Fitness Leadership

Name: ______Fitness Activity: ______Level Achieved: ______

Your fitness leadership assignment will be evaluated based on the following descriptors for achievement levels.

Level One (50 – 60 % ) / Level Two ( 61 – 70 % ) / Level Three ( 71 – 79 % ) / Level Four ( 80 – 100 % )
q  little preparation
q  gave minimal to no education on muscles and proper technique
q  music was inappropriate
q  minimal energy and enthusiasm
q  rarely demonstrated a good class example
q  voice control was weak
q  instructions lack clarity and precision
q  transitions slow and hard to follow
q  work out didn’t challenge the class
q  work out was boring and repetitive
q  no creative thinking involved
q  rarely a smile or any enthusiasm
q  Few leadership skills
q  Did not lead hub / q  some preparation
q  gave partial education on muscles and proper technique
q  some music was appropriate
q  limited energy and enthusiasm
q  some flashes of good example
q  sometimes displayed good voice control
q  sometimes instructions are clear and easy to understand
q  transitions from one station to the next were often slow and lacking in ease
q  work out was limited in its ability to challenge
q  little creativity demonstrated
q  generally the work out was fun
q  some smiles and enthusiasm
q  Limited leadership skills
q  Did not lead hub / q  good preparation
q  often provided education to class on muscles and proper technique
q  good use of appropriate music
q  good energy and enthusiasm
q  set a good example
q  good voice control
q  most instructions are clear, precise and easy to understand
q  transitions from one station to the next were usually smooth and quick
q  made a challenging work out
q  some creativity shown
q  kept the work out fun
q  generally smiled and used encouragement
q  good leadership skills
q  led hub, but difficult to follow and lacked dynamics / q  excellent preparation – cue cards, station cards, etc.
q  consistent ability to educate class on muscles and proper technique
q  good use of appropriate music
q  excellent energy and enthusiasm
q  sets a positive example
q  great voice control
q  clear, precise and easy to understand instructions
q  transitions from one station to the next were smooth & quick
q  made a challenging work out
q  creative in work out
q  kept work out fun
q  lots of smiles and encouraging words
q  excellent, and confident leadership skills
q  led hub and created positive energy
