GRO - ing in Generosity

Worship Ideas

We are called to generosity as a way to, and a sign of, spiritual growth, personally and as a community.

Some give freely, yet grow all the richer;
others withhold what is due, and only suffer want.
A generous person will be enriched… Proverbs 11:24-25a

Sermon Series/Worship Ideas for Pledge Campaign:

Week 1: Grace and Gratitude Possible Scriptures:

● Ephesians 2:8-21 -God’s grace - unconditional and radically inclusive love - is a gift freely given to all of us

● Psalm 100 - Because of what God has given to us - life and love - we practice gratitude and thankfulness

Points to consider:

● Because God’s grace is always given freely, there is nothing we can do to lose it and there is nothing we can do to earn it

● It is out of God’s grace that we are given all the gifts that God gives us

● The only fitting response, to grace, really, is gratitude, to say, “Thank you, God”

● The more we express gratitude, the more we find to be grateful for

During Worship:

● Share about Growing in Generosity -A trusted lay leader shares a 3 minute story about learning about growing in generosity through grace and gratitude

After Worship:

● Pledge Campaign Kickoff Party with an opportunity for Teams and Ministries to present ways for people to share their time and talents. Make this a joyous party or even a fair-like atmosphere, with food and festive decorations

GRO - ing in Generosity

Worship Ideas

Sermon Series/Worship Ideas for Pledge Campaign:

Week 2: Receiving and Returning

Possible Scriptures:

● Philippians 4:4-20 - We are to receive with joy and thankfulness the gifts that God and others give to us

● Deuteronomy 14:26-19 - Out of what we receive from God, we are to return to, and joyfully share, with others

Points to Consider:

● We are truly alive, truly thriving, when we receive from God and then, are drawn back to God

● Receiving gracefully from others allows them to practice giving and generosity

● Reflect on “What gifts have I received?” and “How have I given back?”

During Worship:

● Moment to Share about Growing in Generosity - Have someone from the larger community share briefly how the church’s generosity is having a positive impact in the community.

Before and After Worship:

● Have posters, literature, and other materials from organizations the church works with in the community available. Considering inviting representatives to be available. Share what MCC is doing globally.

GRO - ing in Generosity

Worship Ideas

Sermon Series/Worship Ideas for Pledge Campaign:

Week 3: Offering Ourselves

Possible Scriptures:

● Romans 12:1-13 - The gifts given to us by God are to be used for the good of all of God’s people and building up of community

● Micah 6:6-8 - God does not want empty offerings out of guilt, but kindness, mercy, and humility in relationships

Points to Consider:

● God gives us gifts to make a difference in the lives of others

● Ultimately, giving and sharing, offering ourselves is about being more and more who God created us to be and belonging to God’s kin-dom that works differently from how the world works

● When we do so, we build up Beloved Community, and grow closer to our generous God

During Worship:

● Moment to Share about Growing in Generosity - Have a young person share how they’ve learned to be generous and what it means to them.

During Worship: Collect and pray over Pledge Forms

Sample Prayer: O God of Generosity, you give your grace to us abundantly and freely. So, we give generously in gratitude. Having received what you have given to us, we return to you and share with others, giving back in generosity. You have given us gifts to build up your Beloved Community and we offer ourselves generously to the service of you and your people. Please bless what we give so that our gifts make a positive impact, transforming the world as we transform ourselves. Amen.