Five College Mentored Elementary Pashto Study Guide 6

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Updated August 13, 2010

Study Goals

· Memorization of all vocabulary from Lessons 1 and 2.

· Ability to write out countries’ names in Pashto script.

· Ability to write out words in Pashto script from hearing them pronounced.

· Ability to connect letters in Pashto script.

· Ability to write in the Pashto script from a transcription.

· Comfortable writing vowels by letters and diacritics in Pashto.

Assignments for Independent Study

Pulling It All Together, pp. 49-50, ( PE )

· Complete all exercises on pp. 49-50. You should be able to recognize the countries’ names in exercise 40 and be able to place them in the correct location on the map.

· Practice writing the names of your family members in Pashto as well as friends and other relatives.

· Review all of the expressions and phrases you have studied from the CR downloads. Are you still able to pronounce and use these comfortably? Review all vocabulary flashcards, phonetic/alphabet flashcards, etc. It is important that your foundation is solid so that, as you progress in the language, you are able to build upon what you have already learned confidantly and without too much difficulty.

· HAND IN: Write out exercise 40, p.49 PE

· HAND IN: Write out exercise 41, p. 50, PE

· HAND IN: Write out exercise 42, p. 50, PE

On Your Own, pp. 51-54, ( PE )

· Complete all exercises on pp. 51-54. Practice writing the transcription from the Pashto words given in the vocabulary section. Write out the names of cities and states in the transcription and the Pashto script as practice.

· HAND IN: Write out exercises44, 46, and 47 on pp. 51-52 in PE

· HAND IN: Write a short presentation introducing yourself using the different expressions, basic phrases, and greetings that you have learned so far. Be prepared to share this with the group during your conversation session.

Learning the Pashto Script, pp. 55-59, ( PS )

· Complete exercises D and E on pp. 55-59. Write out these exercises on a separation piece of paper to hand in during your tutorial.

· HAND IN: Write out exercises D and E on pp. 55-59 in PS

Vocabulary, pp. 55-56, ( PE )

· Create a set of flashcards for all new vocabulary on pp. 55-56. Go through these each day until you have memorized them and can recognize them.

· HAND IN: Using the vocabularly on pp. 55-56 and the basic phrases and expressions that you know, prepare a short dialogue between two foreigners studying at an American University who have just met for the first time.

Cultural Note, p. 54, ( PE )

· Read the Cultural Note on “Some Features of Pashto Writing” on p. 54.

Supplement, pp57-60, ( PE )

· Complete all exercises in the supplement for review.

Homework and Preparation for Tutorial

· HAND IN: Write out exercise 40, p.49 PE

· HAND IN: Write out exercise 41, p. 50, PE

· HAND IN: Write out exercise 42, p. 50, PE

· HAND IN: Write out exercises44, 46, and 47 on pp. 51-52 in PE

· HAND IN: Prepare a short presentation introducing yourself using the different expressions, basic phrases, and greetings that you have learned so far. Be prepared to share this with the group during your conversation session

· HAND IN: Write out exercises D and E on pp. 55-59 in PS

· HAND IN: Using the vocabularly on pp. 55-56 and the basic phrases and expressions that you know, prepare a short dialogue between two foreigners studying at an American University who have just met for the first time.

Conversation Session Preparation

· Be prepared to complete exercise 39 on p. 49 PE.

· Be prepared to complete exercise 50, p. 53 PE.

· Be prepared to write the words your instructor says out loud in the Pashto script.

· Be prepared to present your short introduction of yourself to the class in Pashto.

· Be prepared to reenact the short dialogue scenario you have prepared for this week’s assignments.

· Be prepared to drill vocabulary.

· Be prepared to drill the alphabet, difficult sounds, and writing of diacretics.

· Be prepared to use a variety of the basic words, phrases, and expressions you have been studying these last 6 weeks.

Self Assessment

· I have memorized and am able to pronounce all of the vocabulary words from Lesson 2, PE.

· I am comfortable using the basic phrases and expressions that I have learned in the last 6 weeks.

· I am able to write in the Pashto script words that I hear pronounced out loud.

· I am able to writevowels by letters and diacritics in Pashto.

· I am able to write in the Pashto script from the transcription.

· I am able to write in transcription words I see in the Pashto script.

· I am able to connect letters in the Pashto script.

· I am prepared for my conversation session.

· I have prepared all assignments that need to be handed in at my tutorial.

· I have completed all exercises in Lesson Two of PE.

· I am ready to go on to the next study guide.