Checklist for Hosting a More Sustainable Event


Food provided is vegetarian, vegan, locally sourced, organic, etc.

Reduce Energy Use

Hold the activity outside to avoid having to use indoor lights and heating/cooling systems

Reduce Landfill Waste from food

Use reusable service ware

Use compostable service ware

Provide convenient, clearly labeled compost bins; compost bins can be requested from Physical Plant via FixIt

Provide tap water, not bottled or spring water (Aramark can provide tap water)

Avoid individually packaged food items

Make arrangements for leftover food and beverages to be donated (Campus Kitchen)

Reduce Landfill Waste from materials

Signs and decorations used for the event are reusable, recyclable or made from repurposed material

Minimize paper use (use ½ or ¼ size handouts, print double sided)

Ensure recycling bins and compost bins are conveniently located and clearly labeled

Sustainability Communication

Make an announcement to inform participants of sustainability efforts at the event

Provide informational signs about sustainable qualities of the food or promotional items, e.g., benefits of local, organic or vegetarian items


Promotional items or other event supplies are produced in an environmentally friendly and socially responsible manner, can be reused, recycled or composted and are produced regionally