General System Design
Child Care Management System
Client: / Illinois Department of Human ServicesAuthor: / Deloitte
Version: / 2.1
Date: / 4 January 2011
File Name: / CCMS-Del-GSD v2 1.doc
Document Control Information
Document Name: / General System DesignProject Name: / Child Care Management System
Client: / Illinois Department of Human Services
Document Author: / Deloitte
Document Version: / 2.1
Template Version: / 3.0
Status: / Final
Date Released: / 1/04/2011
Electronic File Name: / CCMS-Del-Des-GSD v2.1.doc
Document History
Version / Date / Additions/Modifications / Prepared/Revised by /1.0 / 12/03/2010 / Initial deliverable submitted to client / Deloitte
2.0 / 12/28/2010 / Final deliverable submitted to client / Deloitte
2.1 / 01/04/2011 / Minor modifications to the final deliverable submitted to client / Deloitte
Documentation Control Information / Page 2 of 152 / Child Care Management System
CCMS-Del-GSD v2 1.doc
General System Design
Table of Contents
1 Executive summary 6
1.1 Document Navigation Guide 10
2 Session Schedule 12
3 Proposed Processes 13
3.1 CCMS-BP-ELI-001 Process an Application 15
3.2 CCMS-BP-ELI-002 Process a Redetermination 16
3.3 CCMS-BP-ELI-003 Process a Change of Information 17
3.4 CCMS-BP-ELI-004 Process an Application for a Shared Case 18
3.5 CCMS-BP-ELI-005 Process a Redetermination for a Shared Case 20
3.6 CCMS-BP-ELI-006 Process a Change of Information (COI) for a Shared Case 21
3.7 CCMS-BP-ELI-007 Transfer a Shared Case 22
3.8 CCMS-BP-ELI-008 Add/Update a Provider 23
3.9 CCMS-BP-CS-001 Process a Customer Service Request 24
3.10 CCMS-BP-CS-002 Process a Provider Overpayment 25
3.11 CCMS-BP-CS-003 Process a Client Overpayment 26
3.12 CCMS-BP-CS-004 Process an Appeal 27
3.13 CCMS-BP-CS-005 Process an Attendance Exemption 28
3.14 CCMS-BP-CS-006 Process a CCR&R/Site Customer Service Request 29
3.15 CCMS-BP-CS-007 Process a W9 30
3.16 CCMS-BP-PIQA-001 Schedule a Field Review 31
3.17 CCMS-BP-PIQA-002 Conduct a Field Review 32
3.18 CCMS-BP-PIQA-003 Prepare a Final Report 33
3.19 CCMS-BP-PIQA-004 Process a CCR&R Suspected Program Violation 34
3.20 CCMS-BP-PIQA-005 Process a Suspected Intentional Program Violation Referral 35
3.21 CCMS-BP-DOC-001 Scan/Email/Fax/Route Document 36
4 Use Cases 37
4.1 CCMS-USE-ELI-001 Validate Application Data 37
4.2 CCMS-USE-ELI-002 View Eligibility Determination 41
4.3 CCMS-USE-ELI-003 Enter Redetermination Data 43
4.4 CCMS-USE-ELI-004 Validate Redetermination Data 45
4.5 CCMS-USE-ELI-005 Process Eligible Shared Case 49
4.6 CCMS-USE-ELI-006 Enter Data for Change of Information 52
4.7 CCMS-USE-ELI-007 Validate Change of Information Data 54
4.8 CCMS-USE-ELI-008 Transfer a Shared Case 58
4.9 CCMS-USE-ELI-009 Add/Update a Provider 60
4.10 CCMS-USE-ELI-012 Submit Application Online 62
4.11 CCMS-USE-CS-001 Process a Customer Service Request 64
4.12 CCMS-USE-CS-002 Process a Provider Overpayment 67
4.13 CCMS-USE-CS-003 Process a Client Overpayment 72
4.14 CCMS-USE-CS-004 Process an Appeal 77
4.15 CCMS-USE-CS-005 Process an Attendance Exemption 80
4.16 CCMS-USE-CS-006 Process a CCR&R/Site Customer Service Request 83
4.17 CCMS-USE-CS-007 Process a W9 Form 86
4.18 CCMS-USE-PIQA-001 Schedule Field Review 90
4.19 CCMS-USE-PIQA-002 Conduct Field Review 92
4.20 CCMS-USE-PIQA-003 Prepare a Final Report 94
4.21 CCMS-USE-PIQA-004 Process a CCR&R Program Violation Referral 97
4.22 CCMS-USE-PIQA-005 Process a PIQA Program Violation Referral 99
4.23 CCMS-USE-DOC-001 Scan Document 102
4.24 CCMS-USE-DOC-002 Email/Fax Document 104
4.25 CCMS-USE-DOC-003 Route Document 106
4.26 CCMS-USE-GEN-001 Generate Alert/Task 107
5 Entities 109
6 Other Design Components 116
6.1 Reports 116
6.2 Interfaces 120
7 Final development configuration and Initial Training, Test and Production considerations 127
7.1 CCMS System Components 127
7.2 State of Illinois Information Technology Standards Compliance 129
7.3 Initial Training, Test, QA and Production Environment Considerations 140
8 Requirements List 141
9 initial Key Considerations 142
10 knowledge Transfer 144
11 Assumptions and Dependencies 148
11.1 Assumptions 148
11.1.1 Document Capture and Processing 148
11.1.2 Security and Audit 148
11.1.3 Technical Environment 149
11.1.4 General 149
11.2 Dependencies 150
11.2.1 Document Capture and Processing 150
11.2.2 Security and Audit 150
11.2.3 Technical Environments 150
Appendix A – GSD Related Outstanding Action Items 151
Appendix B – Forms and Alerts 153
Table of Contents / Page 5 of 152 / Child Care Management SystemCCMS-Del-GSD v2 1.doc
General System Design
1 Executive summary
Deloitte has collaborated with the State of Illinois, Department of Human Services (DHS) Bureau of Child Care Development (BCCD) and Management Information System (MIS), to prepare the General System Design (GSD) for the Child Care Management System (CMMS). This document is the product of careful requirements analysis, formulation of business processes and use cases and execution of joint GSD sessions for the purpose of confirming and documenting business processes and use cases, clarifying requirements and capturing missing requirements, if any. The document will act as the basis for developing detailed system design during the next phase of the project.
Deloitte has undertaken the effort of preparing the GSD as a first step in assisting the State with the transformation effort to change the way Child Care activities are tracked and managed in Illinois. The BCCD has developed an innovative and fiscally responsible approach to better use available technologies to achieve its mission. Through the deployment of an Internet based solution, BCCD will be able to reduce manual, paper-intensive processes to allow for faster payments, ease of access, and improved quality of care. Integrating a document management and workflow system with the existing Child Care Tracking System (CCTS) will enable IDHS to deliver services more efficiently.
Figure 1-1: CMMS Project Outcomes
This deliverable contains a high-level description of processes, associated use cases, clarification of base requirements, and the traceability of requirements to use cases which will form the foundation for subsequent phases of this project.
CCMS consists of several key components:
Figure 1-2: CCMS Functional Components
Electronic Document Workflow – Our proposed solution for the Electronic Document Workflow requirements meet DHS’ mandatory requirements, as well as a large percentage of desirable requirements with configuration techniques and relatively minimal custom J2EE or Flex development. This provides DHS with a solution that is maintainable, upgradeable, and scalable as the needs of the organization evolve and expand over time.
Content Management – The Content Management function of the CCMS solution provides the means by which users interact with the CCMS. The other functions leverage the Content Management and Electronic Document Workflow solution to execute the related business processes supporting the Child Care program.
Customer Service – Deloitte’s approach to empowering and enabling DHS users through an effective Customer Service function is achieved through access to relevant and appropriate information via the CCMS user interface. Customer Service will be greatly enhanced as information will be electronically available at the user’s fingertips. Common delays currently experienced due to the need to contact various entities to track down information, or wait for their manual look up in paper documents spread across the state are significantly reduced and potentially eliminated. Finally, the ability to centrally manage and track the Customer Service inquiries currently in progress provides an advantageous view and insight of interactions between the organization and the people that are served.
Program Integrity and Quality Assurance – The Program Integrity and Quality Assurance (PIQA) functional requirement area of the solution manages the Quality Assurance Reviews and Fraud Investigation & Non-Compliance business processes. Coordinated through Tasks in CCMS, stakeholders are electronically engaged in data sharing and investigative discovery of information supporting these two business functions.
Reporting and Historical Data – CCMS provides a rich set of search capabilities to locate specific tasks, applications, However, it is through summarized and detailed reports that management and field staff monitor and refine business process operations. Supported by Business Objects’ Crystal Reports, the solution will produce a set of static reports available on-demand, and will use CCMS tasks to notify specific users of the availability of reports requiring their immediate attention and review.
Deloitte and BCCD agreed to consider a collaborative approach to analyzing Child Care Eligibility rules, formulate recommendations, reach scope agreement, and finalize architecture. This approach has been documented for consideration as Change Request #47061 – “Analyze Child Care Eligibility Rules and make recommendations.”
By approving this deliverable, DHS is approving clarifications of the base requirements in the RFP and the fact that new requirements have been identified during this phase. The new requirements will be discussed as part of the Change Control Process to facilitate DHS’s decision to include or exclude them from the initial implementation of the system.
The development environment specifications have also been identified in this document. By approval of this document, DHS agrees to make the development environment ready for use per the requested date in the project work plan included in the Project Plan Deliverable.
1.1 Document Navigation Guide
To articulate the CCMS GSD, the document has been segmented into ten sections.
Table 1-1. Document Navigation Guide /Section/Name / Description /
Section 1. Executive Summary / This is the current section and provides an overview of the goals, objectives and anticipated outcomes of the CCMS and includes an overview of the CCMS business process.
Section 2. Session Schedule / This section captures the schedule of GSD sessions and attendees that helped provide the clarification and insight necessary to formulate the content for this document.
Section 3. Proposed Processes / This section includes a description of the business processes that the new system is expected to automate. Each business process has been uniquely numbered in order to facilitate traceability of requirements to each process.
Section 4. Use Cases / Use cases elaborate the requirements of the system from a user’s point of view or the point of view of the system, where applicable. Each use case has been uniquely numbered in order to facilitate requirements traceability.
Section 5. Entities / The list of entities includes a preliminary identification of entities that will provide a basis for further elaboration during the detailed design phase.
Section 6. Other Design Components / a) Reports - A description of anticipated reports from the system that includes data extracts for the purpose of federal reporting.
b) Interfaces - A description of incoming and outgoing interfaces including the identification of source and destination systems, mode (e.g., real-time vs. batch), frequency of execution, anticipated number of records, initial list of data elements, and a high-level description of anticipated interface data format.
Section 7. Final Development Configuration and Initial Training, Test, Quality Assurance (QA) and Production Considerations / Specifications for the development environment and key considerations for developing specifications for other technical environments during the detailed design phase.
Section 8. Requirements Traceability / Describes the cumulative list of requirements confirmed during this phase of the project. Requirements that have been added, modified or deleted are also noted. Furthermore, requirements are mapped to use cases and business processes for the purpose of providing traceability through the software development life cycle process.
Section 9. Initial Key Considerations / This section documents key considerations, if any, as they pertain to system domains such as platform, security, operations and support, etc.
Section 10. Knowledge Transfer. / The Deloitte Project Team worked closely and collaboratively with the DHS Project Team through the GSD phase activities that culminated in the development of this document. This section provides a documentation of these activities.
Section 11. Assumptions and dependencies / System assumptions and dependencies that arose out of the clarification provided during the GSD phase have been documented in this section.
2 Session Schedule
The approach to developing the GSD is a collaborative effort between Deloitte and DHS and involved the following activities:
a) Preparing for GSD Sessions – During this activity the Deloitte team analyzed, categorized and grouped requirements. DHS arranged for and conducted demonstrations of existing processes and systems. Requirements were clarified, as necessary, during this process. The Deloitte team also prepared draft versions of the “to-be” business process flow diagrams, mapped requirements to these business processes, created use cases where appropriate, and defined the development environment technical specifications while scheduling sessions, as appropriate, with BCCD and MIS staff.
b) Conducting GSD Sessions – Prior to the first GSD session the approach was confirmed with participants to enable clear understanding of session goals and outcomes. During the GSD sessions, a walkthrough of appropriate business processes, use cases and requirements was conducted to confirm and validate them. Missing requirements, if any, were captured.
The following table provides a schedule of GSD session events.
DATE / MEETING NAME / PLACE / TIMETue / KICK OFF / ORS Training, Spfld. & / 10-11:30
26-Oct / Murdock (Suite 5-300), Chicago
Mon / JAD - Eligibility / Suter, Spfld. & / 1-4
1-Nov / Murdock (Suite 5-300), Chicago
Thu / JAD – Eligibility / Springfield, Harris Building, 100 South Grand East, Conference Room 2A / 10-3
Fri / JAD – Eligibility / Springfield, Harris Building, 100 South Grand East, Conference Room 2A / 9-12
Tue / JAD – Eligibility / Springfield, Harris Building, 100 South Grand East, Conference Room 2A / 10-3
Wed / JAD – Customer Service / Springfield, Harris Building, 100 South Grand East, Conference Room 2A / 9-2
Fri / JAD – Technical 1 / Springfield, Harris Building, 100 South Grand East, Conference Room HCD / 9-12
Tue / JAD – PIQA / Deloitte Chicago Office,111 S. Wacker Dr. Conference Room NE-22 / 10-3
16-Nov / Springfield, Harris Building, 100 South Grand East, Conference Room HCD
Fri / JAD – Technical 2 / Springfield, Harris Building, 100 South Grand East, Conference Room HCD / 9-3
Mon / JAD – Wrap Up / Conference Call / 9-12
3 Proposed Processes
This section contains descriptions of the business processes that the new system is expected to automate. Each business process will be uniquely numbered in order to facilitate traceability of requirements to each process.
Table 4-1. List of use cases associated with CCMS business processes /# / Business Processes / Corresponding Use Case(s) /
1 / CCMS-BP-ELI-001 Process an Application / CCMS-USE-ELI-001 Validate Application Data
CCMS–USE-ELI-002 View Eligibility Determination
2 / CCMS-BP-ELI-002 Process a Redetermination / CCMS-USE-ELI-003 Enter Redetermination Data
CCMS-USE-ELI-004 Validate Redetermination Data
3 / CCMS-BP-ELI-003 Process a Change of Information / CCMS-USE-ELI-006 Enter Data for Change of Information
CCMS-USE-ELI-007 Validate Change of Information Data
4 / CCMS-BP-ELI-004 Process an Application for a Shared Case / CCMS-USE-ELI-005 Process Eligible Shared Case
5 / CCMS-BP-ELI-005 Process a Redetermination for a Shared Case / CCMS-USE-ELI-005 Process Eligible Shared Case
6 / CCMS-BP-ELI-006 Process a Change of Information (COI) for a Shared Case / CCMS-USE-ELI-005 Process Eligible Shared Case
7 / CCMS-BP-ELI-007 Transfer a Shared Case / CCMS-USE-ELI-008 Transfer a Shared Case
8 / CCMS-BP-ELI-008 Add/Update a Provider / CCMS-USE-ELI-009 Add/Update a Provider
9 / CCMS-BP-ELI-010 Process a W9 Form / CCMS-USE-ELI-011 Process a W9 Form
10 / CCMS-BP-CS-001 Process a Customer Service Request / CCMS-USE-CS-001 Process a Customer Service Request
11 / CCMS-BP-CS-002 Process a Provider Overpayment / CCMS-USE-CS-002 Process a Provider Overpayment
12 / CCMS-BP-CS-003 Process a Client Overpayment / CCMS-USE-CS-003 Process a Client Overpayment
13 / CCMS-BP-CS-004 Process an Appeal / CCMS-USE-CS-004 Process an Appeal
14 / CCMS-BP-CS-005 Process an Attendance Exemption / CCMS-USE-CS-005 Process an Attendance Exemption
15 / CCMS-BP-CS-006 Process a CCR&R/Site Customer Service Request / CCMS-USE-CS-006 Process a CCR&R/Site Customer Service Request
16 / CCMS-BP-PIQA-001
Schedule a Field Review / CCMS-USE-PIQA-001 Schedule a Field Review
17 / CCMS-BP-PIQA-002
Conduct a Field Review / CCMS-USE-PIQA-002 Conduct a Field Review
18 / CCMS-BP-PIQA-003
Prepare a Final Report / CCMS-USE-PIQA-003 Prepare a Final Report
19 / CCMS-BP-PIQA-004
Process a CCR&R Program Violation / CCMS-USE-PIQA-004 Process a CCR&R Program violation Referral
20 / CCMS-BP-PIQA-005
Process a PIQA Program Violation / CCMS-USE-PIQA-005 Process a PIQA Program Violation Referral
3.1 CCMS-BP-ELI-001 Process an Application
This process defines the steps for when a client applies for the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). This business process documents the steps needed from the time an application form is received until the client’s program eligibility is determined. The system will generate alerts to the eligibility workers after a certain amount of time to inform them that follow-up actions are needed on the case and to cancel it if the client has not returned the required information.