Secretary’s Report
This report details the day to day activities of the ASCA® Board of Directors and includes issues brought before the ASCA® Board and communications done by mail, fax, e-mail and/or phone.
June 1 – June 30, 2007
98:15 OBEDIENCE COMMITTEE - Ch. 10, Obedience Finals.
Motion by Hellmeister.
I move to accept the following recommendation from the Obedience Committee:
Motion by White, second by Alexander..For: Stoddart, Uran, Bettis, White, Alexander, Waller, Case & Sidwell.Against: Burlingame, Walter & Franks.Non-Voting: Watson. Motion passes committee.
I'd like to make a motion for the following to be effective immediately:
Chapter 10:Obedience Finals
Section 2: Eligibility
ADD the following after number six:
7. Only full ASCA members may accumulate points toward any Finals or Merit Programs.
Directors voting: Approve: McNamara, DeChant, MacRoberts, Hellmeister & Berryessa.
Disapprove: Walter. Abstain: Gray & Stevens. Non-Voting: Bryant Motion is approved.
05:08 2007 NATIONAL SPECIALTY - Obedience Finals Budget.
Motion by Hellmeister, seconded by Berryessa.
I move to accept the Obedience Finals budget, submitted by the host club for
the 2007 Nationals.
Directors voting: Approve: Gray, McNamara, DeChant, MacRoberts, Hellmeister, Berryessa &
Walter. Non-Voting: Stevens & Bryant. Motion is approved.
Motion by DeChant.
I move that the Board approve the following motion from the Hall of Fame Committee:
Motion 2007-11 (as stated below) by Gina Larson/second by Anneke de Jong IN FAVOR: Cheri Preciado, Chris Davies, Robin McNeill, Dorothy Montano, Gina Larson, Anneke deJong, Sharon Elkins, Cheryl Padgett, & Anne Shope
Twenty qualifying titles required as follows:
SIX MANDATORY STOCKDOG TITLES: (individually or combined)
Qualifying titles are: ATDc or ATDs or RTDsc or PATDs or PATDc
(advanced trial dog cattle or advanced trial dog sheep or ranch trialdog sheep and cattle or post advanced trial dog cattle)
SIX MANDATORY CONFORMATION TITLES:(Titles earned in HOF counttowards HOFX) Qualifying titles are: A-CH or CH (altered champion or intactchampion)
STOCKDOG (as named above) OR CONFORMATION (as named above):
Qualifying performance titles are:
OBEDIENCE: UD (utility dog)
TRACKING: TDX (tracking dog excellent)
AGILITY: (must earn ALL THREE elite titles of standard, gamblersand jumpers)
Qualifying standard titles are: RS-E or RJ-E or RV-E (regularstandard elite or regular junior elite or regular veteran elite)
Qualifying jumper titles are: JS-E or JJ-E or JV-E (jumper standardelite or jumper junior elite or jumper veteran elite)
Qualifying gambler titles are: GS-E or GJ-E or GV-E (gamblersstandard elite or gamblers junior elite or gamblers veteran elite)
THREE TITLES OF EXCELLENCE: (A dog may earn more than one.)(Two dogsmust be titled in this category.) (Individual titles making up thesespecialty titles may be counted towards stockdog, conformation orperformance requirements named above.)
Qualifying titles are: VCH, PCH, ATCH, OTCH, WTCH, SVCH, or SPCH(versatility champion, performance champion, agility trial champion,obedience trial champion, working trial champion, supreme versatilitychampion, or supreme performance champion)
Additional Requirement:
HOF (Hall of Fame) MUST BE EARNED PRIOR TO PUTTING IN FOR HOFX (Hallof Fame Excellent).
VOTING: Membership may vote on HOFX prior to its implementation. UponMembership approval, implementation shall occur 30 days followingpublication in the Aussie Times.
LISTING OF HOFX KENNELS/BREEDERS: Kennels/breeders will be given anumber designating the numeric order in which HOFX was earned.
GRANDFATHERING: For the first year only in which HOFX isimplemented, kennels who have earned HOFX will be kept in the sameorder listing (but not necessarily the same numeric number) in which
they earned HOF. This will allow time for all qualifying kennels toturn in their HOFX application for processing. Sample: If during thefirst year of implementation of HOFX, HOF Kennel No. 1, HOF Kennel
No. 5, and and HOF Kennel No. 41 earn HOFX, then HOF kennel No. 1will be listed as the first to earn HOFX, HOF Kennel No. 5 as thesecond to earn HOFX, and HOF kennel No. 41 would be listed as the
third to earn HOFX.
A certificate for HOFX will be issued upon verification of titles bythe ASCA business office. HOF kennels may place an "X" after HOFpreceding their kennel name upon notification by the ASCA officethey have earned HOFX. A separate listing of HOFX kennels will bemaintained by ASCA, with kennels listed numerically as they earnHOFX.
Breeders are required to complete the Application for Hall of Fame,which application can be found as an Appendix to the MVA/HOFRulebook.
Director voting: Approve: McNamara, MacRoberts & Hellmeister. Disapprove: DeChant & Walter. Abstain: Gray. Non-Voting: Stevens, Bryant & Berryessa.
Motion is approved.
05:08 2007 NATIONAL SPECIALTY - Stock Dog Finals Budget
Motion by Walter, seconded by Berryessa.
I move to accept the Stockdog Finals Budget as per the attached budget.
2007 Stockdog Finals Budget 05/01/07
Cattle 1 # of Head Rate Duration
Day 1 105$26.00 $2,730.00AGJHC
Day 2 55 $26.00 $1,430.00 AGJHC
Day 1 105$5.00 $525.00 AGJHC
Day 2 55 $5.00 $275.00 AGJHC
Transportation $170.00 AGJHC
Ducks 1
Day 1 105 $9.38 $984.90 AGJHC
Day 2 55 $9.38 $515.90 AGJHC
Feed$350.00 2 $700.00 AGJHC
Facility Rental $700.00 2 $1,400.00 AGJHC
Facility set up and expenses $300.00 AGJHC
Panel rental $750.00 2 $1,500.00 AGJHC
Buckles $460.00 AGJHC
Ribbons $612.00 AGJHC
Judges Fees 4$200.00 2 $1,600.00 AGJHC
Judges Lodging 4 $100.00 3 $1,200.00 AGJHC
Judges Meals/Exp 4 $50.00 3 $600.00 AGJHC
Judges Travel 3 $550.00 $1,650.00 AGJHC
Judges Travel 1 $225.00 $225.00 AGJHC
INCOME minus EXPENSES ($4,377.80)
Entries 60 $40.00 $2,400.00 ASCA
Calendar Sales $1,100.00 ASCA
$.50 per run Additional Membership Dues$5,500.00 ASCA
Affiliate Donations (est.) $1,500.00 ASCA
Sponsorships $2,000.00 AGJHC
TOTAL INCOME $12,500.00
Stock Cost 3 Facilities 2 Awards Judges
$7,330.80 $3,200.00 $1,072.00 $5,275.00
43% 19% 6% 31%
Note 1 - Transport included
Note 2 - Facilities costs include
Facility rental, Panel rental, and
setup costs
Note 3 - Includes feed
Directors voting: Approve: Gray, DeChant, MacRoberts, Hellmeister, Berryessa, Walter & Stevens. Abstain: McNamara. Non-Voting: Bryant Motion is approved.
98:15 OBEDIENCE COMMITTEE - Ch. 5. Utility.
Motion by Hellmeister.
I move to accept the following recommendation from the Obedience committee:
We have a motion by Sidwell with a second from White. Approve: Sidwell, White, Link, Stoddard, Case, Willems, Waller, Franks, and Watson Disapprove: none Motion passes committee.
Eliminate Section I as it now stands. Previously the clubs had the option of dividing the class into A or B.
Section 1
The Utility A class shall be for dogs which haveearned the title CDX from ASCA and have notearned the UD from any registry.
A dog may continue to be shown in Utility A for 60 (sixty)daysfollowing notification by three judges, two of whom are different, that it has completed the requirements for the U.D.
Each dog must be handled by its owner or by a member of his immediate family. Owners may enter more than one dog in this class.ASCA Obedience judges may not enter or handle dogs in this class.
Replace the existing section 2 with:
Section 2 Utility B Class
The Utility B class shall be for dogs that have won the title CDX or UD regardless of registry.A dog may continue to compete in this class after it has earned the title U.D. Dogs in this class may be handled by the owner or any other person. Owners may enter more than one dog in this class. No dog may be entered in bothUtility A andUtility B classes at any one (1) trial.
If a club offers utility at a trial, both A and B must be offered.
Change Section 3. Since Utility B will be going to a mixed order of exercises, the regular order needs to be changed to Utility A and the mixed order needs to be added.
Section3Utility Exercises and scores
The exercises, maximum scores, and order of judging in the Utility A class are:
Signal Exercise 40 points
Scent Discrimination Article #130 points
Scent Discrimination Article #230 points
Directed Retrieve 30 points
Moving Stand and Examination30 points
Directed jumping 40 points
total 200 points
Utility B orders of exercises and scores:
Utility B I
Signal Exercise 40 points
Scent Discrimination Article #130 points
Scent Discrimination Article #230 points
Directed Retrieve 30 points
Moving stand and Examination 30 points
Directed Jumping40 points
200 points
Utility B II
Scent Discrimination Article #130 points
Scent Discrimination Article #230 points
Moving Stand and Examination30 points
Signal Exercise40 points
Directed Jumping40 points
Directed Retrieve30 points
200 points
Utility B III
Directed retrieve 30 points
Directed jumping 40 points
Scent Discrimination Article #130 points
Scent Discrimination Article #230 points
Signal Exercise40 points
Moving stand and Examination30 points
200 points
Utility B IV
Moving Stand and Examination30 points
Directed Retrieve 30 points
Directed jumping 40 points
Scent Discrimination Article #130 points
Scent Discrimination Article #230 points
Signal Exercise 40 points
200 points
Utility B V
Directed jumping 40 points
Signal exercise 40 points
Moving Stand and Examination30 points
Directed Retrieve 30 points
Scent Discrimination Article #130 points
Scent Discrimination Article #230 points
200 points
The Utility B judge shall select one of the orders of exercises from the sheets provided by the host club and post it at ringside at least thirty (30) minutes before the class is scheduled to begin. If there is only a start time for the show, it shall be posted thirty (30) minutes before the show is scheduled to begin. Each judge should attempt to use Orders I through V equally in his/her assignments.
The rest of the utility rules remain unchanged.
Directors voting: Approve: Gray, McNamara, DeChant, MacRoberts, Hellmeister, Walter & Berryessa.
Non-Voting: Bryant & Stevens. Motion is approved.
Motion by Hellmeister, seconded by McNamara.
I move to rescind the motion below due to the fact that it is violation of the ASCA Bylaws.
04:15 ASCA BUSINESS OFFICE Motion by Berryessa, seconded byMacRoberts. I move to delete the third sentence of Policy 16.4.2 and replace with:Rules and Regulations as adopted by the ASCA Board of Directorsshall become effective on June 1 of the upcoming year, unlessotherwise stated. In the event an emergency situation exists thatwould be detrimental to ASCA and/or its programs, the effective datewill be determined by the ASCA Board of Directors. The remainder of the Section remains the same. Approve: Unanimous. Motion is approved. (Note: This was the vote to approve the Motion that is now being rescinded.)
Directors voting: Approve: Gray, McNamara, DeChant, MacRoberts, Hellmeister & Walter. Non-Voting: Bryant, Stevens & Berryessa. Motion is approved.
Motion by Walter.
Motion to approve Stockdog rule change from SDC.
Motion by Bryant, second by Caldwell. Approve: Caldwell, Warren, de Jong, May, Bryant, Walker, Holmes,Kissman, Kelly, Pechka-King, Hardin Non-voting: Silveira Motion Carries.
I move that the Chapter 5, Section 7, of the June 2007 Rules and Regulations be modified to read as follows:
1. No host club shall accept an entry fee other than that published in its premium list or flyer, nor in any way shall discriminate between owners or handlers.
2. No host club shall offer to any owner or handler any special inducement, such as trophies, reduced entry fees, rebates, additional prize money, or any other concession, for entering any dog in the trial.
3. No host club shall accept a fee from any owner or handler in exchange for special consideration for any dog entered in the trial. No host club shall accept a fee from any owner or handler in order for a dog to be eligible for special awards. Special awards include but are not limited to High In Trial, and High Combined Score.
Comments: Every member of this committee believe that the practice of collecting extra entry fees in order for a dog to be eligible for certain awards is either a direct violation of the rules or is against the spirit and intent of the rules. This change makes it absolutely clear that this practice is prohibited.
In addition, the section has been cleaned up and rearranged into 3 subparagraphs for emphasis and clarity.
Directors voting: Approve: Gray, McNamara, DeChant, MacRoberts, Hellmeister, Berryessa &
Walter. Disapprove: Stevens. Non-Voting: Bryant. Motion is approved.
94:01 STOCK DOG COMMITTEE - Working Description Placement.
Motion by Walter.
I move to accept the below Stockdog Committee's motion.
Motion by Warren, second by Holmes. Approve: Pechka-King, Holmes, Warren, Bryant, Kissman, Silveira, Walker, de Jong. Disapprove: Caldwell, May, Kelly, Hardin. The motion is carried.
I move to:
1. Insert the ASCA's document entitled The Working Description of theAustralian Shepherd** into the rule book as "Appendix A". Rearrange and reassign the existing appendices in the Stock Dog Rules to appear after the new Appendix A accordingly.
2. Modify Chapter 1, Section 1 of the Stock Dog Rules to read as follows:
SECTION 1 - To preserve the natural inherited working ability of the Australian Shepherd as described by the Working Description (see Appendix A).
The Australian Shepherd was developed in the 19th and 20th centuries as a general purpose ranch and farm dog in the American West, where a tough, enduring, versatile stockdog with an honest work ethic was required. His usual work included moving very large herds of sheep and cattle from summer to winter grazing grounds and back, flushing range cattle out of heavy brush, and moving livestock in tight quarters such as chutes and alleys. These kinds of jobs are still where Australian Shepherds excel and are most valued.
The Australian Shepherd is categorized as one of the Loose-Eyed breeds of stockdogs. He is a confident, authoritative worker with a unique style that differs from Strong-Eyed breeds. He is agile, upright and close-working, and exhibits these distinctive traits while maintaining the ability and versatility to control all types of livestock in an efficient and deliberate manner. The Australian Shepherd excels at controlling large and/or slow-moving flocks of sheep and herds of cattle, and is highly regarded for his superior ability to effectively manage livestock in tightly confined spaces. The Australian Shepherd is powerful and intense by nature, easily learning the appropriate force and distance needed for the type of livestock being worked. Using a loose-eyed approach to stock, a working Australian Shepherd will often display wear, grip, and/or an authoritative bark, as well as eye when necessary, to handle his stock.
The Australian Shepherds wear in smooth, balanced, and ground-covering as the dog moves easily from side to side at the back of the stock, keeping his herd or flock together and moving forward. This is a very natural movement for an Australian Shepherd, and one that he can continue doing for hours at a time.
The Australian Shepherd will only use grip to move reluctant or challenging stock. The ideal Australian Shepherd naturally grips at both the head and heel, coming in low and hard on the heels to move cattle, or going to the head and gripping the nose or poll to turn an animal back to the herd.
The Australian Shepherd may bark to move stock or to face a challenge. His bark is conservative and should be authoritative when used. While the Australian Shepherds grip typically affects a single animal, his bark can influence a whole herd, and is most effective when stock has come to a standstill such as in crowded alleyways. The Australian Shepherds bark is particularly useful when gathering cattle from thick brush.
Since the Australian Shepherd is a loose-eyed working dog, he prefers touse his authority and presence to move livestock. However, if challenged, he may use eye in a direct and deliberate way until the challenge is over.
Results of the 2006 Working Description referendum:
1. The back of the Individual Dog Registration Application Form 677
2. As an Appendix of the ASCA Stock Dog Trialing Guidelines 859
3. As an Appendix of the ASCA Stock Dog Rules and Regulations 922
4. On ASCA Stock Dog Score Sheets 462
5. Other 164
N. None of the above 429
The majority of those voting requested the Working Description be placed into the Appendix of the ASCA Stockdog Rules and Regulations. This motion is to comply with that request.
Directors voting: Approve: Gray, McNamara, Berryessa, MacRoberts, Hellmeister, Bryant &
Walter. Abstain: DeChant & Stevens. Motion is approved.
04:09 2006 NATIONAL SPECIALTY - Finals Expenses.
Motion by McNamara, seconded by Hellmeister.
I move to reimburse the Rock River Valley ASC, $19,700.55 for Finals expenses.
Comment: All receipts have been accounted for and checked to ensure correct accounts.
Directors voting: Approve: Gray, McNamara, DeChant, MacRoberts, Hellmeister Walter & Stevens.
Non-Voting: Bryant & Berryessa. Motion is approved.
STOCK DOG COMMITTEE –New Member – Steve Shope.
AGILITY COMMITTEE - Course Reviewers --Sandra Katzen and Annaleise Allen
Non-Regular Breeder Judge
Heather Braddock, 174 Harmony Hill Rd, Harwinton, CT06791 - (860) 485-0433
Kiddy Christie, PO Box 873414, Wasilla, AK99687 - (907) 376-8323
Bobbie W. Myrick, 4208 Old Concord Rd, Salisbury, NC28146- (704) 633-1596
Jillian Ward, 2803 Danaha St, Torrance, CA90505 - (310) 200-2152
Provisional Breeder Judge
Sue Fullington, 6224 FM 799, Beeville, TX78102 - (361) 358-4354 Judge # 4518
Clarissa Shank, 3126 E. Wescott Dr, Phoenix, AZ85050 - (602) 569-0156 Judge # 4517
Breeder Judge
Kim Cochran, 1918 Harvey Rd, Kimball, MI48074 - (810) 984-1977 Judge # 3300
Senior Breeder Judge
Gemi Sasson-Brickson, 5085 W. Jackson Rd, Enon, OH45323 - (937) 767-1960 Judge # 3674
Other Person Judge
Wendy Grudin, 3341 F 5/8 Rd, Clifton, CO 81520 - (970) 523-1331
Sandra McFarland, 1998 Bison Ct, Grand Junction, CO81503 - (970) 314-9247