Mustang High School
Computer Applications Level 1
Course Syllabus
Course #: 0219
Credits: .5 credit
Teacher: Mr. Rachlin
Room: E102
Planning: 5th hour – Time: 12:55 – 1:45
Phone: (405) 376-2404 – Main Office
People working together with purpose, passion, and pride to ensure learning for all.
To become a nationally recognized high school in scholarship, leadership, and service through a dedication to learning for all.
This introductory computer course will provide students with a basic understanding of computer systems and a variety of software. Students will learn computer terminology, file organization, proper document formatting, appropriate use of the internet for research, email etiquette, operation of Microsoft Windows, and an overview of Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
By the end of this class students will be able to:
1. Start and exit an application, identify and modify interface elements and utilize sources of online help.
2. Perform common file-management functions.
3. Perform common editing and formatting functions.
4. Format text and documents including the ability to use automatic formatting tools.
5. Work with tables.
6. Use word processing tools to automate processes such as document review, security, and collaboration.
7. Modify worksheet data and structure and format data in a worksheet.
8. Sort data, manipulate data using formulas and functions and create simple charts.
9. Create and format simple presentations.
10. Identify information about internet and manage web browsing.
Learning Microsoft Office 2016: Level 1, Joyce J. Nielsen, Janice A. Snyder, Suzanne Weixel Pearson 2017. ISBN: 978-0-13-447812-8
· All textbooks remain in the classroom.
· Students may want to have a portable storage device. 4 GB USB drives provides students with plenty of space, although students can also upload, store, and transfer their work via Google Classroom.
· Students will be utilizing an online site called Google Classroom for this class which will help with organization, paper-saving, and instructions. Students will be shown in class how to log in to this program and can access it at school and at home. Using Student # & Gmail Account.
· Parents also can log in to our online classroom, please talk to the teacher for details on how to take advantage of this.
· The class is structured for hands-on experience.
· This is a project-based class. Most projects last one to three class periods. Once the project is assigned students will receive a defined set of time in which to complete the project; a due date is assigned. Students should have ample time to complete this project in the assigned time during class time. If, however, a student does not have his/her project completed by the due date, the student may need to come in before or after school to complete the project. Because students are not expected to have the needed applications at home, there is no homework assigned in this class.
· Practical exercises are completed daily when learning new features.
· Students who do not complete assignments during the class periods are responsible for making arrangements with the instructor.
· ALL files must be saved in the student’s folder.
The instructional methods within each class and what student’s grades are based on include: bell work, daily assignments, classroom participation/work habits, tests, and quizzes. Pop quizzes cannot be made up.
The student’s grade is assessed using 100% grading equally.
· If you are absent from class it is your responsibility for obtaining and making up all assignments upon returning to class. Assignments will be available on Google Classroom. Time given for this make-up work will correspond to length of absence, i.e., if absent two (2) days, he/she will be given two (2) days beginning the day of his/her return to make up the work. Your grade will be identified as “AB” (Absent) which is equal to a zero for the assignment, quiz or exam, until the make-up work is submitted and graded. If not submitted according to the make-up time, your grade remains a zero.
· When a student is absent more than twelve (12) times from class in any semester, he/she will receive an NC (No Credit) for the semester, unless documentation is provided to the administration at the end of the semester.
· Unexcused tardiness to class will result in a warning for the first time. Per school policy three tardy equal 1 absence. Excessive tardy will require contact with a parent/guardian.
There is a late penalty of 10% per school day up to a maximum of 40%. No late work will be accepted after the last day of each 9 weeks. If you have excused absences and need an extension, talk to me. I am usually very accommodating. However, if you don’t talk to me, I don’t automatically give an extension. It is your responsibility to ask for an extension.
The grade in this class is based on the quality of work you do on the assigned projects. Therefore, it is very important that the work turned in is your own. Working together on projects is not permitted unless it is clearly labeled as a partner project.
This does not mean you can’t help a classmate who is stuck. In fact, I encourage this. However, don’t touch his/her computer while helping. Verbally explain what he/she needs to do.
Make sure your work is your original work; you will get personal satisfaction for doing it yourself as well as learn so much more in this class.
The Participation category is designed to give a grade penalty for inappropriate behaviors that may indicate that a student is giving less than his/her best effort. Every student will receive 100 participation points at the start of each grading quarter (each 9 weeks). Deductions will be made for: unexcused absences, unexcused tardy, improper use of class time, and improper use of computers. Since most Mustang High School students are very responsible when it comes to their school work, the participation category is usually beneficial.
The following behaviors interfere with class participation for you and for others and make it very difficult to teach this class. This is a pleasant class, however you must follow the rules of conduct.
1. No food or drinks in the classroom or around the computer. This is both MHS policy and computer lab policy.
2. Using cell phones in class to text, snapchat, take pictures, or call is prohibited. Keep them out of sight.
3. Do not download music files unless they are part of an assigned computer project. Do not use the computer to listen to music unless the music is part of an assigned project.
4. Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings.
5. Bell work is to be completed each day and turned in for a grade every two weeks.
6. If you need to use the restroom, please get my permission. Do not ask while I am presenting a lesson or giving a demonstration. You will need to have your school ID and the Restroom Pass with you to the restroom.
7. Playing video games (including having video games minimized on your screen), writing email, or any other activity that is not related to this class is prohibited. Your activity is being monitored.
8. You may not install or download software without permission. This action has been turned off by group policies, but some exceptions may apply.
9. Be gentle with our computers. If you cannot troubleshoot your own technical issues, ask me.
10. Tampering with your classmate’s computer is a serious matter. This includes shutting it off, unplugging the keyboard or mouse, deleting files.
To receive 100 points Return signed by Friday August 18, 2017
I have read and understand the information and guidelines for the Computer Applications 1 course and hereby agree to comply with all rules, regulations, and requirements.
___________________________ ____________________________
Student Signature / Date Parent/Guardian Signature / Date
(Please Print Cell Phone & Email Address neatly)
Student Contact Information:
Print Student Name: ____________________________________________
Cell Phone: ______________________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________
(Please Print Cell Phone & Email Address neatly)
Primary Parent/Guardian Contact Information
Name: ______________________________________________________
(Print Neatly)
Address: ____________________________________________________
Work Phone: ____________________ Cell #: ______________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________
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