April 9, 2015 SEC Full Day Seminar and Meeting

Lateral Load Design Using IBC and ASCE 7-10

This seminar will present lessons learned from recent major wind and seismic events followed by an overview of the wind and seismic provisions in the IBC and ASCE 7-10. Recent trial designs of wind and seismic provisions have shown that practicing engineers have great difficulty applying the lateral load provisions of ASCE 7, and that they often get unconservative answers.

The seminar will begin with a presentation on lessons learned from recent events including Midwest wind storms, and the Chilean and New Zealand earthquakes. A detailed presentation of wind and seismic requirements will update attendees on these two complex loading protocols and explain the reasons and history of the development of many of the provisions. The seminar will discuss how wind flows around a building and how the flow of wind is taken into account by ASCE 7. In keeping with the local risks, wind design will be emphasized more than seismic design, but both will be presented because engineers often work beyond their local area. Detailed examples of lateral loads on an actual building will illustrate the use of the provisions. This material has been developed by practicing structural engineers for practicing structural engineers. The seminar is intended for both recent graduates and experienced practicing engineers.

Presented by:

Ed Huston, PE, SE

Ed Huston is a 1971 civil engineering graduate of the University of Washington and he is a licensed civil and structural engineer in Washington and seven other states. He is a principal in the firm of Smith & Huston, Inc., Consulting Engineers in Seattle, Washington. Ed has over 40 years of experience in structural design, evaluation, investigation and code and standards development. He has been very active in the Structural Engineers Association of Washington, (SEAW) holding positions as Seattle Chapter President and State Association President. He is a member of both the SEAW Wind Engineering Committee and the SEAW Earthquake Engineering Committee. Ed is Former President of NCSEA. He is chair of the Code Advisory Committee – General Requirements Subcommittee.

Ed has served on the board of directors and as President of the Applied Technology Council, (ATC) a national organization whose goal is the research into the effects of wind, earthquakes and other natural forces and the dissemination of the results of that research. Ed was a member of the SAC Steel Project Joint Venture Management Committee; was on the Project Review Panel of ATC 43 - Evaluation of Earthquake Damaged Concrete and Masonry Wall Buildings; and was Lead Technical Consultant on ATC 45 - A Field Manual for Safety Evaluations of Buildings after Windstorms and Floods. He is a co-author of the ATC Design Guide 2: Basic Wind Engineering of Low-Rise Buildings.

Ed is a co-author of the Wind Commentary to the Uniform Building Code - 1991 Edition & 1994 Editions,ATC-60, SEAW Commentary on Wind Code Provisions, as well as the SEAW RSM-03, SEAW’s Handbook of a Rapid Solution Methodology™ for Wind Designand The Masonry Designers' Guide to the ACI/ASCE 530 Code, First through Sixth Editions. He has made over 160 seminar and technical presentations.

Attendance to this seminar is worth 6.0 New York PDH Credits

DATE:Thursday, April 9th, 2015

PLACE:Crowne Plaza, Cromwell CT

100 Berlin Road, Cromwell, Connecticut 06416

Exit 21, I-91

TIME:7:30 – 8:15 amRegistration, Continental Breakfast

8:15 amSeminar Begins

10:15amCoffee Break, 15 minutes

11:30 amQuestion/Answer Session

11:45 – 12:45 pmDeli Sandwich Lunch Buffet

12:45pmSeminar Resumes

2:30 pmAfternoon Snack Break, 15 minutes

4:00 pmQuestion/Answer Session

4:15 pmConclusion of Program

COST:SEC/CSCE/ACEC Members: $185.00 per person

Non-Members: $215.00 per person

RESERVATIONS:Reservations are required. Please reply by 4:00pm, Friday,April 3rd.

To register please complete the form on the next page and return with payment to:

ACEC/CT Structural Engineers Coalition

460 Smith St, Suite K

Middletown, CT 06457

Phone (860) 635-5522

Fax (866) 668-9858

~ or ~

Register Online and pay with a credit card at:

Registration form

SEC-CT April 9th, 2015

Full Day Seminar at:

Crowne Plaza, Cromwell

100 Berlin Road,

Cromwell, Connecticut 06416

Lateral Load Design Using IBC and ASCE 7-10








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Payment enclosed : $______or MasterCard or VISA Card Number: ______

Exp Date: ______3-digit number on back of card: ____

Cardholder Name: ______Billing Address: ______

City: ______State: ___ Zip: ______

Return with payment to:

ACEC/CT Structural Engineers Coalition

460 Smith St, Ste K

Middletown, CT 06457

Phone (860) 635-5522

Fax (866) 668-9858


Follow I-91 north or south to Exit 21. At the end of the exit turn left onto Berlin Road (Rt 372) and follow for 1/4 mile, hotel on the left.