University of CentralFlorida Libraries
Performance Evaluation Committee
Summary of Activities
Members: Barry Baker, Chair; Carole Hinshaw, Rachel Viggiano, Roger Simmons, LPAC members; Penny Beile, Lyn Case, Cynthia Kisby, Carla Summers
2005 Meeting dates: 8/8, 8/9, 8/10, 8/18, 8/23, 8/24, 8/31, 9/6, 9/8 with faculty, 9/13, 9/14, 9/19, 9/26 with faculty, 9/29, 10/4. 2006 Meeting dates: 4/6/06
I. Introduction
The Performance Evaluation Committee was formed in August of 2005 to develop procedures and standards by which to evaluate each faculty employee according to the criteria specified in Article 10 of the 2004-2007 Collective Bargaining Agreement.
II. Discussion Items and Decisions
The Libraries extends the opportunity to vote on the evaluation procedure to all faculty not just tenured faculty as indicated in 10.3 (a) (4) a.
Standards(Pages 4-6)
The standards for performance evaluation and promotion are closely integrated. The promotion standards and the detailed chart “Professional Activities Appropriate to Rank,” serve as a basis for the performance evaluation standards. A guiding principle in the committee's discussion was that the achievement of promotion is a result of successful additional individual effort in the same types of activities that are expected in the performance of assigned duties. A comparison of the Collective Bargaining Agreement Article 10.4 criteria and the Libraries’ evaluation criteria is provided on pages 4-6.
Assigned Duties(Page 7)
For purposes of the annual evaluation the assigned duties will be described on the “Annual Assignment” (new name to replace “letter ofassignment”) and will include 5 % scholarship and professional development activities and another 5% for all service, including library, community, professional, and University service or participation in governance. All librarians will be evaluated with the expectation of contribution in these areas as well as 90% in performance of professional responsibilities.
This change to the wording of the assignment percentages is intended to stress that scholarship (i.e., research, creative work)and professional development and service are expected activitiesfor all librarians and not only the realm of librarians seeking promotion. Librarians not seeking promotion are eligible for the highest rating on the annual evaluation as long as they demonstrate activity appropriate to rank in 5% ScholarshipProfessional Development and 5% Service. However, additional individual effort will be needed for the standards (?) of scholarship and professional development and service in order to be a successful candidate for promotion.
Annual Evaluations(Pages 8-11)
All librarians will have annual evaluations based on the calendar year. Procedures are described on page 8, the evaluation timeline is on page 9, and the forms are on pages 10 and 11.
Cumulative ProgressEvaluations(Pages 12-17)
The Libraries interprets section 10.1 (d) to mean that instructor librarians are “eventually” eligible for promotion to rank of associate and are therefore included in the review process. Evaluations of cumulative progress toward promotion are provided for any promotion-seeking librarian by request on the Annual Accomplishments Report. Progress towards promotion will be reviewed annually if requested for instructor, assistant, and associate librarians seeking promotion by the librarians at rank sought or above, department head or immediate supervisor, Assistant or Associate Director, as appropriate, Director of Libraries, and Vice Provost. The progress towards promotion evaluations will be addendums to the annual evaluation. The Vice Provost will reviewthe evaluation packet (CV, annual evaluation, overall performance ratings, available cumulative progress evaluation forms, and Annual Accomplishments Report) and comment in writing but will not meet with candidates. Forms are attached on pages 12 -17.
Sustained Performance Evaluations
Policy: Library faculty members shall receive a sustained performance evaluation once every seven years following hire or their most recent promotion effective with the 2004-2007 Collective Bargaining Agreement. The purpose of this evaluation is to document sustained performance during the previous seven years of assigned duties to evaluate continued professional growth and development appropriate to rank.
Procedures: Sustained Performance Evaluations and Performance Improvement Plan.
(1) At the end of seven years of service following hire or the most recent promotion, and each subsequent seven-year period, an employee’s sustained performance will be evaluated by the department head, Assistant/Associate Director and Director, as appropriate. This evaluation will consist of a review of the librarian’s CV, and the compiled annual evaluations, annual accomplishments, assignment of duties and responsibilities, and available cumulative progress evaluations for that seven-year period. The department chair shall assign a value to each area addressed in the annual evaluations for the seven-year period as described in 10.3 (b) (1).
Criteria: Sustained Performance Evaluations.
(1) The sustained performance evaluation shall be based upon a review by the department chair, Assistant/Associate Directors, as appropriate, and Director, every seven years after hire or most recent promotion, of the prior seven years’ annual evaluations, including each area addressed in the annual evaluations. (2) Where there is a performance improvement plan for an employee, adherence to that plan, including targets and target deadlines, will be the sole criteria for evaluation.
III. Recommendations
To further clarify expected job performance duties, standards, or goals, this committee recommends that LPAC serve as the oversight body for updating the existing LPAC descriptors by the end of spring semester 2006. LPAC should communicate that the descriptors serve as a standard of expected duties and they should be updated in a uniform format. Building upon the updated descriptors it is suggested that individual position descriptions be created by negotiation between the librarians and supervisors with input from Associate Directors. The position descriptions should include detail about job duties or responsibilities, be goal oriented as much as possible, and not exceed two pages. The position description serves to expand on the Annual Assignment.
Annual AccomplishmentsReport(formerly called “letter of accomplishment”)
The Annual AccomplishmentsReportserves not only as a reminder of work completed for the immediate supervisor but also as an aid to the Director and other evaluators in their ability to assess performance of professional responsibilities. The Annual Accomplishments Reportshould briefly put activities in context, explain their importance to the Libraries, and be written for all librarians to understand. The librarian’s accomplishments should not be a report of typical duties as outlined in the LPAC descriptors but should highlight the librarian’s strengths,major goals accomplished or innovative methods used to execute the assigned duties. The committee did not feel that a single uniform format should be recommended for this document.
Role of Assistant/Associate Directors
Assistant/Associate Directors will review and sign annual evaluations prior to the immediate supervisor’s discussion with the librarian. One role for ADs in the evaluation process would be to counsel department headsfor oversight and consistency in the evaluation process. ADs will complete the Cumulative Progress Evaluationforms for promotion-seeking librariansin their line of authority by January 31, 2006. (See timeline.)
Sustained Performance Evaluations
Sustained performance evaluations should be meaningful evaluations of continued professional growth and development appropriate to rank. This committee will continue to solicit faculty input and hold discussions to determine an agreed upon process for ongoing or cumulative review for non-promotion seeking faculty.
Collective Bargaining Agreement
10.4 Criteria.
(a) The annual performance evaluation shall be based upon the professional performance of assigned duties to include, where applicable:
(1) Teaching effectiveness, including effectiveness in presenting knowledge, information, and ideas by means or methods such as lecture, discussion, assignment and recitation, demonstration, laboratory exercise, practical experience, and direct consultation with
students. The evaluation shall include consideration of effectiveness in imparting knowledge and skills, and effectiveness in stimulating students' critical thinking and/or creative abilities, the development or revision of curriculum and course structure, effective student performance evaluation procedures, and adherence to accepted standards of professional behavior in meeting responsibilities to students. The learning objectives of each course, the means of assessing learning objectives, and the actual outcomes of the assessment should be assessed as part of the teaching performance. The evaluator may take into account class notes, syllabi, student exams and assignments, and any other materials relevant to the employee's teaching assignment. The teaching evaluation must take into account any relevant materials submitted by the employee, including the results of peer evaluations of teaching, and may not be based primarily on student evaluations when this additional information has been made available to the evaluator.
Employee Performance Evaluation Criteria for the University of Central Florida Libraries
Performance of Professional Responsibilities
The annual performance evaluation shall be based upon the professional performance of assigned duties to include, where applicable:
(1) Effectiveness in the performance of professional responsibilities that shows responsibility and continuing growth appropriate to rank:
- Mastery of one or more fields of library specialization as related to the candidate’s job assignment
- Demonstrated understanding of departmental, library, and institutional goals
- Demonstration of leadership, initiative, and maturity of judgment
- Demonstration of professional behavior with library personnel, the university community, and the general public
(2) Contribution to the discovery of new knowledge, development of new educational techniques, and other forms of creative activity. Evidence of research and other creative activity shall include, but not be limited to, published books; articles and papers in professional refereed journals; musical compositions, paintings, sculpture; works of performing art; papers presented at meetings of professional societies; funded grant activities; and research and creative activity that has resulted in publication, display, or performance. The evaluation shall include consideration of the employee's research quality and productivity during the evaluation period, other creative programs and contributions, and recognition by the academic or professional community.
Scholarship and Professional Development
(2)(a)Contribution to the discovery of new knowledge in librarianship, development of new educational techniques and other forms of creative activity. Evidence of research and other creative work recognized by the academic or professional community shall include but not belimited to:
- Scholarly publications
- Presentations at conferences and professional events
- Grant activities
- Research productivity, special projects, or studies
(2)(b) Professional development activities are expected to progress with rank from developmental to contributing to guiding and shall include but not be limited to:
- Awards, special honors
- Continuing education, degrees earned since completing the required MLS
- Demonstrated knowledge of current developments in the library profession and appropriate subject field(s)
(3) Public service that extends professional or discipline-related contributions to the community; the state, including public schools; and the national and international community. This public service includes contributions to scholarly and professional organizations, governmental boards, agencies, and commissions that are beneficial to such groups and individuals.
(4) Participation in the governance processes of the University through significant service on committees, councils, and senates, beyond that associated with the expected responsibility to participate in the governance of the University through participation in regular departmental or college meetings.
(5) Other assigned University duties, such as attending commencement ceremonies, advising, counseling, supervision of interns, and academic administration, or as described in a position description, if any, of the position held by the employee.
(3)(a) Service extends professional or discipline-related contributions to the Libraries, University, and local, state, national, and international communities and shall include but not be limited to:
- Participation in professional organizations (elected office, committee chair, committee member, editorial board, etc.)
- Planning, organizing and conducting workshops, institutes, seminars, conference programs, or other continuing education projects
- Participation that extends professional contributions to community groups
- Courses or lectures given at educational institutions
- Consulting or other special services
(3)(b)Service to the University through participation in the governance processes of the University and the Libraries that shall include but not be limited to:
- University and Libraries committees
- Campus organizations
- Courses or lectures given at UCF
University Libraries
Librarian Assignment of Duties and Responsibilities
Contract Year 2005-2006
NameRank Librarian
Position No.
% of EffortResponsibilities
90%Cataloging, Reference, Collection Development, etc
(The 90% may be broken down into smaller percentages.
Update LPAC descriptors (i.e. standards) by end of spring semester 2006.
Departments need to expand on percentages assigned via detailed duties in position descriptions.)
5%Scholarship and Professional Development
Name / Date / Name / DateLibrarian / Department Head
Name / Date / Barry B. Baker / Date
Assistant/Associate Director / Director of Libraries
Faculty Evaluation of Progress Toward Promotion
Documents for the faculty evaluation packet willbe:
Librarian’s CV
Annual Accomplishments Report for the most recent three years
Annual evaluation (including Cumulative Progress Evaluations)
(CBA 14.3(b) The annual evaluation is included in promotion documents so it should be considered by reviewers.)
Overall evaluation ratings since hire or last promotion up to a maximum of seven years as documented on the annualevaluation
In the future – we may add individual position descriptions
Faculty evaluation documents will be made available to the reviewers online or in print or both.
Faculty evaluation documents will be collected by the Director’s Administrative Assistant. Prior to the evaluation meeting with the Director, copies of all documents will be provided to the librarian. The evaluation process allows for employee comments on a separate form at the end of the process. Original evaluation documents will be placed in the employee personnel file.
Example information item regarding who rates whom:
2005 numbers of in-unit librarians: 5 Instructors, 11 Assistants, 15 Associates, 5 University
University librarians could rate 5 instructors + 11 asst + 15 assoc = 31 librarians
Associates could rate 5 instructors + 11 assist =16
Assistants could rate 5 instructors
Faculty Evaluation Timeline
10.3 (2) says evaluation is due 60 days after end of evaluation period – that is March first.
Annual Accomplishments Report
Will normally cover a calendar year January 1to December 31. (This year 5/1/05 - 12/31/2005)
Annual Accomplishments Reports are due to primary evaluators and appropriate sections due to other evaluators by December 15, 2005.
Other evaluations are completed by January 1, 2006. (2 weeks)
Annual evaluation including Cumulative Progress Evaluations by primary evaluator (reviewed by Assistant or Associate or Director as appropriate) completed by January 31, 2006. (6 weeks)
(The Libraries interprets this as meeting the deadline requirements of the collective bargaining agreement.)
Cumulative Progress Evaluation by appropriate Assistant or Associate Director completed by January 31, 2006.
Cumulative Progress Evaluations by faculty at rank sought completed by 2/22/06 (3 weeks)
Cumulative Progress Evaluations written by Director completed by 3/8/06 (2 weeks)
Cumulative Progress Evaluation completed by Vice Provost by 4/1/06 (3 weeks +)
Meetings with Director including all feedback to candidate completed by 5/31/06 (8 weeks)
CBA 14.1(b) indicates that meetings with the Director are not required however it is the Libraries’ intention to continue the existing model of annual meetings as the norm.
Pending Issue
The committee has consulted with Dr. Lin Huff-Corzine regarding the possibility of changing the Annual Assignment to a calendar year to match the evaluation period. Dr. Huff-Corzine has indicated that she will pursue the question with United Faculty of Florida.
University of Central Florida Libraries
Annual Evaluation
Name:Period of Evaluation:
Cut/Paste copy of Annual Assignment and add name of person evaluating each area –for example:
35%Reference (name of Head of Reference)
30%Library Instruction (name of Instruction Coordinator)
25%Collection Development for _____ (name of Head of Collection Development)
5%Scholarship and Professional Development (name of primary evaluator)
5%Service (name of primary evaluator)
Performance of Professional Responsibilities
Responsibilities as outlined in the Annual Assignment.
Performance of professional responsibilities is the most critical element of the annual evaluation.
Comments from other evaluators are signed and attached as separate documents.
Scholarship and Professional Development
See Professional Activities Appropriate to Rank
See Professional Activities Appropriate to Rank
Progress Toward Promotion
(see separate page)
Such as progress towards goals
Outstanding / Above Satisfactory / Satisfactory / Conditional / UnsatisfactoryEvaluator’s Signature:______Date:______
Librarian’s Comments on Annual Evaluation
Librarian’s Signature:______Date:______
PREVIOUS PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS – since hire or last promotion, up to a maximum of seven years.
2005 / 2004 / 2003 / 2002 / 2001 / 2000 / 1999Cumulative Progress Evaluation
Name of Faculty Librarian Evaluated Rank Date
DepartmentPeriod of Evaluation
In accordance with Article 10 and Article 14 of the 2004-07 Collective Bargaining Agreement, the following constitutes an evaluation of progress towards promotion. If requested, employees eligible for consideration for promotion shall be informed of their progress toward promotion annually by the department head or supervisor (Part I), Assistant /Associate Director (Part II), unit faculty at rank or above (Part III & IIIa), the Director of Libraries (Part IV) and the Vice Provost (Part V). The progress evaluations shall be included in the annual evaluation. The progress evaluations are intended to provide an accurate assessment of cumulative performance as leading to attainment of promotion to the rank of assistant, associate or university librarian. Librarians eligible for promotion, at their option and upon written request, may be apprised of their progress toward promotion.
Date Annual Accomplishments Received ______
I.Department Head or Supervisor’s Evaluation
Narrative of Evaluation (required – additional pages may be added):
Performance of Professional Responsibilities: