Project Read August 12-16, 2013 (9:00-10:30)

Monday-Unit 11 Lesson 1 Skill: ch

Students will be introduced to the H brothers with ch, wh, th, sh being displayed on index cards in pocket chart. Students will discuss what is the same about these four symbol cards, which each letter combination ends in the letter [h]. Students will discuss that since the last letter on each symbol card ends with [h], these are called the four [h] brothers. Teacher will then introduce the first [h] brother as [ch], students will then skywrite this brothers name. Teacher will then display a picture of a train (page 11-7) and explain that [ch] has a favorite toy. The train sound /ch/ in /choo-choo/ is the [ch] sound. Next the words chat, pinch, chill, and rich will be displayed in pocket chart under [ch]. Students will skywrite letters and use finger blending to sweep sounds together and pronounce each word. Students will be given Student Practice Sheet 11A to read the following words and sentences. Students will be given a Bonnie Kline story “Hank’s Big Cats”,“Bill’s Ax” to place in notebook to oral read during class and each night.

Tuesday-Unit 11 Lesson 2 Skill: wh, and red word are

Students will review the [h] brothers and reading each [ch] words. Students will then be introduced to the second [h] brother [wh], students will skywrite [wh] and pull letters together while saying the /wh/ sound. Students will be shown a picture of a traffic policeman (pg 11-11) who is whistling. Students will practice blowing a whistle while making the [wh] sound. Next the words which, whip, whiff, and whiz will be displayed in pocket chart under [wh]. Students will read the sentences displayed from Student Practice Sheet 11B. Students will then be introduced to the red word are, and tap letter names out on arm. Students will read Whiff, Whiff, ( page 11-17), and illustrate the story in section provided. Students’ oral read story Ping-Pong, and Bonnie Kline stories “Hank’s Big Cats”, “Bill’s Ax”, and “A Quiz”, then “A Quiz” will be placed in notebook to read each night.

Wednesday-Unit 11 Lesson 3 Skill: th

Students will review [h] brothers by skywriting and saying each letter. Next the students will be introduced to the youngest [h] brother, and told this brother has a very naughty habit. He sticks out his tongue and makes his sound /th/ like in the word /thin/, teacher will display a picture (11-28) while modeling the sound. Under the [th] index card the words thin, math, think, bath, think, and that will be displayed in pocket chart. Students will practice finger blending and sweep sounds together to say each word. Students will read the following words and sentences on Student Practice sheet 11C. Students will then oral read the Bonnie Kline stories “Hank’s Big Cats”, “Bill’s Ax”, “A Quiz”, and “Math” then “Math” will be placed in notebook to read each night.

Thursday-Unit 11 Lesson 4 Skill: sh, red word put

Students review [h] brothers by skywriting and saying each letter. Next the students will be introduced to the last [h] brother whose name is [sh], and that he is the oldest brother. He tells his three younger brothers to /sh/, and makes the sound /sh like in the word /hush/. The picture of a boy (page 11-32) will be displayed. Students will use finger blending and sweep sounds of each [h] brother letters to complete each word. All four digraph cards (h brothers) will be displayed to check for sound-symbol mastery. Under the [sh] index card the words ship, shot, shop, and hush will be displayed and sounded out. Students will then oral read words and sentences from Student Practice Sheet 11D (page 11-31). The red word put will then be displayed on pocket chart and explained that put means to place something or someone. Students will tap letter names out on arm. Students will then complete Student Practice Sheet 11E (page 11-33) while filling in red words to complete sentences. Students will then oral read the Bonnie Kline stories “Hank’s Big Cats”, “Bill’s Ax”, “A Quiz”, “Math”, “The Path”, and “What Are?”. The students will then place the stories “The Path”, and “What Are?” into notebooks to read each night.

Friday-Unit 10 & 11 Assessment

Review [h] brothers and Oral Reading Grade.

Unit 10 & 11 Project Read Summative Assessment skills digraphs.

Spelling Summative Assessment: chin, whip, inch, pinch, which, rich, chop, chip, whiff, are.