Technical College System of Georgia
Office of Adult Education
Implementation Date: July 1, 2008
Use this form as a certificate of attendance when making an initial application for a driver’s license OR as proof of enrollment when seeking reinstatement of a license. Submit this original form to a Department of Driver Services (DDS) customer service center within thirty (30) days.
Student’s Full Legal Name:
(Last) (First) (Middle)
Gender: _______ Date of Birth: ________________
Student’s Address: __________________________________________________________
Adult Education Program: _______________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Contact Phone: ______________________________________________________________
Submitted by (Adult Education Staff only):
Name: ______________________________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________ Date: __________________
This record is to certify that the above named student is enrolled in an adult education program and has met the attendance and the enrollment requirements of this organization. Only an Adult Education Director (or his/her equivalent) may certify this form.
Certifying Official (print name): ___________________________________________________
Official’s Title: ________________________________________________________________
Official’s Email Address: ________________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________ Date: __________________