Google Slides SDA Constitution Presentation
Directions: Working with a partner or a group of three, you will create a constitution for the students of SDA using Google Slides. Your SDA Constitution will be formatted like the US Constitution and need to include the following: Preamble; Article One (Legislative Branch); Article Two (Executive Branch); Article Three (Judicial Branch); and a Bill of Rights. The concepts of “Separation of Powers” and “Checks and Balances” must be incorporated into your constitution. You must have at least 10 Bill of Rights.
Remember: if you bullet pointed your information that is fine, however, go back and edit in such a way as to better resemble the US Constitution. For Example:
Preamble Example:
In order to form a more perfect SDA…now list your principles
Article One Example:
Section One: All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a …now explain your law making body. Include as many sections as necessary.