Government Documents Webpage Resources
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Demographic and Housing
The Census Bureau develops and prepares estimates of the population by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin for the nation, states and counties, prepares estimates of the total population of functioning governmental units, and estimates of the number of housing units for states and counties. These estimates are consistent with the decennial census residence definition of usual residence and represent the Census Bureau's official estimates of updated census counts for these areas.
This database offers a comprehensive search engine to anything related to the U.S. Government; direct links to web pages of various branches of service, such as: the House, Senate, the White House, NASA, IRS, Social Security, the Federal Reserve, etc. It also offers links to executive, independent, and state and local agencies under the state headings.
State (NC) Demographics
The State Demographics branch of OSBM is responsible for producing population estimates and projections. The annual estimates of the population of North Carolina counties and municipalities are used in the distribution of state shared revenues to local governments. County and state population projections, available by age, race (white/other) and sex, are used for long range planning.
A website to help you think, talk and teach about the rights and responsibilities of citizens in our democracy, you are invited to explore 100 milestone documents of American history. These documents reflect our diversity and our unity, our past and our future, and mostly our commitment as a nation to continue to strive to "form a more perfect union."
Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government for Kids is the educational component of FDsys (Federal Digital Service), the Government Printing Office’s (GPO) free online service of official Government information from all three branches of the U.S. Government. Ben’s Guide provides information and activities specifically tailored for educators, parents, and students in K-12. These resources can help teach about our government and how it works. They can also teach about the primary source materials on of FDsys, and how citizens can use of FDsys in carrying out their civic responsibilities. And, just as of FDsys provides locator services to U.S. Government sites, Ben's Guide provides a similar service to U.S. Government Web sites developed for kids.
Green Book
The Green Book shows a complete historical record of United States' (U.S.) foreign aid to the rest of the world by reporting all loans and grants authorized by the U.S. Government for each fiscal year. Users can access standard tables already constructed, or create custom tables and reports by selecting recipient countries, years and type of USG assistance. Data is available in either historical or constant dollars. The historical dollar series looks at current-dollar values actually obligated or lent in that year. The constant-dollar price series, converts each year's loans and obligations amounts into 2006 dollar equivalents. The constant-dollar series allows you to evaluate, on a comparable basis, loans and obligations that occurred in different time periods.
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
The mission of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is: To investigate complaints alleging that citizens are being deprived of their right to vote by reason of their race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin, or by reason of fraudulent practices. To study and collect information relating to discrimination or a denial of equal protection of the laws under the Constitution because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin, or in the administration of justice. To appraise federal laws and policies with respect to discrimination or denial of equal protection of the laws because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin, or in the administration of justice.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the primary Federal agency for conducting and supporting medical research. Helping to lead the way toward important medical discoveries that improve people's health and save lives, NIH scientists investigate ways to prevent disease as well as the causes, treatments, and even cures for common and rare diseases. Composed of 27 Institutes and Centers, the NIH provides leadership and financial support to researchers in every state and throughout the world.
NC Digital Collections
The North Carolina Digital Collections feature digitized and born-digital materials held by the Archives & Library of the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources.
Thomas: Legislative Information
In 1994, Congress directed the Library of Congress to make federal legislative information freely available to the public. Since that time THOMAS has expanded the scope of its offerings to include: bills & resolutions, public laws, roll call votes, the Congressional Record & Index, Congressional committee reports, Presidential nominations, and treaties. is an official U.S. government web site designed for college students and their families. Our mission is to provide you with easy access to information and resources from the U.S. government – all the info you need, in one place, from all parts of the government.
Check out our topic areas! You might be surprised at what you find. Through, you can link to government (and selected non-government) web sites to help you:
Choose the right college, apply online for financial aid and scholarships, Find summer internships or jobs, learn about careers that interest you, tap into government research databases
Get a passport, find rewarding volunteer opportunities and much more!
Medline Plus
Medline Plus will direct you to information to help answer health questions. Medline Plus brings together authoritative information from NLM, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other government agencies and health-related organizations. Reformulated MEDLINE searches are included in Medline Plus and give easy access to medical journal articles. Medline Plus also has extensive information about drugs, an illustrated medical encyclopedia, interactive patient tutorials, and latest health news.
2010 Census Data
The U.S. Census Bureau’s 2010 Census Data provide details about race and Hispanic groups, age, sex and housing status. The profiles will be released on a state-by-state basis for each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.
NC Demographic and Statistical Data
Database from North Carolina State Data Center provides access to over 1200 data series from state and federal agencies. Offers coverage in these broad areas: Census 2000 (separate subsection of the database); Population and Housing; Vital Statistics and Health; Social and Human Services; Law Enforcement; Courts; and Corrections; Environment; Recreation and Resources; Energy and Utilities; Government; Employment and Income; Business and Industry; Agriculture; Transportation; Education.