August 01, 2017

Greetings Families of our Kindergarten Students,

We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with you this school year. This is an important year for your little one, and we are putting plans in place to make their introduction to a full day of school a pleasant experience. The schedule for the first week of school differs for our kindergarteners. This enables the children to be introduced to the environment in a positive and supportive manner. Our teachers will have time to introduce parents and students to the expectations of kindergarten and to give a brief tour of our school and the typical schedule of the day. This year, we are continuing our strategy to ensure that students are appropriately grouped for learning strengths and needs. The teacher you meet with on Tuesday may not be your child’s homeroom teacher. Once we gather assessment information for your child, the kindergarten team will meet with the administration and resource teacher team to determine the best homeroom placement for him/her. Letters will go home with your child on Monday, September 11th with the final decision for homeroom teacher. Your child will begin Tuesday, September 12th with that teacher.

This year, due to the change in the start day, teachers will host an orientation meeting for parents and students with the teacher who is assigned to their child’s group. See orientation schedule below.

The orientation schedule will be as follows:

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

9:30-11:30 Orientation for Kindergarten Families (Students with last names beginning with A-L only.) Children return home with parents/guardians at the end of orientation.

1:15-3:15 Orientation for Kindergarten Families (Students with last names beginning with M-Z only.) Children return home with parents/guardians at the end of the orientation.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017:

All students (A-Z) will have their first full day (9:05-3:40). They will spend the day with the color group teacher for the day. Teachers will have assessment activities in reading and math, as well as, social skills.

Thursday-Friday, September 7-8, 2017 and Monday, September 11, 2017

n  All students attend school for a full day. Each color group will rotate to one of the other teachers each day. They will spend the day with the new teacher engaging in assessment activities in reading, math, and social skills. At the end of the day on September 11, 2017, students will receive their assigned homeroom teacher which will be based on the assessments that teachers gave the first few days of school.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017 is the big day! All kindergarteners will be reporting to their assigned homeroom teachers.

Here are some other important updates and reminders:

n  Sneak a Peek and Welcome Back Message: August 31- 6pm

n  Back to School Night: September 7- 6:30pm

n  We are a uniform school, and students are expected to wear the uniforms on the first day of school and every day after. Please be advised that ripped jeans, high heel shoes, shirts with student’s torso exposed and shoes without backs (e.g. Flip-flops, sandals without back straps) are not appropriate clothing for school. Shorts and skirts should meet uniform expectations and be no shorter than right above the knee. The uniform is as follows:

o  Bottom: Navy or Khaki pants, shorts, skirts

o  Top: Light blue, white, or navy blue polo shirts (long or short sleeve)

o  Uniform jumpers: Navy or Khaki

Your child is assigned to the ______group. We look forward to seeing your family soon.

Have an enjoyable conclusion to your summer vacation.


Aricka Porter


Kindergarten Modified Entrance Schedule

Groups / Wednesday
Sept. 6 / Thursday
Sept. 7 / Friday
Sept. 8 / Monday
Sept. 11
Kaminski / BLUE / RED / GREEN / YELLOW
Vande Stouwe / YELLOW / BLUE / RED / GREEN