Five College Coastal and Marine Sciences Program

E.J. Murphy Scholarship Fund Application

Applications may be submitted anytime.
Submit as attachment to:

Phone: / Email:
Major / Graduation Year:
Minor / Are you working on the FCC&MS certificate? Yes No
Certificate advisor:

1. I am applying for (check one):

______Conference/poster session/workshop travel ______Research funding

2. If applying for research funding, is this for honors thesis research?

_____ yes _____ no

2a.If the answer to the above question is yes, please provide the name and institutional affiliation of the faculty members mentoring your research project:

3. My proposed conference travel or research is directly related to:

______Marine Science ______Coastal Science ______Both

4. One sentence description of your proposed research, or rationale for your conference travel:

5. List your past experiences in coastal and marine sciences (internships, field courses, etc.):

6. Briefly describe your research project (300 words or less, including references):

7. Provide an itemized budget, including the items you need and their estimated costs (airfare, ground transportation, lodging, registration fees, food, laboratory supplies, poster printing etc.) Note: scholarship funds cannot cover expenses for equipment (cameras, electronics, and other “nonconsumable” items):

8. If any of the above items needs explanation or rationalization, please provide a brief explanation below:

EJ Murphy Scholarship Fund Application 2