Geography – Weather around the World – Autumn Term 1

Lesson 1 – 9/9/09 / Introduction / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
L.I- To investigate places around the world
Be able to talk about a place or country you have visited
Be able to identify a place or country with a different climate to England
Be able to locate a place you have visited on a map
-Investigate places
-Use and interpret globes, atlases and maps
-To identify similarities and differences / Discuss with the class why people go on holiday, identifying weather as an important factor.
Talk to the person next to you about one of the places you have visited. Compare and contrast some of the differences between the places you have both chosen. / Mind map together as a class some of the differences you might come across in different places or countries; such as;
Weather, leisure activities, culture, food, clothes etc. / Ask the children to identify places they have visited on holiday on a world map and globe.
Think about how you get there?
Are there any other ways you could have travelled to get there? / Those who finish can make a list of the places they have visited and write as a table the similarities and differences between each place and where we live. / Children to share back some of their holiday destinations and differences between there and here, especially the climate.
What is climate?
Look at web page for a nice definition
/climateweather.html / Selection of Atlases and / or
Web page
Lesson 2 – 16/9/09 / Introduction / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
L.I- To explore the climatic zones around the world
Be able to locate the Equator on a map
Be able to identify different climatic zones on a map
Be able to explain how climates can vary around the world
-to ask and respond to geographical questions
-to recognise patterns
-to use geographical vocabulary
-about weather conditions around the world / Have a look at a large world map. Explain that today we will be looking at where the different climates are located.
Point to Spain and ask the children if they think this is a hot or cold country. Why do you think that?
Then do the same for Russia. Can anyone offer information on the Equator? / Explain that the Equator is the hottest part of the world because of the position of the sun to it.
Ask the children to look at a world map with a partner and answer the question; Where do you think the coldest place is and why?
Share some answers / Look at this web page together as a class. Read up until the climatic zones map.
Ask the children what they think the climate will be like at the yellow and red parts, the green parts and the blue parts.
On their own outline map, use a ruler to draw the equator. Colour in red the parts of the map that will have the hottest climate, yellow the driest climate, blue the coldest and orange the temperate climate.
They must include a key;
Red = tropical climate
Yellow = arid (dry) climate
Orange = temperate climate
Blue = polar climate / Try to label England on your map and write a sentence underneath about the type of climate we have in this country. / Have a quick look back at the Antarctica and Sahara desert power points to recap about extreme weather conditions.
Can you identify what types of climatic zones Antarctica and Sahara would be in? / Selection of Atlases and / or
Web page
Outline of World map
Colouring pencils, ruler
Power points on Sahara desert and Antarctica.
Lesson 3 – 23/9/09 / Introduction / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
L.I- To explore extreme weather conditions and climates
Be able to identify which climatic zones Sahara Desert and Antarctica are in
Be able to discuss which items you would take to both places and why
Design a poster warning people of the dangers of extreme weather conditions
-to ask and respond to geographical questions
-to recognise patterns
-to use geographical vocabulary
-about weather conditions around the world / Recap what we already know about climate and climatic zones. Can the children remember the 4 climatic zones we looked at last week?
- Tropical climate
- Arid (dry) climate
- Temperate climate
- Polar climate
Can they remember which climate we have in England? (Temperate) / Have a look at the Sahara Desert power point together as a class.
Discuss that this is an example of a place with an extreme weather condition. Can the children identify the climate?
Arid (dry) climate
In jotters, children are to list what essential items they would take with them on an expedition to the Sahara Desert. They must be prepared to explain why. / Have a look now at the power point of Antarctica and repeat the same activity. Can the children identify it as a polar climate?
Once they have discussed items to take and reasons why, they can choose to do a poster on either Antarctica or Sahara Desert warning people who may want to visit what they might need and the dangers of the climate. / On your climatic zone map from the previous week, use an atlas to label Sahara Desert and Antarctica. / Share some of the posters as a presentation, explaining why the children have included what they have. / Selection of Atlases and / or
Outline of World map
Colouring pencils
A4 / A3 paper
Power points on Sahara desert and Antarctica.
Lesson 4 – 7/10/09 / Introduction / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
L.I- To think about Global Warming
Be able to explain what Global Warming is
Add some facts to your notes on Global Warming
Discuss some things we can do to prevent Global Warming getting any worse
-to use secondary sources
-to use ICT to access information / Recap what we have been doing so far in our geography topic of ‘’Weather around the world’’ by putting together a word bank on a large piece of sugar paper;
Climatic zones
Extreme conditions
Sahara Desert
Remind the children that in our literacy we are researching Global Warming in order to put together an informative power point. Perhaps the current Year 3’s will be able to use the power points to help them in their geography next year! / Share some information we have found already on Global Warming in our literacy research.
Explain that we will be looking at a power point about Global Warming. Listen carefully to the information given as we will be able to add to our notes in our jotters.
Clarify that often Global Warming is referred to as Climate Change as it occurs due to various factors causing climates to change. / Go through some of the slides on the power point, giving the children an opportunity to talk about some of the information given, in order to process it. After slide 7 ‘storms ahead’, allow the children to add some notes to their jotters about what they have seen.
Come back together and look at the next few slides. Stop at slide 11 (cartoon asks ‘But there must be something we can do’). Encourage the children to use talk partners to discuss some ways of preventing Global Warming from getting any worse. Share some ideas before continuing. / Explain how our ideas will stop Global Warming from getting any worse / Share back some thoughts on Global Warming. Can the children imagine what will happen to Antarctica if the ice all melts and what will happen if we have more deserts like the Sahara? / Sugar paper
Global Warming power point
Lesson 5 – 7/10/09 / Introduction / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
L.I- To design a poster warning about Global Warming
Include a picture which shows the impact of Global Warming
Use bright colours and bold writing to make your poster stand out
Include facts about Global Warming in your poster
-To ask and respond to geographical questions
-To use geographical vocabulary
-About the effect of weather on human activity / Recap what information the children found out about Global Warming last week. Brainstorm some key points. / Look at the power point about different lifestyles.
Discuss which people help to contribute to Global Warming and which do not. What are each group of people doing to help to stop it from getting any worse. / Design a poster warning people of the impact of Global Warming and what we need to do to try to prevent things getting any worse.
Brainstorm some ideas we could include first, such as;
- Use wind, solar, water power
- Cycle instead of driving
- Don’t leave tv on standby
- Recycle
- Vote for leaders who care
- Be environment smart / Look over your poster and check that you have included facts about Global Warming / Present your poster to the class explaining why you have chosen each element to include. / Selection of Atlases and / or
Global Warming power point.
Lesson 5 – 7/10/09 / Introduction / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
Objectives / Selection of Atlases and / or
Lesson 6 – 14/10/09 / Introduction / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
Objectives / Selection of Atlases and / or
Lesson 7 – 21/10/09 / Introduction / Quick Activity / Main Activity / Extension / Plenary / Resources
Objectives / Selection of Atlases and / or

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