GHSGT Review Questions

Government Questions:
1. / The Senate voting on a new bill is an activity related to which branch of government?
A. / Cabinet
B. / judicial
C. / executive
D. / legislative

The legislative branch of the U.S. government is made of the Congress. Congress is made up of two chambers, the House of Representatives and the Senate. The legislative branch is responsible for making laws.

2. / Which of the following is an example of a citizen exercising his or her First Amendment rights?
A. / Byron serves as foreman on a jury during the trial of a high-profile civil case.
B. / Jill keeps a rifle collection in her hunting lodge and pepper spray on her key chain.
C. / Alberto publishes a radical newspaper challenging the policies of the current governor.
D. / When Samuel is accused of a crime, he retains an attorney to be present during police questioning.

The correct answer is Alberto because he is exercising the right of freedom of the press, which is protected by the First Amendment.

3. / Which of the following describes how the president of the United States is elected to office?
A. / The president is elected by votes in the Senate and House of Representatives.
B. / Each state holds an election, then submits its vote. Whoever wins the most states becomes president.
C. / The general population votes, and whoever receives the most votes wins.
D. / The general population votes for a slate of electors who vote to decide who becomes president.

In our country, when citizens punch their ballots for president, they actually vote for a slate of electors. Electors then cast the votes that decide who becomes President of the United States.
Usually, electoral votes align with the popular vote in an election. But four times in our nation's history, the person who took the White House did not receive the most popular votes (Rutherford Hayes, Benjamin Harrison, John Quincy Adams, and George W. Bush).

4. / What would be the most likely effect on Latin American countries if the United States were to effectively limit both legal and illegal immigration from those countries?
A. / Tourism to those countries from the U.S. would increase.
B. / Unemployment in those countries would increase.
C. / Wages in those countries would increase.
D. / Tourism in the U.S. from those countries would increase.

Most Latin American immigrants come to the states to work because the job situation in their own countries is terrible. If the U.S. were to reduce the number of immigrants from Latin America, two things would happen: One, there would be a shortage of workers in the U.S., particularly in the South and Southwest, since the Latin American workforce is employed in many jobs that most citizens would rather not do. Two, it would affect the Latin American economy since the majority of immigrants who work in the U.S. send a great portion of their earnings back home to families in Latin America.

World History:

1. / What was Niccolò Machiavelli's main argument in his work The Prince?
A. / A ruler should do whatever is necessary to maintain power.
B. / A ruler should make his subjects as happy as possible.
C. / A ruler should strive to maintain equality and fairness.
D. / A ruler should follow all of the teachings of the Catholic Church.

In Niccolò Machiavelli's The Prince, he commented on how governments should rule. Influenced by the political environment that he had observed in Florence and other city states, Machiavelli argued that a ruler should do whatever is necessary, even if that meant violence, in order to maintain control of the state. He argued that it was more important for a ruler to maintain order in the state than for the ruler to be a moral person.

2. / How did the Columbian Exchange impact people living in Europe and in the Western Hemisphere?
A. / People in both places were introduced to new crops and animals.
B. / People across Europe began practicing Native American religions.
C. / Millions of Native Americans moved to Europe and assimilated into European society.
D. / Many Europeans were enslaved and taken to North and South America.

The term "Columbian Exchange" is used to describe the exchange of crops, animals, people, diseases, and technology which occurred after Columbus' discovery of the New World. As a result of the contact between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, people in both places were introduced to a variety of things.

3. / Which of these was a result of the English Revolution of 1689, or the "Glorious Revolution"?
A. / Catholicism became England's state religion.
B. / The nobles of England were beheaded.
C. / England lost all of its overseas colonies.
D. / The English monarch signed a Bill of Rights.

The English "Glorious Revolution" took place after the English Civil War and after a king had been restored to the throne. The English feared that King James II was trying to bring absolute monarchy and Catholicism to England, so they invited the Dutch leaders William of Orange and Mary to invade England and become the new monarchs. Before William and Mary took the throne, they had to sign the English Bill of Rights, which took away many powers of the monarchy.

4. / What effect did the Great Depression have on fascism, communism, and other similar movements in Europe and Asia?
A. / It weakened them because the movements were unable to stop the Depression from happening.
B. / It weakened them because it convinced people that democracy had control over the situation.
C. / It strengthened them because people felt a stronger government could improve the economy.
D. / It strengthened them because people were eager to fight new wars against enemy countries.

The Great Depression affected nearly every country in the world. Nations like the United States and Britain were able to manage the Depression with their democratic governments. In nations like Italy, Germany, Spain, and Japan, their governments became stronger and began to lose democratic aspects. Fascist and communist movements promised to improve the economy of their countries, and this was appealing to many people.

World Geography:

1. /
How did construction of the Panama Canal influence world trade?
A. / The canal made Panama the center of world trade.
B. / The canal slowed world trade.
C. / The canal split world trade into an eastern sphere and western sphere.
D. / The canal made trade routes much shorter.

The Panama Canal is a man-made link between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. By linking these two bodies of water, trade routes were made much shorter because vessels no longer had to go around the southern tips of South America to cross from the Atlantic to the Pacific or vice-versa. This made trade easier and more efficient.

2. /
Why is the area highlighted by the blue box largely uninhabited by people?
A. / This area is extremely mountainous, making the area unfavorable for construction.
B. / This region of Africa is tundra, with extremely low average temperatures.
C. / The Amazon Rainforest covers this region, making it unfavorable for farming.
D. / The Sahara Desert covers this region, making the area unfavorable for farming.

Physical landforms play a large role in migration patterns and the distribution of cities. In this case, the highlighted region of Africa is largely uninhabited because the Sahara Desert covers this area. There is little water for farming, and conditions are harsh for human settlement.

3. / The overall impacts of the Irish Potato Famine included:
·  the decline of the Irish language and customs
·  the devastation of the landless laborer class and small tenant farmer
·  a treeless landscape in many parts of Ireland
·  Irish emigrants scattered around the globe
Sources: 1831, 1841 and 1851 Census of Ireland
How did environmental conditions in mid-19th century Ireland influence migration patterns?
A. / A changing climate forced the majority of the population to move into the southern part of the country.
B. / The famine killed Ireland's primary crop, forcing many Irish to leave the country.
C. / The famine resulted in most of Ireland's population leaving rural areas to work in cities.
D. / Over-polluted conditions in Irish cities forced the population to migrate to rural areas.

The Irish Potato Famine, caused by drought in the mid-19th century, resulted in a massive emigration out of the country. Millions of Irish citizens came to America. This is a good example of how human movement is influenced by environmental conditions such as drought.

4. /
Why was it so important for the Union Army to defeat the Confederate Army at the battle of Gettysburg in 1863?
A. / Victory at Gettysburg would ensure access to the Great Lakes.
B. / It was the farthest north into Union territory the Confederate Army had pushed.
C. / Gettysburg was strategically located at the junction of several railroad lines.
D. / Victory at Gettysburg would ensure access to vital waterways and Atlantic ports.

The Union Army defeated the Confederate Army at Gettysburg in 1863. Because of massive casualties on both sides, it was an important victory. However, the geographic angle was that Gettysburg represented General Lee's attempt to push north into Union territory. The Union knew they had to push back the Confederates in a decisive stand, which they accomplished.

United States History:

1. / Which of the following was one of the grievances toward the king that the colonists listed in the Declaration of Independence?
A. / He would not protect the colonies with proper soldiers.
B. / He had made them fight an unwanted war against France.
C. / He did not allow them to trade with England.
D. / He imposed taxes on them without their consent.

The bulk of the Declaration of Independence was a list of charges against the king of Great Britain. There were 29 separate indictments. Among these were imposing taxes on them without consent, making them support soldiers during peacetime, and making them trade with only England.

2. / How did the philosopher John Locke influence the principles of the Declaration of Independence?
A. / He wrote that governments should be organized under three competing branches.
B. / He wrote that people were born with natural rights to life, liberty, and property.
C. / He was the first philosopher to advance the idea of separation of church and state.
D. / He claimed that democracy would fail if men without property were allowed to vote.

John Locke advanced the theory that people are born with certain rights. When a government does not protect them, the citizen has the right or even the obligation to overthrow the government. Locke did not believe that kings were appointed by God to rule. Instead, he thought that the power to govern should be granted by the people. This language found its way into Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence and fueled revolution in Europe as well.

3. / The Constitutional principle of checks and balances is exemplified by
A. / trial by jury.
B. / term limits.
C. / separation of church and state.
D. / presidential veto.

The principle of checks and balances holds that the three branches of government (judicial, legislative, and executive) have to work together to make sure that no one body becomes too powerful. Thus, the presidential veto is a good example because it is a "check" on the power of Congress.

4. / The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution are designed to protect which principle of American government?
A. / popular elections
B. / checks and balances
C. / separation of powers
D. / individual rights

The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution is the Bill of Rights, which is designed to protect individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to a speedy trial by jury.

5. / Which geographical region in colonial North America was best known for its cold climate and strong Puritan population?
A. / Middle Passage
B. / New England
C. / middle colonies
D. / Southern colonies

Many of the New England settlers were Puritans escaping from religious persecution in England. The region's northern location and poor farmland meant that its winters were cold and difficult.

6. / Which of the following sentences best characterizes the nature of the Revolutionary War?
A. / It was a hot, quick war fought between two highly trained fighting forces with only one significant engagement.
B. / It was primarily a naval war fought between large ironclad ships off the coast of North America.
C. / It was a violent war fought with guerrilla tactics mainly in populous cities.
D. / It was a slow war fought between an inexperienced militia and a traditional army in a huge territory.

The Revolutionary War was long (1775-1782) and slow, with only intermittent battles in which the British were worn down. The huge territory of America made containing the colonists difficult.

7. / There were several different reasons which led to the War of 1812. Which of the following is considering the central dispute which led to the War of 1812?
A. / disputes over English taxes and tariffs levied in the United States
B. / impressment of American soldiers by the British
C. / dispute over control of the land that is presently Florida
D. / the United States seeking independence from England

The British policy of impressment was one of the factors that contributed to the War of 1812. British ships would stop American ships and force American sailors to work on British ships. The British did not recognize American citizenship and often claimed that the American sailors they took were actually British subjects.