Grant Checklist – Grant Management Plan

Ö / Checklist for Grant Management (Corporation and Foundation Grants)
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Corporations and foundations frequently require a governmental recipient to have a 501(c) 3 status, but not always.
H However, the President wants all of these types of contributions to come through the CSCC Foundation.
Co The faculty/staff member who receives a grant award must have an post-award joint meeting with the
G Grants Administrator, the CSCC Foundation’s Accounts Clerk and the Director of Institutional
Adv Advancement (Executive Director of the Foundation).
When funding is needed by the recipient, the Accounts Clerk in the CSCC Foundation will work with the college’s Business Manager to assign an account number in order for the grant funds to be moved from the Foundation restricted account to the specific department’s grant account.
In some cases, the CSCC Foundation maintains the grant award funds in an account on their Blackbaud accounting system. When the grants account is set up through the Foundation account records, work with the Accounts Clerk to make purchases from the account and the Accounts Clerk will assist with maintaining the account information.
Maintain a record of the grant account (such as Excel). When charging activities to the grant, complete a requisition (Banner) and submit to Accounts Payable. The grantors will be invoiced for payment. Provide the Accounting Clerk in the CSCC Foundation Office with copies of all requisitions, invoices, and records of expenditures.
The faculty/staff member who receives a grant award has the responsibility of managing the grant activities.
Funding agencies require quarterly submission of activity reports. Submit CLSCC Quarterly reports forms to the Grants Development Specialist. 1st quarter –Jan. – March (by April 5); 2nd quarter –April – June (by July 5); 3rd quarter –July – September (by Oct 5), 4th quarter – October – December (by Jan 5).
Maintain records of all grant activities, invoices and requisitions. Submit this information to the Grants Office. These records will be needed for future audit purposes.
When closing out a grant, the faculty/staff member must have a joint meeting with the Grants Administrator, the Foundation’s Accounts Clerk and the Director of Institutional Advancement (Executive Director of the Foundation).