ELA 8 Name: ________________________________

Mod: _____ Date: ________________________________

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

Question Set #3

May 15, Page 330

_____ What can you infer from the details about Dr. Strauss and Dr. Nemur? The two doctors are--

A. equally kind and friendly to Charlie

B. cold-hearted scientists who care nothing for Charlie

C. close friends who completely support each other's careers

D. somewhat competitive and resentful of each other

May 15, Page 331

Charlie writes in this progress report:

I asked Dr. Strauss how Nemur could refute Rahajamati's attack on his methods and the results if Nemur couldn't even read them in the first place.

_____ Using context clues, which word is a synonym for refute?

A. confirm B. verify C. demonstrate D. disprove

May 18, Page 331

_____ Why was Charlie disturbed after his date with Miss Kinnian?

A. She told him that she only wanted to be his friend. She was not interested in him romantically.

B. She told him he must listen to the doctors and try not to think for himself.

C. Charlie was frustrated because he did not understand the things Miss Kinnian talked about.

D. Charlie realized that no matter what he discussed with her, he was unable to communicate.

May 20, Page 333

Using details from the text, explain what Charlie decides to do after seeing the new dishwasher, the sixteen year old boy, at the diner.




Progress Report 13, May 23 and May 24, Pages 333-334

Using details from the text, explain what the events in these progress reports mean for Charlie.




_____ How does Charlie first discover that the effects of his operation will not last? He--

A. observes the changes in Algernon

B. realizes the changes in himself are starting

C. overhears the doctors say the operation is a failure

D. believes Miss Kinnian when she tells him it will not last

June 5, Page 335

Charlie writes in this progress report:

The facts and the results of my experiments are clear, and the more sensational aspects of my own rapid climb cannot obscure the fact that the tripling of intelligence...[has]no practical applicability….

_____ Using context clues, which word is a synonym for obscure?

A. dazzle B. hide C. astonish D. impress

June 10, Page 336

Using details from the text, explain what the dissection of Algernon's brain showed.





June 15, Page 337

Charlie writes in this progress report:

I keep telling myself how important this introspective journal will be.

_____ Using context clues, which word is a synonym for introspective?

A. frightening B. simple C. reflective D. selfish

June 19, 21, 22, and 23; Page 337

Using details from the text, give proof that Charlie is losing his intelligence.





July 7, 10, and 22; Pages 338-339

_____ Mrs. Flynn did the following things for Charlie. She--

A. told Charlie that she doesn't like loafers

B. felt very sorry for Charlie because he was really sick

C. called a strange doctor to see Charlie

D. all of the above

July 27, Page 340

Using details from the text, explain how Joe Carp and Frank Reilly treat Charlie differently when he returns to work at the factory.




July 28, Page 340

_____ Charlie states that he "did a dumb thing today." What was it?

A. He went to work at Donnegan's Plastic Box Company.

B. He returned to Miss Kinnian's class at the adult center.

C. He told Dr. Nemur that he wasn't as smart as Dr. Strauss.

D. He told Miss Kinnian that he was madly in love with her.

Using details from the text, explain why Daniel Keyes chose the title Flowers for Algernon. What does the title refer to? Why do you believe the author didn't choose the title Flowers for Charlie?





_____ What is the point of view of Flowers for Algernon?

A. first-person, from Charlie's point of view

B. first-person, from Charlie's doctors' point of view

C. third-person, telling the thoughts of many characters

D. third-person, telling the thoughts of just Charlie and Miss Kinnian

_____ What genre is Flowers for Algernon?

A. drama B. science fiction C. historical fiction D. poetry