Q: I made all the necessary steps to get my name changed on my certificate. It is been approved online and says the certificate can be printed in 24 hours (it has said this for a week). Do you know how I can print the certificate? Do you need a printed copy or can you look it up online as well? Thanks.

A: Only the teachers can print their certificates. If it is taking longer than 24 hours just be patient. I think they are all trying to get through the pains of a new system. There will be a link “print” next to her certificate on her dashboard when she can print it.

Q: I just received my scores on a Praxis test I took. I would like to add it to my certificate ASAP. I went onto the TIMS site. I followed through I and II per the memo sent out yesterday. I am at III (Application Maintenance and Revisions). I cannot figure out where to go to update my certificate. Any help would be appreciated.

A: Your Praxis test scores should have been sent to PDE directly. You need to complete the application through TIMS by clicking on New Credential Application. Choose Instructional I (regardless of whether you already have a Level II) and the area you are adding. You may be directed to print out a coversheet but you will need to have a cover sheet to mail with your praxis scores along with a money order.

Q: One of our teachers was enrolling in the TIMS program and accidentally hit something to apply for an emergency permit. She doesn’t need that. Is there a way for her to correct it, or can I just decline/cancel it from my screen?

A: You can decline it from your dashboard. No big deal because nothing has been submitted to PDE.

Q: I have served the Chartiers Valley school district for 6 years as a substitute. While some of my time was as a day-to-day substitute, I also served in several long term positions in the Primary and Intermediate Schools. If possible, please direct me as to whom I should contact to see if my service in your district qualifies as credit towards my Level II certification. I greatly appreciate your help with this matter.

I registered onto the TIMS system. The system has my current place of employment, but would not let me enter CV and the dates. Please advise.


A¨ She needs to affiliate herself with Chartiers Valley, step 5. Once she affiliates herself with them then Chartiers Valley has to go into TIMS and approve her years of experience. If she does not affiliate with a school district they cannot see her application.

Q I just updated TIMS but found some missing information for my Education and wrong information under Work Experience. Do I request an update through TIMS or do I need to submit it to you?

A: All information has to be updated through TIMS. It is an online system which allows everyone with a PA certificate to update their profile.

They need to login and then click on View & Update My Profile

They will need to click on each step and update their information by clicking on Add New

Q: I followed the instructions and paid the fees online. At the end it told me to print the cover letter and attach all necessary documents listed on the cover letter. I am attaching the cover letter because all it says on the cover letter is….use only when no appropriate document category exists. According to the site they have my test records on file and I did pay so do I need to send anything? Please look at this attached file and let me know. I am hoping your contact can answer this question

A. I would suggest the cover sheet is mailed in to PDE with a note stating all documents have been received by PDE.

Q I am having problems with one of our Counselors who has been trying to apply for her Educational Specialist II (elementary school counselor) certificate. She has the following certificates:

· Instructional I Speech

· Secondary School Counselor – I

· Elementary School Counselor – I

We tried to apply for her Educational Specialist II (Elementary School Counselor) certificate and she paid twice $100, but never was directed to the Cover Sheet to mail in her transcripts. I am not sure what the problem is? Her application did not appear in my Dashboard either time.

A. Nothing yet J

Q. I am getting a lot of questions regarding add on applications. The are appearing in the Certifying Officers’ Dashboard for approval. Are we supposed to approve them or is PDE approving them? Any clarification would be helpful, thanks.

A. If they are coming to you, which isn’t needed, please review them quickly. You may answer no to all of the questions except the Good Moral Character question (unless you know otherwise) and just copy and paste a comment “Not Applicable for Add-On”. If you don’t clear your dashboard, the application may sit for a long time so your help is appreciated.

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