Get Started…

Usernames and Passwords:

Keeping all of your usernames and passwords in a central location will help; it will also help if you choose the same username and password for everything, but be aware that sometimes you won’t be able to. Consider using your first and last name with a number combination to have the best luck always getting the same thing. Save this smartly – not something like “Passwords” but something strange that you’ll remember like “Mrs. Matthews Stuff” that no one else will understand.

o First, open up a blank word document and save it as whatever you have chosen for your usernames and passwords.

o Save this to your English folder in your documents. If you don’t have one, create one now.

o Now, you will come back to this to type in your usernames and passwords for each space we’re going to start with.

Google Account:

Make sure you have a Google account which can access iGoogle, Google Reader, Google Docs, Gmail, etc. If you don’t have one, create one by clicking on the link above.

You will be able to use your Google account to create your blogger site. (this is personal writing…although remember it’s viewable for anyone)

Follow link to set up your own blogger account. This will be where you will keep your writer’s notebook. Remember that blogs are public, so don’t write anything here that you don’t want read / commented upon. Log into blogger and go to my blog and use it as a model to set up your own page. You may add a comment here to one of my blogs so that I’ll now have your blog information and can add it to my site. Everyone MUST complete the information for on my Wiki page.

Now, you need to add an RSS feed to your Google Reader account – this will allow you to see updates whenever they post right on your iGoogle (you’ll have to add the application for Google Reader on your iGoogle). When in Google Reader, go to add applications and copy / paste the URL for your blog into that.

Okay, now you’re ready to go. To recap, make sure you have done the following:

1. Created a word document to save your usernames / passwords

2. Created a Google account (and saved your username / password so you’ll remember)

3. Created a blogger account (using your Google account and saved your username, password, title, and URL)

4. Went to my Wiki Page and completed the Blog questionnaire

5. Using your Google account, add the application to follow our class blogs and put this (google reader) as an application on your iGoogle page so you’ll see updates. (I suggest making your iGoogle your homepage, but it’s not necessary so you may choose something else.