Gaithersburg-Washington Grove Volunteer Fire Department

The House Siren

June 2003

GWGVFD Mission Statement

To organize and operate a Volunteer Organization to deliver fire, rescue, and emergency medical services to the citizens of Gaithersburg, Washington Grove, and the surrounding areas of Montgomery County. To Sponsor prevention and education programs that promote a safe community environment.


Christopher Crown, Michael Sweet, Elizabeth Harrop, for Operational Membership. Kortnei Heylinger-Webb, (graduated from JFB) to Administrative.

Ralph Rodriguezz, Kristen Pickett, and Hanit Assaraf to the Junior Fire Brigade.

We also welcome Cindy Beach to 8A; and Kathleen Matheny to 28A.


Brenda Szczesny who was voted to Active Membership.

To Joe Dennie on his promotion to Master Firefighter.


We are sorry to lose Scott Silvia due to his relocation out of State.

Best wishes to Joe Dennie on his move to 9A.


To Lew Cross and B Shift for their help cleaning up after the June 9 birthday party.

To: Ken Fisher, Darline Bell, Nancy Copeland, Bob Colross, MaryAnn Prater, Linda Geier, Shidfar Shahriary , Larry Younkins, John Luper for their help on the May 24 work day at Old Station 8.

And to: Brenda Knopp, Ken Knopp, MaryAnn Prater, Carol Berry, Bruce Dickenson, Don Pruett, John Luper. For the help with the spaghetti dinner last month.

To Frank Brewer and the Bike Patrol for the participation at the All American Bicycle Club Annual Race on April 13th.


Congratulations to Kevin Younkins and Jessica Moyers on the birth of their son, Ian Thomas, on May 16, 2003. Congratulations also to Grandfather, Larry Younkins.


Best wishes to Judy Magruder and Rickie Serfass who were married on May 3, 2003.

To Michelle Henning and Kofi Ofori on their marriage on May 6, 2003.

And a belated best wishes to Doug Wantling and Connie Hayes who were married on November 1, 2002.

Calls May 2003

Station 8

E81 203

E82 70

AT8 196

B85 2

A86 0

A87 236

A88 226

M88 0

M89 267

Ct 8 2

Total 1,202

Actual Calls 8

Fire 191

Rescue 715

Total 906

Station 28

E281 202

A289 176

Total 378

Actual Calls 28

Fire 94

Rescue 210

Total 304

Compiled by Charlie Fowler

From The President

Some Food for Thought

What do you see as to the future of the GWGVFD.

· Do you just want to run calls and not think about what’s down the road?

· What role are you going to play with us?

· Are you going to be a management type person in the future?

· Do you want to serve on the board of Directors?

Did you know that to hold a management position you must serve on the board? Think about this fire department ten years from now and tell me what we will be. Tell me what you will be doing, as a member, ten years from now.

· Should we replace our tower?

· Should we pursue another station in Gaithersburg?

· Should we try and build a station at the Airpark?

To run a great fire department all members need to be aware of what is going on and discuss the possibilities for the future. We must decide as a group, directed by the board, what our goals are, achieve them and once again look to the future. I invite each and every one of you to put something in my mailbox that tells me what you would like to see with this dept. in the future. What changes would you like see? What additions to the fire dept? What do you see that’s not good or needs to be corrected. I look forward to seeing something in my box from you soon.

Chief’s Report

MSFA Convention

I returned from the Maryland State Firemen’s Association convention in Ocean City on Saturday night. Although the weather was not the best, I found the experience to be one that I would highly recommend to all those who have the opportunity to attend in the future. This annual gathering was my first time as a delegate for GWGVFD. For me the convention was truly an event. With the help of the other delegates, Anne Hughes, MaryAnne Prater, and Jimbo Magruder, I received much needed guidance concerning what to do and when to do it. The experience will be one that I will not forget for a long time. Additionally while at the convention, I visited the Scotty “Fire Safety House” on display, which the department is considering as a replacement for our aging unit. And I also checked-out a new 100’ LTI ladder truck. Both of these items were especially impressive.

From the “Joint Memorial Service” held on Sunday to the First session “Call to order and Opening Ceremonies” on Monday, to the important business conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday, I was awed by the tradition and dedication demonstrated during this process. There were many educational opportunities available to all those who were lucky enough to attend the convention. Most of the educational and training seminars were held in the afternoon or evening hours. The topics, as you would expect, covered current fire and rescue issues. I found the ones that I was able to attend to be very useful to me. I am certain that there was plenty of good information provided to all who were lucky enough to sit in on them. There were also plenty of social events provided to ensure all those who attend a good time for themselves and their families. All participants and watchers enjoyed the annual parade held on Wednesday afternoon, which allowed various departments from all over the State to show off their equipment and pride.

Fire Administrator’s & County Executive’s Budget Cuts - Update

The budget is public record now. The LFRDs administrative personnel have been saved from the budget axe for this year. However, I am certain that the FA has not given up on the idea of removing this vital link between the LFRDs and day-to-day operations that our administrative people perform for us. Also charging for EMS transports has been soundly defeated for this budget year

Doug Duncan is no friend of the Volunteer Fire Service in Montgomery County. He has used his position to mold a Fire Rescue Commission that will rubber stamp anything he and the Fire Administrator chooses to do. For years these two individuals have run the fire service into the ground in the name of greater governmental control. They have put off replacing our aging fleet, while funding pet programs of the FA.

As partners in the fire service, the local volunteer fire and rescue community needs to be included, rather then excluded. At the recent MSFA convention in Ocean City, the County Executive was sighted by one of the past Fire Rescue Commissioners as being a failure at providing combination fire rescue service in Montgomery County.

Bio-Pack Program

The Bio-Pack program has basically come and gone for now according to the Fire Administrator. Nothing new to report at this time on plans to finish up the Volunteers. I will continue to question those at DFRS who have the answers.

July 4 th Celebration

The events scheduled for the 4th of July include several parades in the area, followed by a firework display at the Fairgrounds at around 9:30 PM (dusk). The display should last about 30 minutes with the maximum shell size of 8”. Perry Parkway in the vicinity of the Fairgrounds will closed to vehicular traffic during the fireworks display. GWGVFD will be providing EMS services through the Bike Team and fire services with Brush 85. We may be able to send a GWGVFD fire engine to some of the parades, depending on availability.

Apparatus Updates

Fire & EMS

E81 is now back in service and E82 is in the shop for minor service items. Soon however, E82 will replace E281 while it’s out for minor repairs. AT8 is in service with regular assortment of minor dents, scratches and broken off items.

Training Updates

PS 2000

The scheduled implementation of PS2000 continues to be delayed. On the brighter side, this gives the fire/rescue more time to become better prepared (i.e. more vehicle installations, field comfort with the radios and MDCs as well as additional ECC training). The delay is for a variety of reasons but the new DFRS Chief Tom Carr reported that there had been numerous difficulties within the last few weeks in the testing phases of the system. The flaws in the system were reported not to be fatal but Chief Carr anticipated more delays to correct the problems. We'll keep you tuned into the latest.

Please check with Frank Jacob or Ken Knopp if you have not completed both Voice and MDC training as of this date. Remember that completion of this training is mandatory for those who wish to remain on the IECS list.

Driver Training

The next PSTA driver improvement class will be held at the PSTA on June 26th. There will be other classes scheduled in the month of July. See Deputy Chief Frank Jacob to obtain a list of the dates. All drivers must attend one of these scheduled classes before September 1st or you will be removed from the county driving list. I must turn in a list of those who have completed this mandatory training class by that date.

PSTA Graduation Ceremony

A graduation ceremony for EMT-B classes #309, #310, #311, #315, and Essentials of Firefighting class #03-2, will conducted on Friday, June 27th, at the PSTA at 19:00 hours. The ceremony will be held in the lobby of the PSTA. All fire/rescue personnel are welcome. As many GWGVFD officers as possible should attend to show your support for the Volunteer Fire Rescue Service.

From The Secretary’s Desk

Some Friendly Reminders for Members:

· Membership Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month (except June, and sometimes August, depending on the MC Fair). Meetings begin at 7:30 PM at Old Station 8.

· Members must either attend 8 (eight) meetings in the year, or submit a written excuse to the Secretary (a note in Box 24 at Station 8, or email ).

· If you are absent from 3 (three) consecutive meetings, you will have to appear before the Membership, or you will be dropped from the roll.

· If you are not able to participate as an active volunteer for an extended period, you need to submit a written request for a Leave of Absence (a note in Box 24 at Station 8, or email ). The Membership must vote on your request.

· If you need to be excused from Standby only, you should submit a written excuse to the Standby Committee (Box 22 at Station 8).

· Annual Dues of $5 are payable to the Secretary by December 31 each year or your name will be dropped from the Roll. Note: Even if you are on Leave of Absence, your Dues are still payable.

Canteen 8

The new canteen vehicle that was ordered from Criswell Chevrolet has been delivered to Krammes Kustom Body Company in Pennsylvania. Don Pruett will make a trip to Krammes to check out the final construction detail this week. After Don’s visit and final approval of the plans, the new Canteen should be ready in about 30 – 45 days.

Museum News

The new wooden collectibles are in and ready for sale. Get yours before they’re gone!

We have two wooden replicas, one of old station 8 and one of the Diamond T pumper.

They are $ 14.00 each, $15.00 each if you want them boxed. They are on sale at the Museum which is open on Saturdays between 10am and 2PM. They will also be available at the membership meeting on June 25th. Hopefully they will soon be sold on our WEB SITE. Get yours now, this could turn out to be a good money maker for the department. While you are at the museum, check out the displays. A few members have put in many hours to get your museum up and running. All of you can help by donating 4 hours of your time on Saturdays to help staff the museum. Don't forget it’s a good way to get your LOSAP hours.

Tell your friends, tell your family, to come on by and check out all of our sale items in the museum store. RBH

Due to recent events, I am requesting that all personnel who enter the station either be wearing clothing that indicates membership in the fire service or have an ID badge that identifies you as a member of the fire service.

If you witness any person(s) in the station who you don’t recognize and they don’t have ID or appropriate clothing, please ask if you can help them and/or refer them to an officer.

If you have neither a proper uniform or ID badge, please contact me or Chief Luper ASAP to rectify the situation.

Check out the June edition of the Talk of the Town newsletter, published by the City of Gaithersburg, for an article featuring the museum.

Administrative Officer’s Notes

If it is broken, leaking, not doing what it was designed to do, and you can’t fix it, fill out the appropriate work order so that either the Shop or the Administrative staff can get repairs underway. While we appreciate getting a chance to talk to everyone, when it comes to repairs you don’t have to wait to see us to tell us there is a problem. Write, we will write back!

Most of the issues in the FY 04 budget have been resolved favorably for the Fire and Rescue community. However, times remain tight and are not likely to see an improvement for at least two more budget cycles. So anywhere we can save money benefits all of us and the taxpayers. Got an idea, let us know. See a bunch of lights left on, turn them off. Restock EMS units at the hospitals. Little stuff can add up to big savings, or at least to avoidance of more spending, and that’s an especially good thing in what promises to be a very frugal next couple of years.