3rd Annual
Saturday, July 4th, 2009
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Downtown Turlock
Schedule of Events
Entry $25.00 prior to June 27th*
$30.00 at the event
For vendor information call Trina at 209-634-6459
*Early Bird entry includes: T-shirt, 2-lunches, dash plaque & goodie bag for the first 50 entries on/or before 6/27.
Entries received after 6/27th will include: 2-lunches, dash plaque and a goodie bag for the first 100 cars.
All Entries get Complimentary Parade Entry
Mail registration payable to:
TDPOA, PO Box 1327, Turlock CA 95381
Name ________________________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________
City, ZIP ______________________________________________________________________________
Year__________________________ Make ______________________________ Model______________
Phone _____________________________ E-Mail ____________________________________________
RELEASE OF LIABILITY: In consideration of the acceptance of the right to participate: Participants, entrants and spectators release and discharge Turlock Downtown Property Owners, American Legion RexIsh Post 88, City of Turlock, and their employees, directors, representatives, volunteers and anyone connected with the Downtown Turlock Independence Celebration and Car Show, from any known or unknown damages, injuries, losses, judgments, and claims from any cause whatsoever that may be suffered by any participants to his person or property. Further, each participant expressly agrees to indemnify all forgoing entities, firms, persons, and bodies of and from any and all liability occasioned by or resulting from conduct of participant, spectator, or other persons attending the event. The American Legion Independence Celebration and Car Show is a showcase event. Management will do everything possible to cooperate with participants to assure a successful event. We ask you do the same, kindly observe safety and traffic regulations, safety rules and ordinances, and maintain conduct befitting a representative of this automotive sport.
Signature ____________________________________________________________ Date __________________________