Get Getting To Know You
Purpose: / Instructional Focus: / How to Teach It:Day One / Introduce theme or topic (develop background knowledge, tap into prior knowledge) / Teach & Practice Vocabulary / Use visuals, graphics, pantomime, etc. in the context of familiar sentence structures
Tab 4.8-4.37
Day Two / Teach new language patterns and structures (grammar and syntax) to expand ability to communicate / Bring Language to Teach & Practice Language Patterns and Grammatical Forms / Explain, model, and practice language patterns and grammatical forms using sentence frames or other routine: Tab 4.8-4.37
Day Three / * Increase demand by varying use of vocabulary & patterns taught above / Teach & Practice Additional Language Patterns, Forms and Expanded Vocabulary / Explain, model, and practice language patterns and grammatical forms using additional sentence frames, Tab 4.8-4.37 and Tab 3 Sample Uses and Patterns
Day Four
/ * Expand through one more variation: vary structure, add new vocabulary, vary domain (reading/writing) / Teach & Practice Language Forms and Patterns Through Writing / Explain, model, and practice language patterns and grammatical forms through writing (sentences, paragraphs, dialogues, retellings, questionnaires) Tab 4.8-4.37 and Tab 3 Sample Uses and Patterns
Day Five / Apply taught language in a new way / Take language to application in a new context / Explain, model, and practice language through games, writing activities, skits, role-plays etc. Tab 3: Taking Language to Application
Level / Early Advanced/ Advanced / Function(s)/Use: / Asking Informational Questions / Grade(s) / 7 & 8
Weekly Planner
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Daily Objective
Students will be able to use (topic vocabulary or pattern)___ in order to ____(language use)___. / Students will be able to generate a list of appropriate interview questions in order to ask each other informational questions / Students will be able to create questions to solicit specific information in order to fill in an informational form with their partners personal information / Students will be able to participate in a mock job interview in order to ask each other informational questions / Students will be able to create a list of interview questions that they will ask their parents in order to create a biography of their parents. / Students will be able to create a list of interview questions that they would ask a distinguished person in order to solicit personal informational
Daily Focus
1. Vocabulary
2. Language Patterns
3. Taking it to Application / X1 / ¨ 2 / ¨ 3
/ ¨ 1 / ¨ 2 / ¨ 3
/ ¨ 1 / ¨ 2 / ¨ 3
/ ¨ 1 / ¨ 2 / ¨ 3
/ ¨ 1 / ¨ 2 / √ 3
Topic Specific Vocabulary
“Bricks” (3.3-7) / Who, What, Where, When, Why, How, Do, Did, Are / Have been
Would have been / Common terms written on an application & likely to be said during an interview
Profession, salary, hired, temporary, available, overtime, position, employment, compensation, responsibilities, accomplishments,
Fired, environment,
Overqualified, underqualified, contribute, challenges, strengths, / Who, What, Where, When, Why, How, Do, Did, Are
Have been
Would have been / contribute, challenges, strengths, influential, struggle, overcome, accomplishments, responsibilities
Language Patterns “Mortar”
See ELD Matrix and Tab 3 Function Tools / Grammatical Forms to help determine the “mortar” patterns / Detailed questions, with 5 W’s, how, did, do & are
Question word_, Auxiliary Verb_, Subject_, Main Verb (various tenses)_ / Detailed questions with expanded verb phrases
& Varied sentence structure / Verbs and verb phrases in questions & Varied sentence structure / Varies specific questions clarifying content & Varied sentence structure / Questions with increasing specificity & Varied sentence structure
Patterns for
Prompts / Ask him /her______/ What type of information we would like to know about? What are some good questions to ask? / What type of information we would like to know about? What are some good questions to ask? / What type of information we would like to know about? What are some good questions to ask? / What type of information we would like to know about? What are some good questions to ask?
Patterns for Responses / Student responds using the following sentence structure:
Question word_, Auxiliary Verb_, Subject_, Main Verb (various tenses)_ / Generated by the students / Examples of possible response- they will be generated by the students.
How long…
Tell me about… / Responses will be generated by the parents / Faux responses will be generated by classmates- unless student conducts an actual interview.
Structured Language Practice (Tab 4.39)
· How will students produce language - at least 50% of lesson?
· How will you gather evidence
of student learning? / Coral Response
Give One Get One / Whip Around / Interview
Role Play / Give One Get One
Choral Response / Think Pair Share
Plus, Routines for Teaching and Practicing (Tab 4.8-37) / Sentence Construction Chart / Sentence Stems & Frames / Sentence Stems & Frames / Sentence Stems & Frames / Sentence Stems & Frames
Day One (Include narrative of instructional sequence, thumbnail drawing of instructional charts, and applicable student handouts)
(Continue with each day’s lesson in narrative form)
Page 2 of 5 Topic: Getting to Know You Level: Early Advances-Advances Lesson Written by: Sonia Nelson Planning Format © E.L.Achieve/2007. All Rights Reserved