What is the Data Exchange?

The Data Exchange is a new programme performance reporting solution developed by the Department of Social Services (DSS) in consultation with service providers and clients, in response to the Australian Government’s commitment to empower civil society organisations. It was developed to improve the way we collect and use administrative data to improve the wellbeing of people and families in our communities.

The name ‘Data Exchange’ reflects the two-way partnership of information sharing between DSS and service providers, enabling both to find smarter and more efficient ways of improving service delivery and the overall outcomes achieved for individuals, families and their communities.

The data requirements are divided into two parts: a small set of priority requirements that all service providers must report, and a voluntary extended data set that providers can choose to share with the Department known as the partnership approach. Participation in the partnership approach is entirely voluntary and in return for their efforts, partnership approach contributors will have access to multiple self service reports that include data sourced from other government data sets.

Inputting data into the Data Exchange can be done in three different ways: system-to-system transfer, bulk uploads (xml) or direct entry into the web-based portal.

The principles of the Data Exchange

1.  Service providers will spend less time reporting administrative data and more time helping clients.

The Data Exchange collects far fewer data items than previous performance reporting requirements and provides flexible ways to submit this information through new IT system capabilities.

2.  Data collection will focus on client outcomes.

Instead of focusing on pure numbers, the Data Exchange has been designed to capture outcome information. DSS is mindful of the challenges of measuring client outcomes in ways that are relevant, proportionate and rigorous—recognising that service providers are not funded to be specialist researchers or to spend disproportionate amounts of time measuring client outcomes.

3.  Client personal information and privacy will be protected.

Administrative data provided by funded services is de-identified using a Statistical Linkage Key (SLK) Algorithm so that no personal client information will be accessed by DSS. This means that DSS will never be able to match a submitted data record back to an individual client. The SLK Algorithm will enable client outcome data to be matched over time and across programmes—without ever disclosing the identity of the individual client.

Programmes currently using the Data Exchange

Government Agencies using the Data Exchange

·  Commonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS)

·  Commonwealth Attorney Generals Department

·  Commonwealth Department of Health

·  A range of state and territory governments who directly deliver the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)

Programmes using the Data Exchange (DSS unless indicated otherwise)

Families and Children

·  Children's Contact Service

·  Family Law Counselling

·  Family Dispute Resolution (Cwth Attorney Generals Dept)

·  Family Relationship Advice Line

·  Family Relationship Centre (Cwth Attorney Generals Dept)

·  Parenting Orders Programme - post separation co-operative parenting (Cwth Attorney Generals Dept)

·  Supporting Children After Separation Programme

·  Regional Family Dispute Resolution (Cwth Attorney Generals Dept)

·  Family and Relationship services -Specialised Family Violence

·  Family and Relationship services -Inter-country Adoption Australia

·  Family and Relationship services

·  Family and Relationship services -Drought assistance

·  Communities for Children Facilitating Partners

·  Children and parent support services

·  Intensive Family Support Services

·  Settlement Grants

·  National Find and Connect

·  Forced Adoptions Support Services

·  Royal Commission Interim support services

Financial Wellbeing and Capability

·  Financial crisis and material aid - emergency relief

·  Commonwealth Financial counselling and financial capability

·  Financial Capability - Cape York

·  Financial counselling helpline

·  Problem gambling

·  Financial counselling and capability IM Hubs

·  Financial Resilience


Carers, Disability and Mental Health Services

·  Community Mental Health, Early Intervention for Children, Young People and their Families

·  TCC Family Mental Health Support Services New Measures 2012-14

·  Drought Package - Targeted Community Care

·  Mental Health Respite: Carer Support

·  Targeted Community Care Mental Health Respite: Carer Support New Measures 2012-14

·  Young Carer Bursary Programme

·  Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres (CRCC)

·  Consumer Directed Respite Care (CDRC)

·  Carer Information and Support Service (CISS)

·  National Carer Counselling Programme (NCCP)

·  Dementia Education Training Centres

·  Counselling, Support, Information and Advocacy (CSIA)

·  Assistance for people severely impacted by Mental Illness – Drought Assistance

·  Individual Placement and Support Trial

·  Assistance for people severely impacted by Mental Illness – A Better Life (ABle)

·  Personal Helpers and Mentors

·  TCC Personal Helpers and Mentors New Measures 2012-14 PHaMs Employment

·  TCC Personal Helpers and Mentors Expansion New Measures 2012-14

Aged care

·  Commonwealth Home Support Programme (Cwth Department of Health)