GER 1120 -12481 - Fall 2016 VALENCIA COLLEGE

Elementary German Language and Civilization l

Elementary German Language and Civilization I fully online

Prof. MariaGrazia Spina

Email: or (if you need immediate assistance)

Office hours: virtual on skype by appointment ( nickname "spinaonline")

Text: “SAG MAL” An introduction to German language and culture, Vista Higher Learning 2nd edition (either the loose-leaf version or the hardcopy IF YOU PREFER THE PAPER VERSION) + Supersite Plus+ WEBSAM Code.


· Supersite Plus + WebSAM Code (Supersite Plus + WebSAM + vText)
· You can buy directly on the Vista Higher Learning site.

Course Description

Elementary German Language and Civilization I introduces students to Germanic culture through the major language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Open only to students with no experience in this language.

The communicative approach methodology is enhanced by a virtual lab (Sag Mal Supersite and WebSAM) where students will:

· practice their listening, writing and reading skills interactively

· watch real life videos

· complete homework multilayered activities with interactive guidelines

· take all the tests

Course Objectives

· At the end of this course students will be able to

o Understand and apply the grammar rules covered in the 12-weeks semester

o Read and understand passages in German that will gradually become more challenging

o Write short compositions in German in line with the acquisition of more vocabulary as the course progresses

o Listen to native speakers and understand the gist of what is being said , starting from very basic exchanges to more complexes speeches

o Communicate in German at a basic level, formulate their own presentations of different subjects presented in the textbook and answer elementary questions

o Show knowledge of the cultural aspects of the German way of life, as presented in the textbook

You will use Supersite-WEBSAM to:

· Take the online tests (due dates are on the calendar and grades will be recorded on Canvas) .

· Do all the online homework (the grade will be recorded on Canvas. Students will be graded on completion and performance of all the assigned activities.)

You will use BLACKBOARD to:

· Follow your weekly instruction

· Check your grade book at any time

· Communicate with your instructor and with your peers using the “email” function

· Post the cultural quest results at the end of each week using the “discussion”

· function

· Post your composition and oral assignment

Materials/Technology Requirements:

· A reliable computer with up to date operational system capable of running the required browsers (only Firefox or Google Chrome) and required programs.

· A soundcard and speakers (or earphones)

· A high-speed modem (Cable or DSL strongly recommended to access audio and video without delays)

· A dependable Internet Service Provider (ISP)

· A working Valencia Email address

· Webcam/microphone: Most computers come with an integrated microphone, but it is better to purchase one to avoid audio background noise. You will need this to complete your projects and activities in the Supersite and in Blackboard.

Make-ups: There are no make-ups for missed tests, quizzes or homework. All work, test and quizzes completed in advance will receive full credit. Any missed test, quiz or homework will result in a "0."

Semester Grade: 10% Homework on the Supersite

10% Cultural discussions

10% songs

10% Oral

10% Composition

30% chapter tests (3x 10%)

20% final exam

100% final cumulative grade

Guidelines and rubrics for each assignment will be posted on Blackboard.

Changes: You are responsible for keeping up with any changes.

GER 1120 Semesterablauf

29 August Lektion 1A : Greetings, Alphabet,

4 September Culture Quest 1 due on Blackboard

5 September Lektion 1A: Gender, Articles, Nouns,


11 September Culture Quest 2 due on Blackboard

12 September Lektion 1A: Subject Pronouns, Sein, Nominative case.

19 September Lektion 1B: In der Schule, haben and the accusative case.

25 September Culture Quest 3 due

26 September Lektion 1B: word order and numbers

2 October Song 1 due

1-2-3 October TEST 1 on Unit 1A-B on the SUPERSITE.

3 October: Lektion 2A: At the University, Regular Verbs.

2 October Culture Quest 4 due

10 October Lektion 2A: Interrogative words, times and dates.

16 October

16 October Culture Quest 5 due

17 October Lektion 2B: Sport und Freizeit, stem-changing verbs

23 October Song 2 due

23 October Culture Quest 6 due

24 October Lektion 2B: present tense as future, negation

29-30-31 October TEST 2 on Unit 2 A/B

30 October Culture Quest 7 due

31 October Lektion 3A: Familie, Possessive adjectives, Adjectives agreement,

6 November Culture Quest 8 due

6 November COMPOSITION due.

7 November Lektion 3A/B: descriptive adjectives, modal verbs,

13 November Song 3 due

13 November ORAL due

14 November Lektion 3B : prepositions with the accusative, the imperative

November 20 Song 4 due

19-20-21 November Test 3 on Unit 3A and B

21 November Lektion 4A: Lebensmittel, Adverbs, the modal moegen.

28 November Lektion 4A/B: separable and inseparable prefix verbs. In the restaurant.

5 December: Lektion 4B: The Dative, prepositions with the dative.

11 December Culture Quest 9 due

11 December Homework on the Supersite due, for all chapters.

12-16 December Finals’ week

12-13 December Final exam will be available on the Supersite.