseline Survey # 1232169
Assignment Title
Guinea Women Entrepreneurs and Crossing Over Baseline Survey
Publication Date
Expression of Interest Deadline
12-Dec-2016 at 11:59:59 PM (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.)
Language of Notice
Assignment Country
· GN - Guinea
Funding Sources
The World Bank Group intends to finance the assignment/services under:
· TF0A1046 - FIAS Core - DFID - Gender
The consultant will be a firm.
Assignment Description
A range of reasons is cited to explain gender differences in business performance in Africa. Within those, the sector of operations is consistently identified as a major issue. The World Banks Africa Gender Innovation Lab and the World Bank Trade and Competitiveness Global Practice (henceforth the WB research tem) is conducting an experiment to measure the impact of providing women entrepreneurs with adequate information, technical support, coaching and know-how, as well as necessary exposure, in succeeding as entrepreneurs in male dominated productive sectors.
In this context, the WB research team is seeking to contract a survey firm to develop and implement all aspects of a baseline survey of 1,000 women identified by the research team in the context of the Women Entrepreneurs and Crossing Over Impact Evaluation in Guinea.
The firm will be responsible for:
Activity 1: Action plan for data collection.
Activity 2: Translation, testing, and formatting of the electronic version of the questionnaire.
Activity 3: Preparation of interviewer training curriculum and materials, manuals and implementation of personnel training, field test.
Activity 4: Recruitment, contracting, and payment of experienced enumerators and supervisors, the number of which should be approved by the research team.
Activity 5: Implementation of the baseline survey using tablets, including organization and provision of logistical support (transport, per-diem, etc.) to interviewers and supervisors while data are being collected.
This Request for Expressions of Interest is for assistance from a consultant (survey firm) in conducting activities for the baseline survey of this project.
The short listing of firms will be conducted using the following criteria: (i) relevant experience in planning and organizing survey logistics, including the design and implementation of protocols to ensure high quality data; (ii) relevant experience in interviewing households and businesses of all sizes including micro-entrepreneurs (iii) Demonstrate skills in project management and in organizing business surveys on the scale of this project over the past five years.; and (iv) Strong capacity in database design, data management, and statistics.
The overall engagement will span 6 months starting March 2017.
Qualification Criteria
· 1. Relevant experience in planning and organizing survey logistics, including the design and implementation of protocols to ensure high quality data
· 2. Relevant experience in interviewing households and businesses of all sizes including micro-entrepreneurs
· 3. Demonstrate skills in project management and in organizing business surveys on the scale of this project over the past five years
· 4. Strong capacity in database design, data management, and statistics.
* - Mandatory