Sense International
Trustee Recruitment
Spring 2013
Purpose of the role
With the other Trustees to ensure that Sense International is governed effectively for the purposes outlined in the Articles of Association.
Principal Activities
All Trustees will be expected to:
· attend and contribute to Board meetings and share in decision making about all significant issues that impact on Sense International
· share in setting Sense International’s strategy and ensure that it is implemented
· scrutinise Sense International’s activities, ensuring that assets are protected and resources are well used
· act as custodian of Sense International’s values and long term future, ensuring that the organisation is managed prudently and lawfully, complying with its’ constitution
· Support fundraising activities
· provide challenge and support to Sense International’s Director and staff
· be an ambassador for the organisation
Qualities Required
Sense International Trustees are expected to:
· Share Sense International’s values and aspirations for deafblind people.
· Have professional skills, life experience or personal qualities that Sense International requires, in order to form an effective and diverse trustee body
· Possess the confidence to contribute to discussions and decision making and express contrary views if necessary
· Demonstrate an ability and willingness to attend meetings in working hours and occasional weekends
· Have an ability to work in small groups and teams
· Demonstrate a willingness to adhere to the Sense International Trustee Obligations and Code of Conduct
Experience Required
· Experience of governance or an interest in gaining that experience
· An understanding of the services which Sense International provides
· Experience of Knowledge of the disabilities sector
· Working for institutional donors, Trusts or Foundations
· Fundraising
· Public health policy
· Education
· Human Resources
· Or, indeed perhaps you are Deafblind or have siblings who are deafblind?
Our Vision
A world in which all deafblind children and adults can be full and active members of society.
Our Purpose
To support and promote the interests of people who are deafblind, multi sensory impaired, or who have a single sensory impairment with additional needs.
Our Values and the I’ Statements
Our values underpin our vision and purpose, as they guide us in all that we do:-
· Respect fro Diversity
· Individual worth
· Participation and inclusion
· Equality
· Sustainability
The ‘I’ statements put these values into effect and describe our behaviours and expectations. They are inclusive and apply to us all, staff, trustees, deafblind people, families, and our behaviour to colleagues in other agencies. They also flow into practice, through induction, training, information materials, policies and staff performance. They are set out below.
The ‘I’ statements
· I will listen to others
By whatever means something is communicated to me: by gesture, facial expression, body tension or posture, sign language, objects of reference, in writing or voice, I actively listen.
· I will understand and respond
I try to the best of my ability to understand what is being communicated to me and I always respond in a timely and respectful way.
· I will respect others
I respect and treat others as I would wish to be respected and treated myself.
· I will be honest and open
I am open about the reasons for my actions and I give my honest opinion knowing that it will be respected.
· I will participate and contribute
I participate to the best of my ability and contribute willingly and freely.
· I will take informed risk
I consider the benefits of taking a risk as well as what might happen if things go wrong. Where possible I seek to manage risk rather than avoid it.
· I will find things to celebrate
I recognise that all achievements, no matter how small they might seem to me, are cause for celebration.
· No decision about me, without me
I always seek to involve individuals in coming to decisions that affect them